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Arcus (Silver Lining) Wind

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Posts posted by Arcus (Silver Lining) Wind

  1. Can you do my OC? I love your style and it's far better what I could do img-1353487-1-biggrin.png

    Yes, I do have a reference and do whatever pose blah blah... But I don't have a cutie mark, yet so you can design one, if you want an idea the something related to storms/art.

    attachicon.gifSapphire Storm.jpg

    Sorry I didn't respond to you earlier. I wasn't entirerly sure I was gonna have time to do your request. But I've started on it, and would like your opinion on it so far.



    Sorry if it's hard to see. Click on it to get a better view.

  2. pony: Princess Celestia

    Text: my name and Something Princess C would say

    Text color: anything would be fine


    Font: any that you want

    Alright, I hope this is at least close to what you were wanting. If you don't like the text just let me know. If anything needs changed don't be afraid to ask.




    If you don't mind, yes I would love the vest. And I did not know you did not need an account for livestream. Tell me when you do it, and I'll see if I can go watch some. /)


    Ok here it is. I hope you like it. Sorry if you missed the live stream. I'm still trying to figure out how to work it properly. Let me know what you think.




    • Brohoof 1
  4. You are Quite welcome Honey Pie img-1355482-1-biggrin.png Your art work is so beautiful and i love all the other art work that everyone has up in the Fan Art room (img-1355482-2-ph34r.png  BTW i learned everything i have done on www.Dragoart.com) Have fun img-1355482-3-biggrin.pngimg-1355482-4-sleep.png img-1355482-5-tongue.png img-1355482-6-happy.png


    If you don't mind, yes I would love the vest. And I did not know you did not need an account for livestream. Tell me when you do it, and I'll see if I can go watch some.




     I'm about to start a livestream. If your at all interested. I'm going to be finishing up Sir. Derpintons request. I might do more after that depending on how I'm feeling.


    Forgot to put the address: arcuswind.livestream.com

  5. I would love if you would do a signature for me smile.png yours look soo amazing i love them all expecially yours that you are using at this time

    Wow! I thought this thread was dead and gone. It's been so long since anybody requested anything from here. Well I'd be happy to make you a signature. Just need a few details.


    Pony: if any

    Text: if any

    Text color:

    Font: if you know one you want

  6. ohmy.png why do you draw so amazingly! i swear i love everything that you have done


    Its amazing how i compare my drawings to anyone else and mine looks like trash

    Ahh don't say that. I felt (feel) the same way about my art. But one thing that I've noticed is that the artist that are way better than me, have been doing this for years. I'll tell ya what they've all told me. Keep practicing. You will never get good at anything if you don't do it.

    And thank you very much for your comment.

  7. The shape of it seems a bit more of a leathery wing type, and as pegasi have feathered wings, it throws it off a bit. I like that the wing is over her, it makes the image a little more interesting, and adds a slight hint of a story behind it.


    Not bashing, just the rating and the reason given.




    7/10, I love Elfen lied, but sadly the background takes away from it.

    Yea I understand. I wasn't entirely satisfied with the end result. I as trying to make it look like he had it spread out over her. I'm not to good with perspective.



    Zygen 8/10

    • Brohoof 1
  8. This is really great! One of the best pitcures of my oc I've ever see. I like the pose, and the smile on his face is great! I mean, this is really great!


    Sorry to hear about the livestream thing.I would show up, but I do not have an account!



    I'm glad you like it. With as bad as I feel my art is, I can't imagine what those other drawings of your oc looked like.  So I'm guessing you do want the vest then? Also, you don't need an account to watch someones livestream.

    • Brohoof 1
  9.  Make up any pose you want man. I trust you with this, and know it will be quite awesome when it is done. I cannot wait to see it.


    Thanks /)

    Ok, here is what I have so far. I'll admit it isn't my best work. I was testing out my livestream when doing it so I was kinda nerves, but nobody showed up so I guess it was for nothing. Tell me what you think of it. Unless you say otherwise I will put the vest and watch on him later.


    • Brohoof 2
  10. Arcus Wind.....


    the colors are so viberant and kawaiiiiii

     My Oc would fall for yours XDwink.png

    And Arcues...after the epic god pokemon?

    Thanks I'm glad you like him. And no, I'm sorry I didn't watch Pokemon. Arcus is a weather term for a front wall thunder cloud, often producing a "silver lining"

  11. I know I'm probably one of the few noobs who doesn't already know, but where is a safe place (as in no viruses) to download the ponies to use in SFM? Also, I'm still new to SFM so I could use some help installing them correctly to.


    Yes I do. Here is a picture of him: 

    I understand if you cannot. Just really like your artwork. He's real simple, name's Brown Horizion.

    Yeah I suppose that shouldn't be to difficult. Do you have a pose or something in mind? Or do you want me to come up with one? Keep in mind I still a noob.

  13.   Yes, you should You really have potential, and if you put yourself out there who knows what will happen? Now, may I ask you for a favor? Can you draw my OC? If not, I understand.



    I might try to do a live stream tomorrow.I haven't done one yet so hopefully there won't be a bunch of bugs to work out. As for your oc it may depend on how complex they are. Do you have a reference of them?

    • Brohoof 1
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