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Discorded Bluenote

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Blog Entries posted by Discorded Bluenote

  1. Discorded Bluenote
    Now, my previous entry on this was about common complaints.
    This will be about the app store.
    Now, Microsoft accounts must be registered on your Win 8 Computer in order to download apps. That is one barrier, but small at best.
    The actual barrier, is the apps themselves.
    See, programs have been on the rampage ever since the first one came out. Some programs are more popular than others.
    And soon, mobiles like the Ipod came out with their stores.
    And Microsoft is like, "Oh no! Apple has phones AND an iOS! We have to compete against them!"
    And the Windows Phone came. They were generally accepted (Correct me if wrong,) and people used them decently. But the Apple products kept selling more.
    Then Microsoft is like, "This isn't working! We need something like a tablet, but a computer...that's IT!"
    So work began on a computer iOS named Windows 8.
    In order to compete with the tablet and phone market, they had to copy them, it seems.
    And so, the Windows Store was born. (Alas, The Win 8 Store and Win Phone Store isn't merged. ;-; )
    So Win 8 was released. Everyone started ranting for pros or cons.
    And all those opening their start screens for the first time...
    "An APP STORE??"
    The apps went from Facebook Touch to to-do lists, and everything between.
    And they weren't very popular.
    Many apps are buggy, boring, liers, and scams. Star ratings are misleading. Searches are sorted by the wrong things.
    It was chaos.
    I'm not going to download one more app.
    My Start Screen is fine. So is my Desktop.
    So what is the problem?
    The Mobile Movement. Microsoft decided to rival Apple. That's what started all this crap.
    Third Octavia
  2. Discorded Bluenote
    (Yes I'm doing this! >:U )
    Windows 8 is the newest platform from Windows, and it has caused much confusion and complaints over it's style. I'm going to clear this up.
    1. Start Screen?!? What about my Start Button and Desktop??
    Calm down, Windows 7 fantast. The Start button is replaced by the Start Screen. The Desktop is just like always. You can only pin things on the Start Screen, however.
    Desktop also has Personalization like Win 7 (Windows 7, expect a lot of shortenings.), so don't worry about it. You can even download all of your previous programs! (Note: Win RT will NOT let you do this. It only uses apps from the app store.)
    Forgot the exclamation point. Anyways, it already has. Seen the windows phone yet?
    The two stores are not merged though.
    You should. There are some notable ones too, like Music (Xbox Music), Desktop, Youtube Player, Google Search, Wikipedia, and Windows 8 Guide.
    4. Is there <Insert Fandom here>?
    Maybe. If your talking poni, a few. Furry, no idea, and any others, no idea. Go check yourself. :U
    5. Too Few Features.
    Many* I fixed your sentence. Download All about Money, Goals, TuneIn Radio, Skype, Skydrive, Maps, etc.
    Am I missing some complaints? Put them in the comments below! Thank you!
    ~Third Octavia
  3. Discorded Bluenote
    Its the thing that we all have to go through till we leave high school at 16 - 18 or college at 20 something.
    I think.
    Well, this isn't why this post is here.
    Its because of my horrible grades.
    *cough* Ponies *cough*
    So now, I am not allowed to use my other computer.
    And now I am stuck with two overly playful siblings that ruin my life.
    And I probably won't get it back until March or April.
    Because I have a 59 in Math and a 66 in Science.
    Darn Real Life and it's Problems.
  4. Discorded Bluenote
    I am a obsessed brony. I have not said it before because then, I was only a casual brony.
    You see, I first became a brony a few months ago. The temptation wasn't as strong as it is now, so I didn't bother to aknowledge it.
    But a few weeks ago, the temptation came back to strike, so it seems.
    At first, it was just like when I first became a brony. Not much temptation then. However, as the days went by, the temptation got stronger, occasionally growing to points where it took a payload just so I could get back to whatever I was doing at the moment.
    So I started posting statuses about it here. A few have responded, but there was this one forum member, Urdnot Pinkie Pie, he was the one who jump started the process, while Jadefire had just started the process.
    So I decided to resist. I didn't really choose to keep myself away from a computer, as my whole family knows I love technology, so I tried to keep my time spent here to a minimum. I'm guessing most of you can already guess what happens, but if you don't, well, lets just say my plan backfired, literally. I began spending lots more time on here than I wanted to, so I resorted to google to see if others had ever resisted the pony temptation, but no luck.
    More statuses came out from me, and Urdnot Pinkie was there on all of them. Then, there was this one comment on one of my statuses: "You don't have to be anything. Just do what makes you happy."
    That struck me. All that time spent trying to resist went useless on that one comment because I realized something then. When I started resisting, my main goal was so that MLP wouldn't interfer with my schoolwork. I was too ignorant to aknowlege that.
    Now I've realized, the only reason I was resisting was because I didn't want to lose my school friends.
    I may not have a lot of friends, but I still need them. What I was too ignorant to realize was that this base- yes, this base, this fan base, this WHOLE forum are my friends. I don't need lots of friends that are bad, I have great friends that refrain from bad things, and I still want to keep them. What I'm saying by school friends are those people that curse excessively, do bad stuff, and only keep to themselves. I don't need them anymore. I have much better friends, and that includes this one.
    Thanks MLP Forums.
    (On a side note, this whole post is 1843 characters. Thats a lot for me these days. )
  5. Discorded Bluenote
    Part of the Windows 8 Discussion
    This is basically what is going on in the fight between Win 8.
    Metro Apps:

    Metro apps are the apps used in full screen mode and run from the start screen.
    For example, the screenshot from IE 10 (Or Metro IE) above.
    Desktop Apps (Programs )

    The programs people usually use because they use Win 7 (not mad or anything, jeez).
    They are gotten off of web browsers.
    They can also be preinstalled.
    Why do people hate metro apps?
    I have no idea.
    Why not help me understand?
    Third Octavia
  6. Discorded Bluenote
    Not for me you dingheads my site
    Ignore that.
    Anywho, even though I don't have my other computer, I still have something to take that off my mind.
    And that's TPFsP. 'The Pony Fan's Paradise.'
    It's just gonna be something that goes with the flow, you know?
    I add what people will want, and encourage others to come and vote and do their thing.
    So, I just made this so I could log my progress, things that happen, the what not.
    And if you made it this far in reading, hey, I just wanted to say thanks.
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