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Posts posted by MuLeKsI

  1. Indeed, Metal Gear Solid is awesome! Anyway what did you use to make the two artworks of Solid Snake, @MuLeKsI?


    Being an MGS fan myself, I want to see you draw moar MGS artworks! :3


    I used a program called Artrage to do these ones.


    I'll be making more of these later or, as soon as I get time that is. I'll be posting them on my Deviantart. :P


    Seriously,your art is just...wow!It honestly looks like Yoji's stuff at first glance.Some great stuff you've just made man,keep up the good work! laugh.png


    Thank you :D


    It really means a lot when people say that my stuff looks close to the original ones.


    I am actually already working on a third one. But Im going to finish a few requests before getting it done. x3

  3. I like it and it's pretty *puts on glasses* SOLID! (Yeahhhhhhh!) lol. Anywho it looks incredibly well done almost on par with Ashley Graham's style from MGS:PW and MGS: The Digital Graphic Novel.


    Heh, Thank you for the kind words. biggrin.png


    I did try to get as close to the Original style as possible, while still keeping my own style.

  4. I decided to try out a new drawing style and I think it turned out really well.

    Metal Gear Solid! Because it's awesome.


    Anyways, what do you people think? Anything that I should do differently? :P


    The first drawing






    And the Second one






    • Brohoof 5
  5. biggrin.png I think it came out nice, and pretty

    X3 Her colors are my fav part, there so nice and not so bright biggrin.png

    What programs do you use? They seem pretty high quality


    I am glad you like it. I do think it turned out well.


    I mostly use Artrage 2 to do my arts. Sometimes I use paint too. :P

    So nothing too fancy. x3

  6. Can you draw my OC? She's a hot-head and brash...img-1370546-1-biggrin.png

    Here's a reference for you,

    attachicon.gifSapphire Storm.jpg

    Have fun with it, and design a cutie mark for her if you want.


    Here you go, sorry it took a while to finish it. x3


    The mane was really interesting to colour, but I think it turned out well.

    Anyways, I hope you like it.



  7. The drawings I saw look pretty cool. So...could you draw my oc, Imagine?: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/imagine-r2815


    And could you make her pose like this?: http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/330/3/9/hi__i__m_cute_by_eipred-d5m94rc.png


    Here we go, finally. Sorry it took a bit to finish it. 


    Here is you OC and because I was not sure about the cutie mark, I made two versions.


    I hope you like it.


    The one with the cutie mark:







    And the version without the cutie mark:






  8. Excuse me, I can understand if mine is a bit to much for you to handle, so could you just draw Emerald?


    I believe I already posted her already.





    As you wish. Here is Emerald only, I can still draw the older request if you want, it wont be too much to handle. tongue.png


    Anyways I'm sorry it took some time, I have been horribly busy and I've been trying to finish the requests as fast as possible. x3


    I hope you like it! biggrin.png



  9. Here in Finland, we are told that meat is a vital part in a healthy life for a human being.



    From meat you get lots of Proteins, Irons/minerals and Vitamin-B.


    I'm not going to tell you that you are doing wrong if you don't want to or if you want to eat meat.

    I'm just saying that people should eat a balanced amount of both. 


    Carbohydrates from vegetables and Most of the Proteins and such from meat. 

    If you leave the other, be it the vegetables or the meat, you can't have a completely healthy life.


    I'm not even going to go to the animal cruelty thing. If you don't want to eat meat because of that, fine then.


    In the end, it's your own choice and everyone should respect that.

    • Brohoof 1
  10. I'm the sort of fellow who usually listens to a lot of older stuff, but recently I've been trying to branch out into more modern musical avenues. I've discovered that I'm a rather big fan of what I have dubbed 'spoken word remixes'


    I don't know what this kind of music is actually called, so any musical guru pones out there, could you please sit and listen for a spell, and cure me of this lack of knowledge?












    Something about using totally casual, or completely spoken words in a song is just....the greatest freaken thing ever in my mind, and I can't get enough. Just not really sure how to search for this stuff.


    The main genre would be Electronic and you can put them under atleast a few sub-genres.


    Alternative Dance


    And maybe Trip-hop


    So, call it what you want, I guess. xD

  11. Great art style brony! I really love this!


    Can I please make a request? Can I have my oc Brown Horizon and Fluttershy? If so that would be great!


    Here's my oc:


    Here we go.


    I decided to finish both of your requests at the same time. Tell me what you think of them. biggrin.png


    Here is the first one with your OC and Fluttershy in it.




    And here is the request from the other thread. tongue.png



  12. Hi! Here is the OC you wanted me to draw but actually I have a little something else in mind!


    I have 2 OC's right now. Flaming Ash and Sheer Cold. These two are brothers and sisters and fight evils and monsters together very often.


    Is it ok if you can draw these two ponies back to back. Ash with his hands on fire and Sheer levitating some shards of ice with her magic? I know It's a big request but It would really benefit me and help you out a little with practice! I hope it's ok!


    Here is Flaming Ash and Sheer.


    The picture of Sheer needs Light blue instead of purple.



    Here we go! This one took some time to create xD


    Anyways, it was a fun challenge and I think it turned out really well in the end.


    Let me know what you think. :D



  13. Aw, that is cute! Is it a wallpaper for a smart phone or a desktop? What program did you use to make it? Is that original art of your own?


    Ment to be used on desktop, but should work on a smart phone too.


    I used Art Rage to make it and Yes, it is my original art.


    Oooo, I like the style very much; minimalist yet it's still clear which pony is featured. Very cool. Somehow it makes me think Derpy is asleep or something... or maybe just cozy; I don't know.


    Either way, awesome (make more for other ponies! img-1375573-1-laugh.png).


    P.S. img-1375573-2-derpy_emoticon1.png Derpy! img-1375573-3-derpy_emoticon2.png


    Sleepy would be a good word. :3


    I am going to make one of these for atleast all of the mane six.


    Thanks for the comment.



    I love it! However, if I had to offer any critique, I'd say maybe put two more eyelashes on each eye to make three like most ponies have. I know you were going for a minimal design, but just having one eyelash, especially on the right eye, is slightly distracting. Other than that, I think its great!


    She does have two eyelashes on both eyes if you look closely. :P

    I know, it kinda doesnt look like that there is only one, but there are supposed to be two xD


    Thanks for the critique.



    That's very cool, very cool indeed! img-1375600-1-biggrin.png   Very different kind of art style, very abstract look to it all around.  Overall, I like, I like a lot! img-1375600-2-smile.png


    Thank you!


    I'm glad that someone likes my arts, check out my DA if you want to see more stuff like this ;3


    Pretty cool and cute. Derpy is asleep and did you draw this by hand or on the computer?

    Are you going to try drawing more for other characters?


    I made it on my pc.


    Yes, I am going to make more of them.

    • Brohoof 1
  14. Here is a wallpaper kind of thingie with Derpy and her cutie mark.


    Took like 40-50 minutes to make, I think it looks rather cool.


    Anyways, what do you guys think?





    • Brohoof 7
  15. If you're still taking requests, I'd be curious what you'd make of either












    If you want, I'd be happy to draw something for you in return.


    Here we go! 


    I decided to draw Joan, since it seemed like a more interesting choice.


    Anyways, I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed drawing it. ^^


    Here is the version with a background



    And here is a version without the background.






    If you like it and wish to draw something for me in return, just PM me biggrin.png




     Id like to take you up on your offer and see what you can do with My OC Dawn Rider img-1330241-2-happy.png

    here are some references...


    And for an idea on what his cutie mark is (Since I never actually had it drawn before dry.png
    Its very much like that, sorta like a sun peeking up over a horizon with sun rays and such...
    Good luck and thanks happy.png




    Done! Here is your OC, Dawn Rider.


    I also made the cutie mark, I hope it's at least a bit like what you meant it to be like. xD


    Anyways, I hope you like it. biggrin.png



  16. ( Are you avoiding mine? Please, I want a full-body one. I hope it isn't to much trouble. You've brohoofed my posts, so I know you are there.)


    I am not avoiding your request, do not worry.


    I am simply finishing the requests in the order I got them. I am sorry it is taking some time.



    Well, do you mind drawing my OC the style you drew your last character in the same stance? 


    Here is my OC if you need a picture: 









    Sure, I'll start doing it after finishing a few other requests, might take a while. x3


    I have quite a few requests piled waiting to be finished :P

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