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Meadow Fleur

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About Meadow Fleur

  • Birthday 1994-10-06

Meadow Fleur's Achievements


Muffin (2/23)


Brohooves Received

  1. It's on my dA page under my Ponies section in my gallery. c:
  2. ^.^;; Kinda creepy. I'd so get a flash-drive if I didn't have my plumbob flash-drive.
  3. Aww poor Squishy. You should give him some color. Maybe not, that might make Squishy sad to squish him with pencil colors and all. >:
  4. Character Template Name: Meadow Fleur Species: Earth pony Gender: Female Personality: Shy, creative, tranquil/calm. Grows paranoid of other ponies. Specialty: She wants to be a florist. -Cutie Mark: http://fav.me/d4cp9u3 Description: http://fav.me/d4c72zm Other: First day on the site. c: I'll try to post often.
  5. Very fashionable. c: Four hoof rating. xD I would be on the floor silly.
  6. Thank you both and Merry Christmas to everypony!
  7. I love your work. c: Very nice. Maybe I could request one later? ^.^ That is, if you dont mind. I love Fluttershy. Keep up the good work! ediiiit: Umm. If there's any chance I could get on the que. list, I would love to have an avatar of this with a candy cane in her mouth? Please. http://fav.me/d4c72zm
  8. Awww that's so sweet! I prefer fluttershy and big mac but it's all good. c:
  9. Well, where's a good place to start? Meadow Fleur is a filly and I haven't really done much to give her a personality. I would love some help.
  10. Thank you both! c: Seems like there's not much to do except forums though.
  11. So recently within the last past year, I was re-introduced to the My Little Pony world. As seventeen, I take no shame in liking whatever I want. I have my own original character, Meadow Fleur. Really wanna roleplay as her perhaps here. <3 My Little Pony is really cute and though not educational to me, it does teach a lot of things some pony might not already know about the power of friendship. c: I'd love to make some pony friends, none of my real friends understand it, if you catch my drift. Well this site is pretty cool and I'm willing to talk to anyone. I'm pretty obsessed with ponies now. Favorite canons: Rarity, Zecora and Fluttershy. Very fashionable. Don't ask. lol
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