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Kyoshi Frost Wolf

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Blog Entries posted by Kyoshi Frost Wolf

  1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

    Kyoshi's Movies & TV Collection
    Now here's something I've been wanting to do for...I'd say at least 257 years or so? I've made posts about my Microsoft Movies & TV collection before, a collection that I looove. Here I wanted to list all that I have and if I have watched them or not. I may also add ratings at some point. 
    Movies and shows will be in their own category and I will be using symbols to denote status: Movies and shows I have watched to completion ✅, Movies and shows I have started but abandoned ❌, Shows in progress ⏯️. Any movie or show that has no symbol is one I have not watched as of yet. Any shows that are incomplete (IE I don't the whole series) will be denoted with their number of seasons.
    Side note: Should I have movies and shows in one spoiler or both in their own spoiler? Let me know what you think. 
    And That's my list as of right now! Any thoughts?
  2. Kyoshi Frost Wolf
    "If a game isn't fun, why bother?" 
    That is a quote I didn't think about too much when Reggie first said. After playing Elden Ring, I understand the true meaning behind those words. Elden Ring is, simply put, one of the most unfun, infuriating, not worth it gaming experiences I've ever had and I gave it my all, I gave it the best I could give it. Being someone who is a huge fan of the Souls franchise, I was eager to see the next evolution of what FS is capable of. Instead I got the great gameplay of Dark Souls, if nothing else that makes it good or, most importantly, fun. 
    Elden Ring is essentially Dark Souls 4 in all but the name. The gameplay is lifted straight from DS3 with elements of Bloodborne and Sekiro sprinkled in. Only now, the world is massive. Sounds like a winner, but it doesn't matter if nothing in this world means anything. Oh sure, the world is gigantic, but it is as interesting as a cheese wheel. There's no interesting NPC's to find, there's no towns or areas that feel alive like a real world with purpose. Instead, it is the same type of setting as a Souls game with none of the well crafted design that makes it all feel contained in a proper manner. In Elden Ring, it feels like if you took the world of The Witcher 3 and stripped it of all character, all purpose and all the fun. In Elden Ring you ride your horse from one area of the map, to another area of the map, encountering nothing worthwhile along the way. Occassionally you will find a catacombs or ruins that looks identical to the all of the ruins or catacombs that came before it. You can explore to your hearts content, only to find very little worth exploring for. 
    It doesn't help that this "freedom" to go anywhere, unlike the finely tuned worlds from before, you can just go to areas way beyond your level early on. Encountering tons upon tons of enemies not worth fighting in any way whatsoever. Then you realize that is most of the game. Unless you are vastly more powerful, most enemies, especially much more difficult ones, are never worth fighting unless for combat sake. They offer so little rewards that you might as well avoid them, which I often found myself doing because it all got so boring. 
    Same can be said for the numerous boss fights. The bosses in this game fall into one of only two categories: Laughably easy or infuriatingly difficult. Pick your poison because there's almost nothing in between. So many bosses either require no effort to kill and so many others are so overbloated with bullshit that it simply isn't fun. Many of the later bosses especially are maddening. They have so many long strings of attacks and usually two hits or even one hit will be enough to murder you. All of your leveling and armor, made futile. In the old games, you could legit be a tank if you wanted to, with armor and leveling. This game doesn't give a shit about what you choose. You either play with friends or go insane playing alone, smashing your head against a wall until you finally, barely defeat a boss for rewards that are never worth it. I almost never felt truly accomplished. Never felt like I did anything incredible. It was just the same old shit, over and over and over again. I've seen this song and dance before, numerous times. From Software has used this formula before in past games but they did it far better then and instead of improving on it or trying something completely new, they take steps backwards and expect the giant, boring world to make up for it. 
    I was watching a video recently of the Artorias boss fight from Dark Souls 1, the DLC of it. That is my favorite boss in the history of games and after playing 50 hours of Elden Ring and watching that video again, I can say that without a doubt, nothing, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in Elden Ring comes even slightly close to the perfection of Artorias and his boss battle. Elden Ring and its bosses are an absolute joke in comparison. Artorias has the perfect balance, he is not over the top, he is not overly punishing but he will mess you up if you are careless. You need to be methodical, patient. In Elden Ring? Fuck that noise. Everything here is about reactionary, endless dodging or blocking to not die in two hits while desperately trying to lower the bosses massive health bare. Then the boss will unleash a cheap insta kill move halfway through because fuck you. 
    This is all in a game that has a friggin 97 on Metacritic, a score that it absolutely does not deserve. Any game with a boss like Radahn should never have a score that high, Radahn being one of the worst boss fights I've ever seen. At least he is entirely unique I suppose and not copy and pasted like so many other bosses. Everyone hated that in Dark Souls 2 but it is conveniently ignored here, because of course.
    This "review" is more like a rant than anything because I just uninstalled the game. I had enough of it and I've especially had enough of the brain dead tribalism that so many people have. If you dare criticize this game, you get crucified for daring to not have the opinion of the masses. That's all this culture is now, pathetic tribalism over nothing. Over something that isn't even fun. Remember: If it isn't fun, why bother?
    My score: 3/10
    It has the great combat basis, but almost nothing else from the Souls series that made them so compelling. It is a waste of effort, a constant barrage of bullshit for so little rewards. Playing a game solely for its difficulty isn't my idea of a good time or a good game. 
  3. Kyoshi Frost Wolf
    I consider music to be one of my lifebloods. Something I essentially cannot live without. It creates inspiration, passion and sheer joy, among other emotions. Simply put, music is good stuff. I've listened to a lot of music in my life across so many different genres and I've often thought about what I would consider my favorite songs of all time. I'm gonna try to decide that fully here. Of course it can be an ever changing subject, but there are some songs that are rather definitive in my mind. Only two caveats will be in play for this list: Only one for an artist/band and no video game music, that can be its own list.
    On with the difficult decisions for my top 10 favorite songs of all time, but number one is rather easy. 
    #1. Ghost Love Score by Nightwish

    #2. Praise Hydrus by Mechina

    #3. Lolita's Medicine (From Autum to Ashes vs. Dead Poetic) by The Legion of Doom

    #4. Stranded by Gojira

    #5. Death Cult Devotion by Alien Vampires

    #6. Genetic Mistrust by Tactical Sekt

    #7. The Silent Life by Rivers of Nihil

    #8. No Hope in Sight by Paradise Lost

    #9. Pure by Mors Principium Est

    #10. Tomorrow's Morning by Zeraphine

    There's me list. Not an easy one to make, but it is also fun to do. Always good to highlight what we appreciate most. 
  4. Kyoshi Frost Wolf
    Oh what a time to be alive. What a world we live in that has so much to experience, even the most simple of joys can be wonderful and that's what I focus on most, probably because I am a total failure in life with zero value so the simple joys are all I've got, but I digress. With so much to love and be passionate about, surely most people, especially in the good ol USA, would be focusing mostly on those good things, despite the shit going on in the world. 
    Instead, the thing I always am reminded of and the thing that people never fail to indulge in at any possible moment, is celebrity worship culture. People sure do love their goddamn celebrities? People with success and riches that all of us could only ever fantasize about. Surely, with all of that money and sheer acclaim that it would be enough for this society, but on top of their extreme wealth and success in life, they are also worshipped like gods, treated like people above us mere peasants, all by those exact same peasants in the first place. Doctors and scientists? People that actually make real differences in society? To hell with that noise, we have celebrities to cling to. 
    Gonna be upfront; Celebrity worship culture is a fucking toxin. While the worshipping of so called "prominent" people has existed for pretty much all of human history, it is in the USA that the problem is at its most pathetic, especially now. We've made the concept of treating celebrities like gods as part of our core DNA here. Now, what was the recent reminder for me that all of this shit is still in full force? Why none other than the recent Oscars, which already is just a show dedicated to celebrity shitheads stroking themselves for being so rich and famous. A bunch of people wearing suits and dresses that each likely cost more than your yearly salary. Apparently, Will Smith gasp slapped Chris Rock for whatever reason!! OMG EVERYONE, how incredible is that! Some dude smacking another dude! This truly is the Mozart drama theatre of our time. Some insanely over privileged guy smacking another over privileged guy and everyone loses their goddamn mind. Keep in mind that if you or me did this exact same thing, we would get jailtime for assault. Will Smith does it? It becomes a national holiday. 
    I seriously don't give the slightest ounce of a fuck about what some celebrity did at the Oscars. Even in my pathetic existence of failure, I still have much better things to focus on than this worthless tripe. Regardless, I have to be reminded of it at every single step. Celebrities worship culture demands attention and boy oh boy are people giving it that attention. Just this one stupid thing happens and all I see everywhere are memes, videos, news coverage, discussions on social media. You know those incredibly stupid magazines that are in stores across this supposedly great nation? The ones that ooze celebrity worship and make the absolute biggest fuss over literally ANYTHING celebrities do? I am sure most people would look at those and think they are idiotic magazines and not worth anything. Yet, those exact same people engage in the same thing those magazines do. Losing their minds over some meaningless spectacle just because the people involved happen to be in movies. 
    This celebrity worship and the culture around it is one of many parts that I believe is causing the slow but sure downfall of this country. People have become so obsessed with celebrities and their godlike status that actually valuing things in life is becoming more and more of a joke. Most people do not care anymore about the simple joys of life, having passion about anything tangible. Instead people love their celebrities and in turn, that's all anyone wants. Think about it. Deep down, what we all really want now is fame or money, or probably both. At every corner, we are reminded that those two things are the only things that matter in life. We are reminded that fame and fortune make one a better human being than those who do not have it. This is why so many people are now endless attention whores. Terrible Youtubers that exploit their children, streamers that are unbearable and over the top, people desperately hoping that their next TikTok will be the next big thing for everyone to salivate over. It makes people desperate to feel better than their fellow peasants. This garbage has a much bigger impact than some might think. It creates arrogance, narcissism, it makes humility a relic of the past. It makes commoners crave a feeling of superiority at any chance and they are willing to be exploited to obtain it, even if the feeling only lasts for a short amount of time. 
    Why do you think gaming has become such a shitshow of greed and exploitation? So very simple; Because people want to feel better than others and that is easy money for corporations. It is why Fortnite, a shining beacon of capitalism, is such a massive success. People want the latest skins, the latest battle pass garbage, all so they can feel above those who do not have them. Fortnite is a game that allows you to pay them money to advertise media properties and people actually buy this shit. All because they 1. Want to look like their favorite celebrities and 2. They want to feel superior to others by having said worthless celebrity skin. The peasants have become so stupid that they are using fake representations of celebrities to makes themselves feel better than others by proxy. Gaming has become a cesspool because of this kind of trash. People want to buy what others may not have or are able to afford and that alone gives them that tiny little ego boost they crave, because it gives them the tiniest ounce of a taste of what celebrities are like. People cannot have any success or wealth in their real life so pretending that they do in a digital space is their next best thing. The most depressing thing is that the main market that is exploited by things like Fortnite, are children. These kids are being taught right out the gate about attention obsession and that being superior to your fellow humans is all that matters. Quite ironic for a battle royale game where the sole focus is "being #1". We've seen so many spectacles made by brain dead parents about gaming over the decades. They claimed that violence in gaming will bring our downfall, will corrupt our youth. That even the slightest accidental exposure to sexual content in a game or media will be the instant annihilation a child's innocence. Many still think that even today. All while their children are being groomed into nice little drones by celebrity worship culture and games like Fortnite, which has the sole goal of being superior to others, in any way possible. These same parents do not bat an eye over such things, in fact they fuel it. 
    This kind of stuff is all I ever see on social media. People being attention whores, flaunting their new shiny outfit, car or whatever else they recently bought that must surely bring value to their life, right? If they cannot do that because they don't have much money, they will share images and memes of the things they so desperately wish they had. It is why we have endless amounts of TV shows dedicated to celebrities and their superior existence. People at bare minimum want to visually witness the life they will never obtain, because that's what they've been told this whole time, that having 3 mega mansions and 15 supercars is what gives your life value. They watch this garbage like mindless husks all while everything falls apart around them. Doesn't matter. As long as the rich and the famous are doing alright, then all is well with the world. No longer is social media about bringing people closer together and allowing us to just talk, now it is an endless ego stroking contest where the only winners are the celebrities and capitalists. The well being of your fellow man is of no importance, because they don't have the money and fame. And yet people wonder why mental health is such a massive problem and why nobody appreciates anything anymore, because the motto of our culture is that only riches and status matter. The people of the USA can attempt to deny it, but all they've been doing is proving me right. I consider myself a nihilist for many reasons, all of this is just one of them. 
    My overall point in the end is thus: We need to stop focusing on celebrities as if they are gods among men. We need to focus on each other, helping each other, improving our world. We need to have passion for things that matter and there's a lot out there to be passionate about. Big or small. This blog is mostly a negative rant, but I hope I can inspire something positive in the end. 
  5. Kyoshi Frost Wolf
    Baboom. The new commission that I have been hinting at is now complete. The artist did an amazing job, completely nailing the kind of vibe I was going for, a vibe that is happy and playful, something that some of my past Kyoshi pieces of art haven't embraced. I don't know if they want me to mention them by name or linking to them, they didn't mention that so I will not do so right now, but I am very grateful for people like them. They allow someone like me to have this kind of expression through art despite me having no skill like this. This commission is a statement of self acceptance, a showing of me not being afraid of embracing myself and who I am.
    Of course, this commission will result in some questions I'm sure and I will fully answer any questions. I will go ahead and answer a big one right now before the image: This is not a fetish of any kind for me, at all. So please don't take it that way.
    With that established, here it is.

    Seriously, they absolutely knocked this out of the park, into deep space. It looks amazing! The colors, the shading, the overall look, absolutely nailed. They went all in on the relaxed and playful look, pretty much
    Now of course, the elephant in the room that isn't an elephant, because elephants are big! Yes, you are seeing what you are seeing. That's obviously a diaper he has on. Whyyyyy you may ask? I'll explain: Anyone that knows me knows I suffer from different mental problems. Always have, always will. That's how it is. The diaper...well, to put it bluntly, I wear those. 24/7 in fact. Different reasons. To simplify, it provides me with an immense feeling of comfort and safety. You may now be asking "why?", truth be told I cannot quite explain it, but this has been part of my life since I was 5 years old. Yeah, the vast majority of my life, this has been part of it.
    For years I have struggled with accepting myself in regards to this. I've had many periods where I tried to distance myself because I felt ashamed, but I always went back and I felt good when I did. I felt comfort. I felt like...me. So I am truly embracing the fact that I am like this. I know, this might seem weird to many, but please know I don't want to weird anyone out, this is just me. I want to accept myself for who I am. This seems like a good thing to do that with, because most of my life I had to hide it, much like how I had to try and seem as "normal" as possible so other people would not stare at me or make fun of me, but that never worked. My quirks always show, because I am me. I can't hide who I am. So me accepting myself for this, is like a statement of my entire self and accepting it all.
    Gah, I am being awkward here, but I have been so excited to share this and here it is. I hope you all understand. I won't blame any of you if you are weirded out, I am just happy I am doing this.
  6. Kyoshi Frost Wolf
    Heyoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Check it! I finally got a third commission! Well, actually I got this one over a month ago, but I wasn't able to pay the artist until today, so I did not touch the art until I had done so. As the title gives away, this is another Self Acceptance art piece, as I call it. Now part of a trilogy! Of course if you don't know what this is about, do check out the first two as well! They are pretty cool.  
    Behold the stuff!

    This time, this artist went with a more active, outdoorsy kinda thing, which is pretty neat. Being out in public like this in real life, it doesn't bother me a bit if people notice. If they find it weird, that is their problem. :3 Often I see people smoking in any given trip to somewhere. Nobody finds that to be especially weird despite it killing them slowly. No offense to anyone here that smokes, I just hate cigarettes.
    So when I go out, I feel great. I feel like me. Although, the artist put me next to a beach. There's none of those around here. If only my life were so extravagant.  
    This is another wonderful piece of art. I truly am thankful for people like these artists that can make reality what I can only dream of. At some point, I really should get a commission of Kyoshi involving pizza. I think that is long overdue.  
  7. Kyoshi Frost Wolf
    Yooooooooooooooooooooo peeps. Many might remember that I got a commission last year that was very important to me, I called it Self-Acceptance. If you haven't seen it, check it out HERE. Not only is the art fantastic but that blog will provide context for this new one.
    That's right! For only 19.99, you too can...uhhh...wait is this a sales pitch? I don't remember now. Uh. OH YEAH. I have been saying I was getting a new commission, possibly a few. Well, one of them came through and while it did take a tad longer than I expected, it was worth the wait. These things happen, not everyone can just pump these out, most people can't. Life and all that jazz. 
    Anywho, without further ado, I present to you, Self-Acceptance 2; The Padded Pone in Black and Blue. Yay rhyming...oo.  

    As Patrick Star would way: LOOK AT IT! It is so good!  
    They obviously did a wonderful job, of course. These artists have the skills and confidence, they can nail this stuff every time and I am happy for that. They can make a vision for someone like me come to life in a sense. For this one, I wanted specifically a "cool but cute" look with more of a pose to it. Aaaaaaand badaboom! They used the references I gave and made it exactly as I pictured. :3 Cosmetically things are identical to last time, clothing and all that, but it is the different viewpoint and pose that was most important to me and I love it here. <3 
     One little detail they did I noticed was take the upper eye marking and make it into sorta an eyelash detail, which is kinda cool actually. There is more of a feminine look here than before but I am totally down for that. I always felt that I have many feminine aspects and I think feminine guys are cute so....FINLAND! That's another thing Patrick Star would say.  
    So what do you all think eh? Isn't it the bee's pajamas or what? Been having a rough couple of days and this my friends is a definite bright spot. 
  8. Kyoshi Frost Wolf
    As some may know, I have decided that I am not going to watch the last season of Friendship is Magic. Was giving it a think last night and I wanted to make it clear as to why I have made this choice. Obviously, watching a show that I love and has had such a huge impact on me come to an end isn't exactly the most uplifting of things. The way Hasbro has been pushing this fact has also been a troubling thing, pushing so hard that this is the final season even though we already know this. The initial trailer for S9 basically killed all of my enthusiasm and just made me feel sad. What I hoped is for the final season to be a grand celebration of what FiM is and how far it has come along over nearly 9 years. Instead, it is being marketed as saying goodbye forever. Not exactly the happiest of things. After all these years and the show's sheer positive nature throughout and THIS is the best they can do for the marketing? I would have preferred it to go out on a high note, and who knows, it probably will by the end of the season, but like I said my enthusiasm has already been punched in the face by Hasbro themselves. On top of that I have already heard mixed opinions on the premiere. It doesn't quite sound good, at least not to me and the leaked episode premises don't sound all that promising either.
    This show had to come to an end eventually, that is something I accepted after the 2017 leaks. Still, I think I am taking this a bit worse than I would have hoped. I don't want to watch a show like this end, I don't want to basically watch it die before my eyes. Take something like Spongebob for example. I love that show, but really I only love the first few seasons as the quality plummeted after that. Spongebob is somehow still going on after all these years, but if it were to end this year as well or something, I wouldn't feel that bad about it, because to me, the show essentially peaked and ended after season 3. While FiM has had some very rocky and terrible episodes, like Newbie Dash or Fame and Misfortune, I still think the show was maintaining a solid line of quality since season 4. Many may disagree with that, that's fine. I just found myself still having new top favorite episodes all the way into season 7 and that is impressive. So for it to stay relatively good for this long, it makes seeing it all vanish harder to take in. Especially considering all of the stuff in my room and the memories I have had over these years. After season 9, I will look at all the posters and merch in my room and have to say to myself "This is all merch for a show that is now over." The thought of that gives me chills and not in a good way. Maybe me not wanting to watch the season is some form of denial. Hell, maybe it is the stages of grief I am going through. I am a pretty depressed person at times, you all know that well. I get emotional and sad fairly easily. I'm pretty weak like that. Some show about cartoon ponies in a fantasy world ending soon is able to make me cry just by thinking of that. Weird how that works. I know I am a negative guy at times, often far too much, but I do try to take joy and pride in things I love. This show is one of those things and we are near the end of its road. I just can't bring myself to witness it happen. The trailer sealed that deal. It gave me a sense that Hasbro itself is celebrating with glee that FiM is finally ending so they can finally trot out G5 for more of that sweet cash, all while most likely giving the fandom two middle fingers, if the leaked documents are anything to go by.
    That's just me going into total rambling territory. I am simply feeling down about all of this. I've tried my best to not let it get to me, but it obviously is. So I am just going to ignore the new episodes to the best of my ability and keep the memories intact.
  9. Kyoshi Frost Wolf
    So tomorrow is the 4th of July, or as it should be called "American Ego Stroking" day. Where people blow up a bunch of shit to celebrate their "independence" while everything else crumbles around them. I am not sure how much I can say here without setting off the "too political" alarm but here I go anyway. 
    What right now is worth celebrating? Our arrogance? We constantly proclaim to be the best country in the world. Yet, for such a prestigous and mighty position, we fail at so many things. We have a racist, bigoted culture, with celebrated horridness at the forefront. We let people suffer if they lack the funds to be helped. We allow hunger, poverty, homeless to ravage our people, while we give those on top everything and even more. We bomb other countries and occupy them while we debate endlessly on how to solve the most basic of problems here at home. The troops serve, but what are they protecting? Who are they serving? Certainly not us at home who are struggling to make ends meet, struggling to feel joy or passion about life. Everything in "America" is about corruption, greed, immense egotistical nationalism. We are so self absorbed that we can't see everything that is wrong with us. That or we simply refuse. We allow this to continue. We allow everything to get worse. And we celebrate it. We glorify our ignorance. We love ourselves enough to hate everyone else. We live in a house of shattered mirrors so we can't see our own horrid reflection. A pandemic is still raging on and what will we do? Gather en masse to spread it more and more, just so we can pleasure our ego.
    What else can I say at this point. Nothing I say matters. Nothing will change. Too many support this facade of superiority and perfection that we uphold. Everything will get worse and we will be celebrating it every step of the way. Know this: Pride is not my problem. Celebrated ignorance is.
    I leave you with this song, the ultimate birthday song for "america". 
    I will be locking this blog from comments. This is simply me expressing my viewpoints. What I think doesn't change anything, so it isn't worth letting it spiral into a debate.
  10. Kyoshi Frost Wolf
    This has been a rough year for many of us. The pandemic, the political discourse, people are tense and often at each other's throat. I too have felt this a lot. There's many things that are bothering me to no end right now. All of this is making people here on edge and some are leaving because of it. I personally don't think this whole thing is worth leaving over. The whole world is basically in a distraught state so this is simply a case of the wind blowing in a certain direction. It isn't good but what can we do sometimes?
    I simply wanted to post this blog stating that I certainly won't be leaving. I've had many ups and downs here. The site itself has had ups and downs. Some people probably don't like me, that's fine. This site is simply like a second home to me. It is more important to me than many may realize. I have good friends here that cheer me up and it is basically the only community I feel as though I have truly contributed to. Contrulybuted. Yeah. A lot of you are my buddies, good buddies and I won't abandon those friendships. 
    Regardless of what happens, aside from something like two black wholes devouring the solar system, I will be staying, never had any intention of leaving. I just wanted to clarify that. 
  11. Kyoshi Frost Wolf
    Trump recently made some terrible comments at his rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Kyle Kulinski covers this and describes it perfectly.
    After this, I hope MORE people burn that stupid flag. F**k Trump and his plain as day fake patriotism bullshit. What people are doing is protest which is protected by the goddamn constitution. Now we could argue back and forth about the stupid statues being torn down, whatever, but burning the flag is not against the law. You can have whatever opinion you want on flag burning, but it is free speech, a form of protest is being done when you burn the flag. This little section of this speech in the video is absolute PROOF that Trump is not for the people, he doesn't care about police corruption or any of that shit. He instead uses the most divisive period that the US has had in DECADES to further divide people, to further make people hate each other and to possibly pass authoritarian trash. Watch the video for direct proof of that. He straight up says that all of the civil unrest including the statues going down and all of that, is being done solely by "the democrats", he wants to LOCK PEOPLE UP for burning a stupid flag and that crowd of brainless dipshits cheers that on. Trump's presidency is on a never ending downward spiral and he knows it. That is why he is using such heinous tactics. That is why he is furthering the divide between the people of the US. This isn't the first time he has done that. He's been doing this kind of shit EVER SINCE HE GOT INTO OFFICE.
    If there are people you know that are not aware of this, share this video, get the word out. If they weren't aware of Trump's use of division for political gain and his opposition to free speech before, perhaps this will convince them now. Trump says in the video that he is all for free speech, yet he wants to PUT PEOPLE IN JAIL FOR A YEAR for burning some fabric. Can't make this shit up people. This is the Trump reality.
  12. Kyoshi Frost Wolf
    Oooooh what a shock. After years of Trump spending as much time lying on the Internet as he does golfing, Twitter finally did some kind of action against him. This was long overdue but the old saying is better late than never for a reason I suppose. Personally I would have done this when he casually Tweeted veiled threats of nuking other countries but that's my opinion. Twitter has added a sort of fact checker thing to Trump's Tweets. It is a simple way to investigate what Trump is saying to find out that he is most likely lying, like he always does.
    By all means this is something Twitter is allowed to do and with Trump's immense history of spouting nonsense at every turn, I think it was definitely needed. So what does Mr. Trumpy do in response? Oh he just threatens social media with regulations and closures. So yeah, typical trash from the trash president. Pretty sure almost everyone, regardless of political views, is against any kind of major government regulation of the internet so if he wants to try it, that will be fun to watch. Hard to tell what Trump will actually do or not since a lot of the time he is simply talking but never walking. He is a corrupt businessman after all.
    That's all there is to say. Just Trump threatening to get the government involved with internet regulation all because a site actually acknowledges that he lies all the time. Yay for us.
    UPDATE: Yup, he's already doing it. Such a wonderful "leader".
  13. Kyoshi Frost Wolf
    Howdy ho good people. Welcome back to the shitshow that is the United States featuring its glorious brain dead cheeto leader, Donald Trump! 
    Recently, the South Korean film Parasite won best picture at the Oscars. Haven't seen the film yet but I hear it is a masterpiece, nothing less. Sounds like it absolutely deserved this award.
    Donald Trump, being the putried spawn of the underworld that he is, made his own opinions known about this victory for the film at a rally in Colorado.
    Trump said the following:
    “How bad were the Academy Awards this year?” Trump asked his supporters at the event. “Did you see it? The winner is…a movie from South Korea! What the hell was that all about? We got enough problems with South Korea with trade. On top of that, they give him best movie of the year? Was it good? I don’t know. Let’s get ‘Gone With the Wind.’ Can we get ‘Gone With the Wind’ back, please?”
    Jesus. Fucking. Christ. Did the world truly end in 2012 and this is us in hell? Trump's stupidity and putridness has literally no boundaries and is always evolving. He straight up says that he has not seen the film and mocks its win purely because it is SOUTH KOREAN. THAT'S IT. So he not only insults the film's win because he is plain as day racist, but he also mocks a movie he hasn't even seen. How much of a fucking single brain celled dimwitted dumbfuck can a single person possibly be? 
    Bernie Sanders is fighting and working his ass off to one day hopefully make things better for all of us and at the same time, Trump, a person that 10's of MILLIONS of people support in full, is busy mocking films that he hasn't even seen solely because of the country they were made in.
    Someone get me off this goddamn planet please. 
    There is one positive out of this story though. The US distributor, Neon, had a very simple response to Trump:
    “Understandable, he can’t read.”
    Amazing. XD That almost makes this entire thing worth it. Reading that put a huge smile on my face.
  14. Kyoshi Frost Wolf
    I'll go ahead and put a strong language warning here because this might get dicy.
    Super Bowl commercials have always pissed me off. Oftentimes they are simply over-the-top 30 second cringefests from companies that have the money to waste on this garbage, with no real focus on the product. For whatever idiotic reason, the US general public obsesses over this trash. Yeah, let's root for the giant corporations to make overblown ads that don't even market the product.
    The 2020 Super Bowl ads however, were next level abominations. Deep Fat Fried, a great video podcast I listen to/watch, reacted to every single ad that played this year, so I too got to suffer alongside them. These ads were the embodiment of everything I fucking hate about this pathetic country. The vast majority of them were filled to the brim with celebrity worship and corporate bullshit, with a little bit of Trumptardation sprinkled on top.
    We got things like John Cena and Jimmy Fallon being insanely unfunny and uncharasmatic, but OMG they are rich celebrities so all ofus  must adore it. That was a constant recurring theme of the entire thing. Celebrities being thrown into commercials because people are pathetic drones that are programmed to cheer in excitement anytime one comes on screen. Who needs any god when you have celebrities to worship 24/7? It is the American way! There was one commercial for some kind of...dip thing? It featured an entire cast of celebrities, starting with Ric Flair and even went onto (I think) lil Wayne, because fuck it. People will adore it because people with infinitely better lives than them are on screen.
    Walmart making an ad about small towns and local communities and businesses, despite the fact that Walmart has contributed to the murder of these things and they are as corporate as you can possibly get. They even had an ad later that showed just how much in the corporate pocket Walmart is, where they proceeded to essentially rape any decently known property you might love. They started the first ad with something like "America this, America that". That's what we need, more propaganda telling everyone that they are simply the greatest people in existence simply for being "Americans". I mean, it isn't like that shit is thrown in our face ALL THE GODDAMN TIME.
    We got commercials FOR COMMERCIALS. I am not joking. There were ads that were advertising upcoming commercials. People apparently ENJOY THIS. How has the US general populous not gargled bleach out of sheer stupidity yet? What purpose do these goddamn ads serve? All they are is a display of corporations stroking their own cocks with glee and americans are like "YEAH, AWESOME, I LOVE THIS", because of course they are. Most of these people couldn't give two fucks about the actual football game and even though I hate football, the game itself was actually not half bad, it was a million times better than the worthless shitshow from 2019, where a bunch of overpaid shitheads did nothing for 4 hours and got paid millions for it. Doesn't matter either way, because these putrid commercials are the "stars" of the show.
    Later, we got some Trump ads too. GREAT, that's just what I wanted. Two or three commercials focusing on the worst president we could possibly have gotten, a person that is the embodiment of all that I despise, gloating endlessly about how he has saved everything in the US with absolutely zero proof to back it up. There was also an ad for him about how he saved this black woman from prison who was serving a life sentence for some non-violent drug offense. WOW, how amazing of Trump to save her with his "criminal justice reform", even though this is the same guy who wants to outlaw flavored vapes. The same guy who has done NOTHING to address the horrendous health care system, or income inequality, or poverty, or homelessness, or billionaires becoming even richer while the rest of us can GET FUCKED. LAND OF THE FREE HOME OF THE BRAVE MY GODDAMN ASS. Every Super bowl has to begin with that pathetic national anthem, but it is all for nothing, as these ads are clearly showing.
    The star of the show for me was Planters, the peanut company. They killed off their mascot back in January which was a painfully obvious setup for some stupid bullshit and stupid bullshit is what we got! Instead, they bring Mr Peanut back but as a BABY NUT. It doesn't get much more "american" than that. A giant corporation, completely ripping off some other stupid thing that everyone else is obsessing over (baby Yoda) and creating their own abomination. Immediately following this monstrosity, it was revealed that there's already a shitload of products lined up about Baby Nut, which clearly means that they had all of this shit lined up long before this ever aired. So they show zero creativity and instead conform to a plague of a trend and now they are already going to milk the ever living shit out of it and all of us are apparently supposed to enjoy this. Gee, I wonder why I am such a cynical bastard. Let's also not forget that when Planters started showing Baby Nut off on Twitter, other corporate brand Twitter accounts were commenting on those posts, hoping to reap in the benefits of this conformity.
    God Bless America, because some sky deity blessing us is all we can hope for at this point.
  15. Kyoshi Frost Wolf
    Another brilliant and obvious display of US corruption. We have caused so many problems in this region for nearly two decades. We have killed so many civilians and have ingrained OUR military into THEIR lives. We bomb whoever we please. Now, they want us out and they are RIGHT. It is THEIR country. Take a look at the crowds in the video for a bit. They are people, many of whom are waving their flag, standing up for their own country and telling a foreign military to get out. How different is that than any US rally where people wave the stupid US flag all over the place? Most of the time, our rallies aren't for shit. People in the US don't have hte balls to actually stand up for anything that matters. The Iraqi people are standing up for something that is right. Our presence in these regions is purely for money and power. We exist to corrupt and destabilize. 
    Despite that, we now refuse to leave. Imagine for one second that the Iraqi military was entrenched in several states, right? Now imagine over the course of nearly two decades, they kill 200,000 US civilians, drop bombs and drone strikes in different places, and kill different political and military figures they deem a threat to their people back home. Do you think for a single fucking second that the people in the US would let that slide? HELL NO. In fact, our response would be something akin to all out warfare. We would want obliteration to Iraq if they pulled the shit we are now. Instead, their civilians are demanding we leave. Sure, there are some acts of violence being done, even though nobody has been hurt by said acts, like on the Embassy and whatnot, but maybe, JUST MAYBE, they are getting really fucking fed up with our shit. Just like Kyle said, do you see major news media covering this? No. Do you see any possible attempt from the government and Trump to pull us out of Iraq? NO. It is all corruption and greed. The military industrial complex tramples all rights, including the rights of those in other countries.
    Boy, I sure do feel so safe here in Indiana knowing that the awesome military is protecting me by illegally occupying a country that is thousands of miles away and they are staying their despite the civilians saying no. I am sooooooo safe. So protected guys. We are constantly fed lies and we eat it up with glee.
  16. Kyoshi Frost Wolf
    The deficit is growing, the government isn't getting enough profit to fund things. What should we do Mr Trump?
    The ultra rich, the corporations, they are the only ones who benefit from Trump's tax cuts. The rest of us can get fucked. Half of our last spending bill was dedicated to our bloated and corrupt military. Instead of cutting that a tad, let's make the problem worse. GENIUS.
  17. Kyoshi Frost Wolf
    Let me get this out of the way right now. Sekiro Shadows Die Twice is a colossal disappointment. The newest game from a developer I like a lot, From Software, makers of Dark Souls and they have made probably their most piss-poor effort since Dark Souls 2. I haven't finished the game yet, but I have certainly played enough to have a firm judgement on the game.
    What do I like? The pure combat itself, I do at least like that. It is fast, visceral as hell and when you are flowing it together, it feels like a damn dream and you feel like a badass. Too bad that feeling doesn't last too long. I also like the art style, so they at least kept up that tradition.
    What do I not like? Well, almost everything else. I will be comparing this game to Dark Souls a lot since it is from the same devs and it uses the Souls games as its framework. So far, Sekiro's design is a fucking disaster. Is it different from the Souls games? Overall, yes. Is it worse than the Souls games. By. Far. This game is far more linear than Dark Souls. You go from point to point, only deviating slightly throughout. While I can go to different areas, my choices are extremely limited. The locations are not memorable either. It takes place in feudal Japan and while the art direction is nice like I said, we have seen this kind of shit a million times in so many other pieces of Japanese media. There isn't an ounce of creativity in the setting. Nothing here is particularly memorable, whereas I can remember every single location in Dark Souls 1. Maybe there is later in the game, again I have not finished it, but I doubt there is anything even close to Anor Londo or the Painted World.
    Dark Souls 2, the weakest of the franchise was heavily criticized for its use of quantity over quality in its bosses. That exact same philosophy was applied here and as a result, not only are a lot of the bosses terrible so far, the pacing is a nightmare. You could spend an hour learning how to beat a boss, take them down and within 5 minutes you may encounter yet another boss. Another problem is that a lot of bosses have regular enemies either close to them or around them, so instead of just fighting the boss, you may have to spend some time clearing the area first and THEN you can fight the boss. Every single time you die, you have to do this. Dark Souls, it is almost always a one on one fight, you and the boss, and it was just a battle between you and them. Nobody else. That logic was thrown out the window here. Another thing Dark Souls had was a true feeling of accomplishment when you took a boss down. Not only was it immensely satisfying on its own because the bosses were better designed and way better paced, you usually got really nice rewards relative to your place in the game. You would always get a good amount of souls and you then get access to new areas which usually have new items, weapons and armor to check out. Sekiro offers maybe 10% of this. Not only are the bosses not as satisfying to overcome here, the rewards you get are often boring as hell. You might get one item that increases your health but you need 4 of those to do it and that's about it. Most of the time you get nothing worthwhile, nothing fun, nothing interesting. Sure you will get access to new areas, but in actuality it is more like access to continue on the linear path you were already going on, before yet another random boss stops you in your tracks. I am already at the point of rolling my eyes any time a new sub boss pops up, because there have already been so many that I simply don't care.
    Another huge issue I have noticed is that some of the bosses make no goddamn sense. A few times I have fought samurai generals that have a huge sword and armor from head to toe. these guys I can see being mean mofos. Then we have an old lady grandma who is one of the game's main bosses and is a monster. Okay, fine, I can live with that, she was at least built up a bit and got a nice intro and such. Plus her arena is cool. THEN, I way later face a *sub* boss, named....something Snake Eyes, already can't remember the name and for no fucking reason this is one of the hardest bosses in the game. She isn't some behemoth, or samurai warrior, nothing like that. Picture this: She wears no armor, just standard clothes with some straw hood and her weapon of choice? Not a big sword or kunais or anything. It is some makeshift gun (why?) that looks like it was made out of two sticks and it happens to have a random blade attached to it. How strong is she? She can kill me with two hits. TWO. FUCKING. HITS. That's it, and this is with TWO health upgrades so far. Most of these samurai generals couldn't do that. Lady Butterfly couldn't do that despite being a main boss. Instead some dinky, shitty looking sub boss can absolutely destroy me if I make the slightest mistake. Again, going back to Dark Souls 1, almost every boss feels justified in how they are. Most of them do indeed seem like characters that could wipe the floor with your character, mainly because actual thought was put into them. Even the very first official boss of Dark Souls 1, the Taurus demon, is intimidating in his look and feel. Sekiro? Random ragtag sub bosses can wreck your entire world even after several upgrades and practice. This drastically diminishes that feeling of triumph of defeating them when their design doesn't make any sense.
    All of this contributes to this feeling that you never get any stronger. You might improve as a player, but your character will always feel weak, feeble, pathetic. You never feel like your character has acquired newfound strength as you overcome these challenges. Any upgrades you get are soon made worthless by the next sub boss just around the corner. Dark Souls has a level up system and other weapons that you can also level up and upgrade and as you do this, you do eventually start seeing the effect. Sekiro has no weapon variety. You will always use the same sword you started the game with and all you get are sub weapons that have limited uses between statues anyways. So you never feel like you really are getting stronger and you get to experience no real variety in the weaponry. This will drastically hurt this game's already low replayability for me, whereas Dark Souls 1 has had me addicted even after beating the game 5 times.
    Early on, I was digging this game a lot. Its visceral combat, when you get it down, it feels so good, but this is only on regular enemies, as bosses are over-saturated beyond belief here and they will always wreck you until you get them down and in the end, it never feels worth it. And the devs have the gall to introduce a mechanic like dragonrot, punishing you even further for death, in a game about trial and error. Why? Just to make sure it is different from the Souls games? Just because it is different does not mean it is a good idea. This game already punishes you more than Dark Souls for dying, as a true death (that is dying after ressurecting if you did so) will automatically make you lose experience and money and you cannot recover it. Eventually I just stopped caring. I don't give a shit about the money, I don't give a shit about the XP, both of those things don't have a huge use anyways, there isn't much to get. That also means that enemies eventually turn into a chore, especially in areas populated to the brim with them, because they give you nothing worthwhile. I also don't care about the dragonrot bullshit. Oh no, NPC's are getting sick because I am dying to bullshit bosses. Wow. I don't give two fucks about that. This game apparently has multiple endings, 4 I believe, and I simply don't care. I don't see myself playing through this game a second time. Again, back to Dark Souls 1, it is a game that despite having a long playthrough, I have started a new character immediately after beating it to try a new weapon and play style. There is nothing like that in Sekiro. So I don't care. This is assuming I even finish Sekiro in the first place, as my motivation is quickly diminishing.
    I hope this game gets better. I don't like talking this much shit about a From Software game, because like I said I am a big fan of their work, but I can't have some denial glasses on while playing this. There's simply too much wrong with the overall execution here that it brings it all down in the end. Not that my opinion even matters in the first place.
  18. Kyoshi Frost Wolf
    Was recently having a sort of 'conversation' that become more of a rant with someone. About the sad state of gaming and how Battle Royale is contributing to this Gaming Great Depression. I'll try to just abridge what I said in that discussion here:
    With the recent release of Apex Legends by Respawn, I love how much everyone is already worshipping the game like a god. If you dare criticize the game for being yet another unoriginal and soulless battle royale game, you get flamed like crazy. I seen one post by some guy simply saying "It honestly isn't that great." And a wave of insults ensued. The guy was called an idiot and his opinion was called worthless. He was told this by a bunch of sheep salivating over a game that at the time wasn't even out for two whole days. The ONLY reason people are licking this game's toes is because people are so desperate for anything to compete with Fortnite so they all flock and conform to Apex like the sheep they are.
    I personally think this Battle Royale trend is one of the worst things in gaming so far. I played Apex and it is just another BR game, with some obviously shoehorned Overwatch style characters and abilities mixed in. Oh but we aren't allowed to criticize such a blatant lack of creativity and jumping on a trend. I remember when people were very critical of gaming when so many military shooters were being made, people got sick of it really fast. Now if any company manages to make a BR game that at least works somewhat well, people give you a standing ovation regardless if the game is literally the exact same framework as all other games in the genre. People just nod their empty skulls and shower the developers with admiration for being as bland and uninspired as they themselves are.
    Call me cynical, but when I see yet another Battle Royale game that starts you off in a flying vehicle over a giant lifeless map, has you jump out with your team to skydive down and has you looting while avoid an impending death circle, I can't help but immediately roll my eyes until I become dizzy. These devs can't even be bothered to dress that shit up at least a tiny bit different than the other near identical games in the genre. To give you the tiniest fraction of an illusion that there is any creativity at all being employed. It isn't there in this pathetic genre. Even when Apex Legends seems like it is pathetically attempting to stand out, it goes with blatantly ripping off games like Overwatch to do so. I guess in gaming that is now the key to ultimate success. Don't do anything creative or new, just look at what the most popular games are doing regardless if it is actually good or not, Frankenstein that shit together and boom, you have become a gaming icon. OH and be sure to make at least two of your characters gay like recently announced in Apex Legends despite having no story or lore whatsoever. You know, because Overwatch did it so Apex has to do it too. Even As someone who is LGBT, this is obvious and blatant pandering that does absolutely nothing for everyone. It isn't 'representation' if your characters are literally pointless with no real story. Remember, just do whatever your competition is doing, conform and copy and you will have success. Apparently so since Apex Legends currently sits at a 92 on Metacritic, despite being a watered down Titanfall asset flip and a copy and paste battle royale. I guess that's literally what the entire gaming gets wet over now.
    And isn't this EA? If I recall, EA is the company that literally everyone was hating, ignoring any actual good product they made and just hating them because that was the bandwagon to jump on, that was what everyone was conforming to. Now all of a sudden, they publish a cashgrab battle royale game and everyone seemingly forgets about all of that hatred they had before. Apex Legends and as such Battle Royale as a genre, is fully showing the total hypocrisy from the gaming community. People are willing to hold extreme hatred towards Battlefield V just for having women in it, but people flock to Apex because who cares. Everyone was recently celebrating over the news that EA stocks fell drastically over this past fiscal year. Well, congratulations gaming community, because everyone conforming to Apex Legends will make those stocks skyrocket. So good job there. People celebrates Ea's losses and then immediately help them recover from those losses.
    And to think, TO THINK, all of this loyalty and dedication from these sheep towards Battle Royale is for such a worthless type of game. An endless quest to satisfy one's ego by being number 1, stroking that ego at the end even when everyone else was defeated and left long ago. There is no story, no creativity, no interesting gameplay mechanics or forward-thinking design, no characters to cherish, no efforts in music or art direction, there's nothing.
    All driven by random chance and loot, a non-stop attempt at a massive ego-trip.
    And when victories are not something one can achieve, they then flock to the microtransactions. Skins, emotes and whatever else to make themselves feel special and fill that void of their existence that isn't filled by that ego-cradling #1 victory that they cannot obtain. So then people can go out in public and imitate these emotes in real life to show everyone just how shallow and pathetic they really are.
    All of this is what I see as an immense state of depression that gaming is rapidly becoming. The current top genre and trend in gaming is all about conformity. CONFORM, CONFORM, CONFORM. Do not be creative, do not be unique. Conform and be like the rest, join the crowd, embrace nothingness to feel anything. Sell your soul, then beg for more. Battle Royale can forever burn in a pit of its own self-indulging and masturbatory trash.
    By the by, if you enjoy Battle Royale games, then whatever, more power to you, but I can't stand it anymore.
  19. Kyoshi Frost Wolf
    Yeah, this is a bit sudden, but this is a thing I have been wanting to do for ages and this subject is perfect for it. I made this video talking about how I think Apex Legends is a clear sign of gamer hypocrisy.
    What do you all think? How did I do? I would love to continue doing this because I am quite passionate about gaming.
  20. Kyoshi Frost Wolf
    And after completing it, which took me around 16 hours, I can safely say this; World of Light is one of the most pathetic, repetitive, unfun, unfair, worthless, padded out, masturbatory modes I have EVER played. THIS is how to you do EVERYTHING wrong in a so called 'adventure mode'. Where the hell to do I even begin with this shit?
    World of Light is a total joke. Whereas other fighting games are trying their best these days to have engaging stories connected by fights, this mode tries to have a 'plot' that is totally worthless, because Nintendo does not know how to write a story to save their sorry ass. The plot is 'Bad guys kidnap spirits, go beat them up'. That's it. That's your story. It is no more than a very lame excuse to give the spirits their justification for existing. Not to mention, the very few cutscenes that are here feature horrendous English voice acting. People apparently get paid for doing this kind of stuff, I find that hilarious and sad.
    How do you progress through this 'story'? You fight spirits. Over and over and over and over and over and over and over AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN. I swear, this is one of the most REPETITIVE modes I have ever experienced, and I love the Dynasty Warriors games, so that says a lot. This mode is just fight after fight, each ranging from the piss easy Novice and Advanced spirits to the total bullshit Ace and extreme total bullshit Legend spirits. Many of these fights try their hardest to highly reference the game or spirit in question, but this quickly loses its charm as most of these fights are still not very interesting or challenging in a GOOD way. The Legend fights are some of the cheapest shit you will EVER face. I was having immense trouble with them despite my skill level and despite having obtained tons of spirits from the Spirit Board before even starting this mode. Most of these fights are insanely cheap and require equally cheap tactics or cheap spirit setups to overcome. When a Legend fight isn't infuriating you, even less difficult fights can be ungodly annoying. Whether it be Nintendo using the whole 'The fighter is a total pussy and runs away all the time while you have a small time limit' for the 10 millionth time or high winds blowing you around, many of these things don't make the fights anymore fun, it is just annoying. All of this you have to put up with just to get spirits, which while it can be cool to get spirits related to games you love, it is all fleeting references and nothing more. Many spirits do the same thing over and over again, so getting them feels worthless after a while, especially when the Legends are far more powerful once you get them.
    I'm sure some of you remember the awesome adventure mode in Smash Bros. Melee, where it was an actual platforming game with fighting mixed in. THAT was fun! It was something different, used the game's mechanics in fun ways, wasn't extremely unfair and it was short and sweet. NOTHING like that is in World of Light. Nothing even comes close to being as unique as that mode in Melee. To top of all this off, unlike Melee's adventure mode, World of Light is WAY TOO FUCKING LONG. As I said at the start, this mode took me 16 hours to complete. Take that in. Imagine doing nothing but random spirit fights, many with annoying stipulations or unfair difficulty, for 16 hours. Does that sound like it would get old after a while? It gets old after maybe 2 hours. There is nothing here to mix things up and provide something different. The only attempts are the aforementioned constant gimmick battles that are just that, only gimmicks. The only other attempt isn't even in the fighting but rather traversing the map, which is kinda pointless because traversing the map as is isn't interesting no matter how you do it. They try to add little puzzles later on as even more references to other games, but again, it just interesting. It isn't gameplay. This is from Nintendo, the same company that has been able to keep Mario and Zelda relatively fresh and exciting for over 30 years. None of that pedigree is on display in World of Light.
    That's all there is here. There is nothing else to do in World of Light. It is just constant gimmick battles for 16 hours, then like 3 different boss rushes near the end, you fight the two big bads at the same time and you get one last cutscene with that cheesy as fuck theme song. What the hell is it with Nintendo and these cringey songs? First Mario Odyssey had its terrible song with awful lyrics, and then we get this one, which has good instrumentation but the vocals kill it. I acknowledge that is mainly me nitpicking there, but when you spend 16 hours on a mode as unfun as this, waiting for it to be good or somewhat entertaining and your end reward is that shitty song, even that is a strike against the game.
    If World of Light was all that Smash Ultimate had, I would give it a 2/10. It doesn't matter how good your base mechanics are. If they are not used in fun ways, then it can become boring and Nintendo most certainly spoiled this game for me with WOL. I don't know how much more of the game I want to play now. There isn't a whole lot else to do, clearly all the effort went into this terrible mode and the garbage spirit system. The online is absolute garbage so that doesn't add anything to the game. There are not enough ways to mix up the gameplay itself in regular Smash, so I might be taking a LOOOOOOOOOOOONG break from Ultimate.
    I really do not understand how this game has such high ratings in the reviews. Having over 90 on Metacritic, this game doesn't seem to deserve that to me. While other game companies are trying so hard to provide interesting stories and mechanics that actually manage to be LONGER than World of Light, Nintendo creates one basic premise and instead has that be the entirety of this mode, while also providing not a single shred of good storytelling or interesting yet still fun battles. All of that on top of the awful online component, how in the world does this game have over 90 on Metacritic? It shouldn't, not in this state.
    Don't get me wrong here, I do really enjoy Smash Bros. and this game definitely has a lot of high points going for it. The character roster is massive, the amount of stages are incredible and the core fighting IS fun for sure, just not when you are doing boring fight after boring fight for 16 friggin' hours.
    That's all I have to say. Fuck World of Light. It is a giant stain on what is otherwise a decent game.
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