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Ivory Moth

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Posts posted by Ivory Moth

  1. I just had one last night. A group of ponies were doing something against the law( I don't remember what.) But then a normal human policeman stopped them, and asked what they were doing, prompting the CMC to start blabbing. But then the CMC were pushed behind a wall by Twilight before they said everything, and then I woke up very confused.

    • Brohoof 1
  2. You have a very interesting art style. It makes them look like alicorns, even though they aren't. It also makes the ponies look more mature. I also agree with Sensuna, those can be kind of eerie, you should try making a frightening one, like Sombra. Just a suggestion. Anyway keep up the good work!

  3. How big are they? How many do you have and do they come in different colors?  Where do you even get them when you go someplace new?  Also what exactly does it look like?  Would you mind posting a picture? (If it's too much work, or makes you uncomfortable don't worry about that request).  Laser cubes sounds very interesting.  

    Oh.... also sorry for so many questions.

     Here is a picture. (This isn't mine, just so you know.) They come in plenty of sizes, but I have never seen a different colored one. Usually tourist shops. It's fine, most people have never heard of them.


    • Brohoof 1
  4. Yeah, I guess it could be toned down a bit, then it would sound like something possible. I mean, Twilight has restrained from telling Celestia major things in the past. I guess it would make sense, without the tombstone part.

  5. I actually don't remember what I unlocked, I haven't played it in years. Though I did unlock the Hydra cart and whatever the other one's called.  :lol:


    And it was made around 2003. I think.  :huh:


     The other one is called the Dragoon. Whenever me and my friends played it, we would conquer areas and steal other people's carts. My favorite was the regular warp star.

    But one of my most remembered games was Fire Red. First video game I ever played, and I still have my starting Charizard from it on my White version.

    • Brohoof 1
  6. No, I don't fear dying. I know that I have a long, happy life ahead of me, and plan to live it to the fullest. Not risking life and limb like that YOLO bullcrap, but leaving a peaceful existence, with a kind and loving family surrounding me. I know that I could meet the Reaper at any time, but I feel that God has a plan for everyting. Maybe because I died, someone else gets to accomplish something they wouln't have if i survived. So no, I do not fear death.

  7. I like the design, is there anything you want changed /the creator did not allow you to do? Also I'm not particular fond of shipping OCs with established characters, is Fluttershy necessary?

    I see where the confusion started. My OC is Fluttershy's cousin, not any shipping involved. Also, could his vest be red trimmed? That's all, thanks. Also, if that is still not okay, use this OC instead of Fluttershy.( I would prefer Fluttershy, though.)



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