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Spring Storm

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Posts posted by Spring Storm

  1. I think it would make sense if in Season 4, Rainbow Dash has a couple episodes where she's still training, and then becomes a Wonderbolt at some point in Season 5. Being a Wonderbolt doesn't mean she won't be able to spend time with her friends, just like how becoming a Princess won't cut in to Twilight's friend time too much. I think there are still plenty of things to do with Rainbow Dash if she becomes a Wonderbolt, like traveling to new places to help rescue ponies, or maybe she has a conflict with another Wonderbolt, etc. Besides, Fluttershy and Pinkie don't seem to have goals they're working towards, and we still get great episodes featuring them.


    Another thought: In "A Bird in the Hoof", Rainbow Dash asks a royal guard what it's like to be one, and if the pay is good. So if they did want to give Rainbow Dash another goal, they could make her work towards becoming a royal guard.

  2. I thought "Apple Family Reunion" was a great episode with a great moral.


    I like all of the mane six pretty equally. Applejack and Rarity are great characters.


    Doctor Hooves > Derpy


    King Sombra was actually a pretty good villain.


    I liked all of the songs in Magical Mystery Cure.


    I like Crystal Ponies a bit better than Unicorns.


    While I feel like it might have been too early to transform her, I like Twilicorn and think it opens new possibilities for the show.

    • Brohoof 2
  3. Diamond Tiara by far. She's the boss, the brains of the operation, and she knows how to get other ponies to do what she wants. And her being a bully is probably a result of problems at home. 



    To be fair, Silver Spoon is right there alongside Diamond Tiara as she bullies the CMC pretty much every step of the way and yet you've seemed to have excused Silver Spoon (the bolded shows that you have somewhat excused her by blaming DT). If Silver Spoon's insecurities are causing her to follow the actions of DT, then she is also bullying the CMC, which means that her insecurities are causing her to bully the CMC as well. The only difference between them is Silver Spoon is just the sidekick; a lot of people are more forgiving towards her for that. That's understandable, but I don't think DT deserves all of the blame because the truth is that both of them have done wrong, neither of them is innocent.


    True, but I do think it's mostly because she wants Diamond Tiara to be her friend and like her. What I'm saying is, Diamond Tiara is the instigator. Silver Spoon probably doesn't want to be mean to other ponies, but feels like she has to. Silver Spoon certainly isn't innocent, but she might have been if Diamond Tiara wasn't around.

    • Brohoof 2
  4. First off: LOL FlashLight! That is kinda genius...


    Second, I am a little confused: if Twilight dates Flash in the human universe, does that make it okay for her to date him in the pony universe? If so, wouldn't she technically be dating two men at once, which would be cheating? I just... *head explodes*


    But I'm not really against the pairing, especially since a strong presence in the show from a male Pegasus is desperately needed. Hopefully he'll be in Season 5 if he absolutely doesn't appear in Season 4 (things could change between now and when the Season 4 episodes premier; after all, the season will probably end around April/May of 2014, a long time away). Alternatively, I hope they'll introduce a different male Pegasus with a strong presence, maybe a semi-recurring character like Shining Armor. I haven't seen EQG yet, but I hope they do flesh out Sentry's character more if they include him in FiM/ a potential EQG show, since those who have seen it said there wasn't much to his character.

    • Brohoof 2
  5. I can't decide... really, I go more for character than race or species.


    Oh. and inb4 this here becomes canon in season four...




    ...and an additional category has to become an option in a poll like this.




    This is getting off-topic, but I kinda hope Sea and maybe even Flutter Ponies become canon at some point in G4. I like them both :)

  6. I find Sombra to be really underrated, personally. I liked him alright as a villain. Sure, he was fairly underwhelming in comparison to the others, but I do kinda like that they had a villain who preferred to get stuff done as opposed to talking. He turned to shadow through his sinister ways and overuse of dark magic, he enslaved the Crystal Ponies, and once the curse he put on them was lifted and the Empire returned, he tried to take over once again. He let his actions speak louder than words.


    Also, if he is dead, there's still a chance we could get more information on him. There's always the possibility of flashbacks or time travel.

    • Brohoof 3
  7. I love all of them, but I think Pegasi are my favorites. I just love the thought of being able to fly and manipulate the weather smile.png


    In order of favorite to least favorite for me, it would probably be:



    Earth Ponies

    Crystal Ponies




    (And no, I don't hate Alicorns)

    • Brohoof 1
  8. She's AWESOME! I love her simplistic design, and love the choice of colors. A lot of OC's are overly-tall, and tend to include colors that are too bright for MLP. Yours, however, looks like she'd fit right in, without sticking out like a sore thumb. And that, as I like to tell people, is the key to making a good OC :)


    Also, awesome that you chose the under-appreciated Earth Pony race for her! And I really like your shading :) You've inspired me to draw Spring Storm when I get the chance :D

    • Brohoof 1
  9. I'm very happy right now ^-^ Spent the day with my girlfriend. We did have some sad parts to our day (like not being able to find supplies for her upcoming pony party at Party City, despite them having listed tons of pony merch online), but I made her feel better, and now she's asleep next to me in my bed <3 Then again, I am happy most of the time now, because of her. Still, I like how happy I feel right now :)

    • Brohoof 2
  10. I greatly prefer Silver Spoon. Even if Diamond Tiara might have her reasons for being mean, I still don't think that excuses her for the way she acts, and I definitely DO NOT LIKE it when somepony is mean to the CMC. Silver Spoon has shown at times that she's not as mean as she pretends to be, such as when she was the first to applaud in "Family Appreciation Day". As others have stated, both fillies probably have glaring insecurities. However, it is Diamond Tiara's insecurities that cause her to be mean to other ponies, whereas Silver Spoon's just cause her to be friends with somepony who probably isn't the greatest pony to be around. And that at least has the positive side effect of Diamond Tiara not being all alone.


    I also think Silver Spoon has the more appealing and interesting design. Pinks and purples are seen a lot on ponies, while grey and silver are fairly rare.

    • Brohoof 3
  11. First, there was Twilight's reprise of BBBFF in part 1 of A Canterlot Wedding that made me cry despite being an only child.


    Next came the ending of "Apple Family Reunion", because my grandmother passed away the summer before the episode aired, and so much in that episode reminded me of her.


    Then was "Celestia's Ballad", I just felt so proud for Twilight that I cried. Freaking Twilight, giving me feels and making me shed liquid pride, moreso than any other pony.

    • Brohoof 2
  12. Just because I prefer to be a Pegasus doesn't mean I don't LOVE Earth Ponies! I do agree they're underrated, and I do think they have magic in their own way - increased strength and food growing.


    Even rarer than Earth Pony OC's are Crystal Pony OC's. Both races need way more love.

  13. I think Applejack had a difficult life, with having to deal with the death of her parents at a young age. Since Big Macintosh is older than her, I'd be willing to guess it affected him even more, but I'm sure it had a huge impact on AJ as well. Together, AJ and Big Mac got through one of the most difficult things a person ever has to go through, while still helping take care of Apple Bloom (who wasn't affected by her parents' death nearly as badly due to her being young). Applejack and Big Mac are arguably the strongest characters on the show.

    • Brohoof 1
  14. Well you know what?  As a crazed, obsessive, and overall psychotic fanboy with almost no life at all, I hereby decree that, at least in my opinion, Equestria Girls is non-canon, while Crystal Heart Spell is canon.


    That's totally fine :) All I'm saying is, whether it's canon or not, I wouldn't worry too much. Twilight's friends will likely be very useful and get plenty of screentime in Season 4.

  15. Wow, what a random but adorable thing to notice! That's what makes the show so fun - you can find something you like to try to notice, on the rare occasion that it happens. Here's one from A Canterlot Wedding:



  16. Again, why isn't anyone responding to my thread?  I have a huge, huge question to ask, and yet people keep ignoring me.


    And, what makes this even worse is that in the poll, the "no" choice is beating the "yes" choice by one vote.  If there is anything this is telling me, it's that Twilight's friends are becoming more and more irrelevant, while Twilight herself becomes an overpowered monster thanks to her rising into an alicorn princess.


    Yeah, I haven't seen anypony who said no come in and explain why. Please, if it's not too much trouble, we'd like to know why you think her friends weren't useful.


    Also, I wouldn't worry too much, because the book was written by G. M. Berrow, who hasn't written for the show. S/he might not have a full realization of the characters. I'm sure they'll be even more useful on the show :)

  17. Overrated: Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. I LOVE them both, but they tend to be more popular than the rest of the mane 6. It does bother me that most pony merch has Rainbow Dash on it. What if I want a Pinkie Pie shirt and not another Rainbow Dash one??


    Underrated: Rarity and Applejack. These two can never seem to catch a break among a lot of fans, for some reason. After season 2 ended, we started getting "Applejack is best background pony" jokes, and after season 3, Rarity picked up a lot of haters. To this day, they remain the least popular of the mane 6. I don't really understand why - both of them are GREAT characters in my opinion.


    Princess Cadence. I guess I can see why she's so underrated - we don't know a whole lot about her, unlike the other princesses.


    Spike. I don't much about the fandom's views on him, but it certainly seems like the writers leave him inexplicably out of a lot of episodes.


    King Sombra. I think he's a really badass villain, personally. I get why most don't care much for him, but I kinda think that his lack of lines and development makes him a cooler character. He isn't a villain who is obsessed with telling people his plans and whatnot; he just gets stuff done.

    • Brohoof 1




    Anyway, with the OP's post, if I use my actual name, Debby Printy, I get Dusk Shimmer, which is pretty, but barely seems any different than Sunset Shimmer. If I use my OC's name, Spring Storm, I get Candy Dash. So I guess my OC tastes like Skittles.


    Using the one Flutter Dash posted, I got Thunder Runner using my real name, and Lightning Twister using my OC's name. I like these two way better, especially Lightning Twister biggrin.png

    • Brohoof 3
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