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Posts posted by MuLeKsI

  1. Quite good, for a beginner's piece. The helmet looks very nice, and you did a good job on the mane. (That's the hardest part of drawing Pinkie.) The only thing I have an issue with is that the nose goes up a little bit too much at the end.


    Yes, I'm an art critic now, even though I can't draw. Sue me.


    I agree, the nose does go a little bit too much up at the end. But I would say that I did well, considering that this is my second time ever drawing Pinkie Pie.


    And don't worry, critic is always welcome. xD



    I can understand her confusion. It's not everyday you get drafted by the Wehrmacht.


    It looks like you said more like an M35 or later WWII model, than an M17, which the Finnish received after WWI and modified it to their specifications. I actually had a a made in 1918 German Mauser ammo pouch that was obtained by the Finnish and was reinforced at their armory with rivets. Cool piece.




    Interesting drawing.


    I might have explained it in a complicate way, but what I ment was that:

    The helmet does look like a WW2 model, but has the built in "horns" because It was originally intended to be the m17 model. Then I just got carried away and forgot to remove them.


    But anyways, thanks for the comment. :)

    • Brohoof 1
  2. I finally got artrage, so I decided to draw something with it.


    I have had this idea on my mind for a while now. At first the helmet was supposed to be a Finnish modification of the German m17 helmet, but ended up looking like a m17/m35 hybrid of some sort, what ever xD


    I think it looks pretty nice.



  3. So, me and Your Friend decided to work together on a request. I do all the line art digitally and Your Friend does all the colouring by hand.


    This is what we started working on -  And ended up in this


    post-8626-0-96004400-1354452537_thumb.png post-8626-0-28362900-1354452586_thumb.jpg


     I think it looks pretty awesome so far


    Now Your Friend is working on colouring these two


    post-8626-0-03701600-1354453136.png post-8626-0-47292200-1354453215_thumb.png


    And yeah, they both look a bit odd. It will be fixed after the colouring tho.




  4. How do you people get your drawings so great. What pencils did you use. I mean, this is brilliant and I really wish I could draw this great. You should draw two sides of fluttershy. Mean fluttershy and nice fluttershy. You don't have to but that is just a suggestion.


    I did this one using paint on computer, I just kept switching through different brushes until it looked good. ^^ And thanks for the idea, I already think I know how I will draw her as mean : P

  5. I had never drawn fluttershy, so I decided to start drawing her. I ended up starting a quite huge project and here is the first part of it.


    First is Fluttershy as a Starcraft marine. Next time Im going to draw her normally. (Unless I get carried away again xD) Anyways, what do you think?




    • Brohoof 3
  6. A quick drawing of a marine from starcraft (Took about an hour to draw). My favorite unit from the game xD I always play as Terrans.




    Edit: Did this one out of memory xD I think its pretty cool. (Even better than the first ones q_q)



    • Brohoof 3
  7. My OC decided to join the red army that was passing through ponyville.


    But yeah, seriously. I got my "new" world war two russian commissar outfit today.To celebrate that I decided to draw this.



    • Brohoof 4
  8. Il be posting all my random non-pony drawings that I like, here. I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoy drawing them. And please, do comment if you like them Posted Image

    The quality in these first two pics isnt really too good.

    Here, my first drawing is a guy from fallout.

    And here is a random Conquistador.

    Had some fun with paint again. Posted Image This time I tried out a few new techniques and it seems that it worked out quite well. What do you think?

    Here is a drawing I did today.


    Something new :D


    • Brohoof 3
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