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Terra the Tomekeeper

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Posts posted by Terra the Tomekeeper

  1. ok what about


    ponys peg earth and unicorn come on man needs ponys that will make it 20% cooler lol


    but rules

    you can only attack with moves your charater can use and some races can do things others can not for e.g pegesus can fly and unicorns can use magic but earth can not


    no god modeing


    add levels


    only use weaponds listed in rule book  e.g no guns are in rule book no guns can be used so put swords in rule book can use swords


    can only use some weapons if right level and level up by beating monsters


    i will typre more when i think of more


    no bad words and good spelling and grammer needed but ecseptions can be made if can not spell or use propper grammer


    Well... I've already completed the races, and I thought about adding ponies to the game once before. (They just wouldn't fit in with the game world.) I've also got a lot of the basic stuff down, so most of what you said is already in the game.


    I haven't been writing lately, so there isn't much in the rulebook yet. It'll probably stop for a while, after today. (Monster Hunter Tri Ultimate comes out tomorrow! wub.png ) But I'll make sure to add to it over time.

  2. I realized I didn't give any details at all, and I feel really stupid for doing that now. (I was also super tired. Sorry! img-1275043-1-sad.png ) But, no. It's not being programmed. Everything's being written with Pages, which is similar to Microsoft Word.


    The idea is that it can be played in person or over the internet, using video chat software. The game won't change, no matter how you choose to play. You'd keep your character sheet, and maps, while roleplaying and fighting monsters. I'm thinking that it might not work, but I'm having a blast writing the handbook anyway.


    I've got a friend who also agreed to draw some stuff, but if anypony would like to help me I'd gladly add you in the credits section. img-1275043-2-wink.png (As if that's good enough incentive... heh.)


    Right now I don't have much, but I'll create a short list of what there is currently.


    The races are: Human, Machina, Erunda, Drog and Avis.


    Humans are decent at all jobs, but they lack the ability to master anything. Their upside is that they have a higher will than the other races, and can stand one mortally wounding attack before needing rest.


    Machina are a sentient machine race, and are sturdier than the others. High defense and HP can be recovered by expending extra energy.


    Erunda are the sea beast race, so they're the best swimmers. They have one big horn and a lion-like mane. The Machina and Erunda are the only two that can't use magic, but they're the strongest.


    Drog are basically metal dwarf golems that use magic, and they've created the game world.


    Avis are cutthroat and intelligent, master assassins and engineers.


    I haven't done much else yet, so I can't really go on about anything else. (I'm writing the rulebook currently.)

  3. If this is the wrong place for this, please let me know. I wasn't sure where exactly to put this, so...


    Anyway, this is about an old game I created a long time ago. It was a simple game, with dungeons, towns and a small overworld. Lately I've been trying to think of a way to bring it back, but with some major changes. I don't expact anyone to help designing it, but I'd like to have some tips or pointers on designing a few aspects of the game.


    The changes I've planned to do were make it more of a MMO-style P&P RPG, with massive cities, towns, NPCs and wandering monsters. I've thought of having semi-random encounters, with monsters showing up near a group of players. Instead of having a board, players would have their own maps of the different areas.


    Sparing the rest of the boring details, I've had a hard time coming up with the basic rules and gameplay mechanics. If anyone is willing to help me out with just a few parts, I'd be very grateful. (And making it less of a time-sink than an actual MMO seems very challenging.)


    Thank you, and sorry for making this sound silly. huh.png

  4. I hate spiders.. They are just so freaky.. When I see one, I freak out and

    scream. If the spider is actually MOVING, I drop everything and run. I won't

    even come back to kill it. I just leave.


    Once, there was this Wolf Spider (big ass spider) that was in my room, under my clothes on my floor.

    I jumped away, and I was cornered. I was scared out of my mind. Luckily, it didn't run after me.


    Instead, it ran behind my bed. It was about midnight, and I needed to go to sleep.


    Scared, I quickly went under my blankets and fell asleep after like an hour of being scared.


    I never seen it since.

    That sounds terrible. I once saw a brown recluse, just hanging on the bathroom door, many years back. It was HUGE. It didn't move, but I hauled ass out of there as fast as I could go. Spiders, man... T_T


    And heights. They paralyze me with fear.

  5. I have to say Pandemic! It is an awesome cooperative board game where you and a friend(s) take different roles to stop diseases from killing everyone. It is incredibly fun and very unpredictable. I highly suggest trying it out if you can.


    I just recently bought that game. I've been playing it as much as possible, with my brothers. I'm hooked! It's great fun, but usually ends with everyone dead.  ^_^ It easilys ranks as my favourite board game. Now I just need to find a place that sells the expansion pack...

  6. The hardest Zelda temple? I'd give that to the Great Palace, in Zelda II: The Adventure of Link. I'd say it ranks above the Great Bay Temple, and that was also very difficult. Never could beat the Thunderbird.  :(

    • Brohoof 1
  7. Can you say best episode ever? BEST EPISODE EVER!  :lol:  Just caught the new episode, and it went beyond my expectations for it! I was all for Twilight becoming a princess, even when it was just a rumour. But now I can say for certain, that this is my favourite episode so far.


    This makes me excited and happy for the next season, which will most likely be as amazing. I'm so excited now, I can't wait for season 4!  :D

    • Brohoof 2
  8. I can't wait for New Leaf either! Especially with town ordinance, I'll have a Town That Never Sleeps! It makes shops stay open later. I think they close around 2AM. But for now, does anyone here play City Folk?

    I just got my friend code, and I'd enjoy playing with others.  :D  (2967-7440-0040)

  9. I love Animal Crossing! Fishing, bug catching and eating fruit is what I enjoy.  ^_^ I recently picked up playing City Folk again, but I have nobody to play with. Would anyone be interested in playing together? I can give you guys my friend code.  :)

  10. Where to start? I like his colour scheme and cutie mark. I've never heard of the term descant before, but it sounds cool.

    And for personality, I think it's good. Lies are something that I can't tolerate either, so I think it's a good attribute! :)


    I'm not good at this kind of thing, so I'll wrap it up for now. Though I do have one question... can he play several instruments at once? Pinkie Pie may be able to drive out the parasprites, but that must be tiring for just one pony. :P

    • Brohoof 1
  11. Great! That works then. Well, all I'm really asking for is somepony to have the patience to read my sloppy paragraph describing my OC ( ^_^ ), and offer a bit of feedback. I actually just made my account here today, even though I've been working on my OC for about a week now; I want to see what people think and have to say.That's really about it.


    Welcome to the forum! :) And please feel free to ask me if you want my advice on anything. I'm not very good, and my descriptive skills could use an upgrade... but I'll try my best! (Oh, and I'm checking out your OC right now. ^^)

    • Brohoof 1
  12. I just got a great idea for his cutie mark when he gets it. I have made a sketch of it if that's okay. Feel free to use in or not or just parts of it. It's for your OC of course you have the control. The idea came from the hitchhiker reference.




    Oh, and I love the concept for your OC. And if you do like it I and do a vector of it.


    I like it! :) Maybe the book could have a key in the middle, or something like that? Sorry, I just can't seem to tell what it is. :P


    What if you made his name something akin to the phrase "Reading between the lines"? A lot of ponies have their names taken from idioms, like Shining Armor, and an OC I saw earlier named Silver Lining.


    I also like that! I just don't know what to call him. I'm terrible with naming. Uhm... Locke and Key?

    Just not sure if that'd fit, but I like it! :lol:

  13. Okay, I've come up with a few other things. Some of his personality traits, and what sort of magical feats he can perform.


    He's optimistic, focused, somewhat vain and can perform minor levitation. Small things, like books, quills and other light objects. He likes to keep up his appearance, mainly in taking care of his mane and tail. His scarf is just there because he (and I) find it fashionable.


    What else? Oh, nervousness. He keeps everything calm on the surface, and tries hiding the fact that others could easily see he is without his cutie mark. It drives him up the wall. :lol:



    Okay! I've been thinking about this all day... and I'm still coming up with almost nothing. I've thought about a potential name though. Page Turner? Red the Dreamweaver? No idea. :P

    • Brohoof 1

    I just had a thought! The lightbulb is still shining bright! :P


    Perhaps he could work as a library assistant, but the pressure to "discover your talent" wears on his optimism. After all, the Cutie Mark Crusaders are all about finding out their special talent. It's also a very social thing, considering how often Apple Bloom and the other crusaders are teased, mostly by Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.


    Maybe that's one reason why he does his best to keep calm at all times. (Don't panic and carry a towel?)


    I'll stop flooding with my posts for now. I'll really think about this before I post more. :)

    • Brohoof 2
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