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Blog Entries posted by Dsanders

  1. Dsanders
    Music like this makes me feel all sorts of things. Bittersweet things and hopeful things. Happy things. Hope you enjoy. The songs and tracks in the playlist start slow and toward the end it'll get a little more uplifting and lighthearted

    If you enjoy the music, great. If not, well then let me just tell you that you look great tonight! Cheers
  2. Dsanders
    Try not to get lost comparing yourself to others. Because the only person you're competing against is yourself. There are always going to be people better than you and there are always going to be people better than them
    So be the best YOU can be. If there is even one person you inspire, if there is even one person who looks up to you, loves you, and is willing to go with you every step of the way, then you are already on a good path
    Keep moving forward and do not stop. As you embark on this journey to find and accept yourself, you will soon discover that the opportunities and possibilities in life are endless and broad

  3. Dsanders
    One of the most majestic domesticated creatures in the world IMO. They seem to love the outdoors. Would love to own one someday. I'd take 'em hiking with me every day

  4. Dsanders
    “Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.” ~ Steve Jobs
    For almost 70 years, it's been the universal assumption that top students would go to a 4-year university, get a bachelor's degree (at minimum), then continue on in an office environment, slowly making their way up the work ladder until they find themselves in the corner office on the highest floor. Only the students who cannot make it end up in trade school and blue collar work is seen by our modern society as a dead end path.
    The truth is that blue collar work should be a serious consideration for any high school student thinking about what to do with his or her life, or people currently working in jobs they hate. Trade jobs have a myriad of benefits: great pay, strong job security, and numerous intangible advantages―from greater autonomy to experiencing the joy of working with one's hands and solving concrete problems.
    Tradesmen made America what it is. Our buildings, roads, cars, homes, and our great infrastructure of abundant energy and clean water―all of these things were built by the greasy and calloused hands of blue collar workers. To think that these careers belong in a museum in our techno-entrepreneur world is a complete underestimation of the value these jobs still hold in our rapidly urbanizing cities and towns. America still needs new skyscrapers, updated roads and highways, and water systems to save us from drought. These are projects that require the handy work of tradesman, not the white collar office workers.
    While there is nothing wrong with pursing a bachelor's degree and working in a cubicle, people who feel that they cannot work in such jobs should forget the old stereotypes and myths that the only good jobs out there are those that require a bachelor's degree. It's true that many jobs that require a bachelor's degree typically pay more than those that don't. But there seems to be this culturally-institutionalized belief that in order to live happily in our generation governed by consumerism and capitalism we must become wealthy, obtain corporate jobs, and adopt a luxurious lifestyle. That does not have to be the case.
    Although we live in a post-industrialized age, let us not forget that our country's infrastructure still needs to grow and be maintained. And by no means am I dismissing the importance of white collar workers. But I would argue that this country needs a plenitude of both white collar office workers and blue collar tradesmen and quite frankly, there seems to be a noticeable imbalance between the two as our modern culture is becoming increasingly skewed towards the idea of going to college, getting a B.A., and then becoming an arduous office worker or an executive. It's almost as if colleges these days are now some kind of profitable gimmick that college districts seek to commercialize. It's ridiculous how much insurmountable faith is placed in what too many people believe to be the sole gateway to a brighter future. Higher education is frequently perceived these days as the absolute road to success in the professional world when it should be considered as a possible road to success along with the other possible paths that prospective students can choose from.
    Our salaries do not need to exceed $30,000 a year in order for us to survive. If we focused more on wisely budgeting our money, resisting the temptation to use credit, and spending it more on the necessities and less on the non-essentials, we could live confidently with better self-control, stability, and financial security regardless of what job we have. If you embrace minimalism the possibilities of making a comfortable living broaden economically and financially speaking. Thus, the opportunities become truly endless in the job market. Do not conform to the materialistic and superficial passions of generation X―do not let your possessions own you or hold you back from experiencing what you want to experience and doing what you want to do. So explore every possible avenue. Whether one chooses to attend college, trade school, or obtain a work license/certificate, there is a place for everyone in our country's labor force.
  5. Dsanders
    Just to give you a heads up, I'll be writing a tiny bit more about my story that is currently in the beginning stages. If you are interested or curious, you can read the prologue here: http://mlpforums.com/blog/2112/entry-13725-the-last-to-know-official-prologue/
    If I must give one thing away in regards to my story, it is going to be of the science fiction genre. That is all I will tell you. I will be posting the first official chapter of the story soon. If you want to find out more about my story, you must simply follow along and read each chapter that I publish here.
    Anyways, another tiny aspect I can reveal is that within the universe in which this story takes place, the English language is officially extinct. It is as extinct as Latin in this modern age. The new common language of the story's universe is Paχχïãnñ. However, Paχχïãnñ is actually incredibly similar to its ancient cousin, and the spoken languages are 95% alike. What makes this language uniquely foreign is its writing system and its letters which are derived from Greek, Spanish, Portuguese, English, and the Scandinavian languages.
    For example this the Paχχïãnñ alphabet that I created a few days ago:
    a ä ā ã ß c d đ eeē ė f Γ g h i ï ī j κ lł Σ n ñ o ö ø õ p q r δ t uü v w χ yÿ z ż
    It contains 40 letters, which is admittedly a lot more intimidating than English. However all these extra letters, for the most part, merely represent the sounds that are not clearly defined in English. I will now explain each category into which several of these letters will fall.
    The Phonetic Letters:
    a = allow, august, addition, day, adventure, as (It virtually identical to our "A" except that it only represents the actual pronunciation of the letter itself and the "ah" sound that the doctors would often tell you to produce).
    ā = and, am, an, analyze (You get the idea, basically this goes for any "an" sound, except for "any" ironically, which is pronounced with the Paχχïãnñ a sound. Because no language is fun without those weird rule-breakers xP)
    ã = Martian, subterranean, decrease, speakers, year (If you have an average understanding of grammar, you might be able to catch the pattern. Remember the vowels (a,e,i,o,u)? Basically since, the a makes a really weird sound when it comes after these vowels, I felt that it would be best to use an odd letter.)
    ė = economy, idea, geology, reason (This letter is only used when the actual pronunciation of the English letter "e" can be clearly heard in a word (e.g. "idėaä").
    i = ice, idea, size, sight, iodine (This letter is only used when the actual pronunciation of the English letter "i" can be clearly heard in a word). *Cannot be used inside the word - read about the next letter below.
    ï = big, inhibition, dim, side (This letter is always used inside of the word - not ending with the letter nor starting with it).
    ī = in, ignition, introduce (You get the idea. It is used every time the "en" sound is used in the beginning of the word). *Cannot be used inside the word - read about the previous letter above.
    ñ = onion, astronomy, dominion (This is a special letter that sounds very similar to its Spanish derivative. It's slight toned down from the Spanish pronunciation and it is usually used before (not after) "o" and "io.") The only exception is that it is not used within "con" (e.g. economics, icon, etc.).
    o = open, ocean, hope, our* (It is mainly used when the word contains the same pronunciation of its English derivative. "Our (Ouürr)" and "or" are by far the only exceptions.
    ø = ox, oxygen, operation, project, to, through, move (This letter has two different pronunciations. It represents both the high-pitched "ah" like in the first four example words, and the "uuu" sound in the last three example words.) The pronoun "you" would be the only exception. *You would only have to use it twice in row in words like "woods (wøødδδ)."
    õ = everyone, allow, mountains (You have to write out this letter before the "n," "u," ,and "o." It is equivalent to the "auuu" and "onn" sound that you may here in words like "out", "one." The only exceptions would be "allow (alłõw)," "allowance (alłõwānceeē)," and anything containing "ow," and in addition, it is not used within "con" (e.g. economics, icon, etc.).
    The Conjoined Letters:
    eeē - In my story, this basically replaces the extinct "e" of its ancient cousin language. It is used exactly like the English "e" in the sense that it is non-phonetic. So instead of "letter" for example, you have "leeētteeērr."
    lł - Upon the extinction of the English language in my story, the common double Ls that we had known and loved have become permanently conjoined and thus marking the end of the English "L." Used in the same exact manner as "L", however in addition, "lł" is also the new personal "I."
    uü - The English "u" and the Spanish umlaut "ü" have also become permanently conjoined, forming this letter which is exactly identical to the English "u" but with a slight stronger accent. So instead of "usually" for example, you have "uüδuüalłyÿ."
    yÿ - This letter's origin is unknown but it is used in the exact same manner as the English "y."
    d/đ = The "d" always comes first. It would always be the first letter of any word starting with the English "d." The "đ" is only used after the "d" in any word comprised of both of those letters (e.g. adđïtïõnñ, neeēdyÿ.) When a word ends in "d" you have to add the "đ" to it (e.g. "wørdđ").
    *The most important grammatical rule in this language is to be aware of the particular letters that are exclusively always "doubled" at the end of the words that end with them.
    a = aä (e.g. Utopia = Uütopïaä)
    d = dđ (e.g. Needed = Neeēdeeēdđ)
    eeē = eeeē (e.g. Adorable = Adoraßlłeeeē)
    j = jj (e.g. Taj Mahal = Tajj Σahalł)
    n = nñ (e.g. Onion = Õñïõnñ) *Another major rule-breaker - the letter "n" of this alphabet doesn't follow the phonetic rule when a word ends with it.
    o = oö (e.g. Hello = Heeēlłoö)
    r = rr (e.g. Controller = Controlłeeērr)
    δ = δδ (e.g. Economics = EeēconoΣïcδδ) *δ = s
    z = zż (e.g. Waltz = Walłtzż)
    *Letters such as "lł," "uü," and "yÿ" do not follow the combination rule as, with the exception of "eeē" they are already conjoined.
    The Regulars:
    *These letters do not follow the combination rule. They do however, combine in the same manner letters would join in English (e.g. butter = ßuütteeērr)
    ß - This completely identical to our "b." Unlike the previous letters, this has no uppercase or lowercase form. It's just as it is.
    c - Same as our "c."
    f/Γ - Mostly the same as the "f" that we use, except this one has an unique uppercase form: "Γ"
    g - Same as our "g."
    h - Same as our "h."
    κ - Went through a slight change, but overall the same as our "k."
    Σ - Same as our "m" despite the obvious difference.
    p, q, t, v, w - All of them come from and are used exactly the same as their English ancestors.
    χ - Slight change but nonetheless, it is used the same as its English ancestor.
    One more important grammar rule:
    The object pronouns (me, you, her, him, us, them) are never separate from verbs that involve them if the verbs have no preposition in between.
    For example: "I love you" = "lł lłøveeē + yÿouü" = "lł lłøveeēyÿouü"
    Example 2: "I hate them" = "lł hateeē + theeēΣ = "lł hateeētheeēΣ"
    Example 3: "The government has sent something to you" = "Theeē gøveeērnΣeeēnt haδδ δeeēnt δøΣeeēthïng tø yÿouü."
    So yeah, this is my fictional language that I plan on using in my story in progress. Hope you enjoyed the little introduction. This may have been a waste of time, but oh well. I had fun. lol
  6. Dsanders
    I honestly cannot seem to make up my mind as to what I want to do with my life. I am uncertain as to what degree, major, or career to go for. I'm doing this project in Economics which requires me to list three potential careers I am considering for my future and I have to find what college major would be most appropriate for each. I can't even particularize three careers I want to go for. I have numerous thoughts and ideas for multiple majors I can go into and many career paths I could take but I cannot specify three in particular that I would want to pursue.
    First off, here is every major I have ever considered thus far:
    Business Administration
    Business Management
    Graphic Design
    Web Design
    Software Engineering
    Culinary Arts
    Liberal Arts
    Medical Science
    Environmental Science

    That just about sums it up. The ones that are crossed out are, at this point, hopeless endeavors. Gave up pursuing those years and years ago. The ones that are italicized are ones that have been more profound interests of mine for many years now. Though I'm afraid I may not have the mental capacity to endeavor in those fields due to the immense amount of science and highly advanced mathematics that they may entail (e.g. Trigonometry, Calculus, Linear Algebra, Integrals, etc). Mathematics is indubitably my greatest weakness here. A lack of confidence is also another weakness of mine which may hinder me from pursuing anything in Business and Communication. I do not think I have the leadership-like mentality to handle much in the business field, as much as it intrigues me. Economics, Finance, and Accountancy may also be quite rigorous due the immensity of number crunching and the fact that I am not even sure if I want to actually pursue the careers of such fields. It is practical and it will grant me much pay which is good but will I enjoy it? I don't know. Overall, I feel as though I am struggling to balance out these two factors:

    Practicality vs. Recreation

    Many of the aforementioned majors and fields of study I have listed are quite practical. Almost half of what I listed just so happens to be statistically among the highest paying majors in America. Whether it be Economics, Finance, or the field of Medical Science - these are all good paying jobs which would endow me with more than enough yearly income to buy a house and support a family. Sounds great! Sounds ideal. But do I have what it takes? I don't know. I have never been good at mathematics. It was only until last year that I barely began grasping the concept of Geometry and a little bit of Algebra. I've been doing well in my Algebra II class this year insofar that I may be able to pass by the time the school year ends. I am currently going through my last and final year at high school as a senior. With only around four more months remaining. Then that's it. I am done with high school forever. After this ensuing summer will be the start of my first year at a two-year community college. It's all general education and after that, I will have the ability to go to a university of my choice and finish off my remaining two-three years and get a bachelors degree. In what though? I have no idea. After going through much thought, contemplation, and self-evaluation, I realize what my true passions are - I am immensely fascinated with human behavior - whether it be by an individual or group and the underlying reasons for that. I admire reading about history and studying the various cultures and past civilizations. I am also greatly enthralled by the beauty of nature; the mountains, the trees, the plants, the atmosphere and both its tranquil and tempestuous nature. I know. I seem to have the potential to partake in the studies of Psychology, Sociology, History (some particular area), Environmental Science, etc. Yes, both the various sciences and the humanities fascinate me to an extent but the very thought of having to process numbers and complex equations gives me great trepidation. I'm okay with a certain degree of math but I am not sure if I have the potential to master it enough to where I can familiarize myself with its essence and use it as a valuable asset in assisting me to reach my dreamy endeavors.
    All I know is that I want to experience nature at her fullest potential! I want to live among the mountainous heavens. I want to live in peace and I want my future family to live with me in the realm of nature and experience her beauty altogether. I want to be knowledgeable in the sciences of nature and humanity and know all the various humanities - art, history, philosophy, etc. But how will such endeavors support me? How will I get a job with such passions? I don't want to be stuck in an office counting numbers for the rest of my life but that may be my most reliable option; the most practical approach to life I can take. I just feel so lost right now..
    I just want to make my life an adventure; an adventure I can someday look back and remember and proudly reflect on...

  7. Dsanders
    I owe this Valentine's Day to my sweetheart. She's been with me through thick and thin for more than four months. The fours months I've spent with her have just been an adventure that I hope to continue.
    I love you, Karina. You're the cutest, kindest, and most adorable gf I could ask for
  8. Dsanders
    You're not alone in your struggles. You're not alone in your pain. We all share similar stories. Like dandelions swaying in the same familiar breeze

  9. Dsanders
    “It is in your power to withdraw yourself whenever you desire. Perfect tranquility within consists in the good ordering of the mind, the realm of your own.” ~ Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

    What a wonderful view of the Space Shuttle, Endeavour silhouetted against the atmosphere. Here the troposphere is orange, the stratosphere is white, and the mesosphere is blue. Amazing how these layers are colored, especially the troposphere. Definitely puts the atmosphere in a whole new perspective.
  10. Dsanders
    I started this blog hoping to inspire others to find peace, comfort, and calm amid their worrisome storms. Because life is too short to worry about little things that won't matter years from now. Chill and be happy that you're alive.
    Take a step back, look at today and compare it to ten or twenty years from now. The little things bothering you right now will pass.
    Bad days will come and go. Just look toward the rising sun or moon; look upward to the constellations or ahead to the eastern and western horizons with no end. Distract yourself with the everyday beauty of the universe.
    Relax and find serenity under the trees, under the stars, or under the moon.
    I'm just here to share thoughts, quotes, music, etc.

  11. Dsanders
    Life is too short to give a shit about things that don't matter. Forget the little things right now. Move on.They won't matter. Look forward to the future and focus on the good life ahead

  12. Dsanders
    For a moment, David stopped and hesitated as he and Diana were now facing the back gates of their village. The tall oaken gates were notable for their sheer prominence; they were among the most massive structures in the entire village, standing at least twenty feet above the dirt foundations. At a width of 5.2 feet, a clear view of the outside could only be provided through a few drilled-in holes that were no wider than the average human fist. Beyond these gates, was an uncharted land―acres of soil that no soul had ever laid a foot upon. It was a foreign land whose scenery struck the two with fear, curiosity, and awe. They could only get a limited glimpse of the surroundings, but even a peak of what lied beyond was more than enough to ignite David's curiosity and eagerness by tenfold. Diana, however, saw little point in breaking one of the village's most important rules for the sake of searching for metal scraps in what appeared to be nothing more than a wasteland of dirt and rocks. The mysterious and eerie atmosphere that the land emanated also gave Diana the uneasy feeling that they wouldn't be safe out there. Although David was momentarily intimidated by the towering gates and the uncertainties it guarded, he proceeded to reach for the handlebar of the gates when another hand suddenly took a hold of his wrist, preventing David from reaching anymore further. He turned to face the possessor of the intercepting hand and to his unexpected surprise, he saw that the hand belonged to his now nervous friend, Diana.
    "Are you sure about this?" She asked apprehensively with great concern for the uncertainties lying ahead. "You know that we are prohibited from leaving the village, right? David, I'm not sure if you understand-"
    "Diana," David interrupted as he began to respond. "To be honest with you, I am not sure about this ... I mean, how can I be sure? I'm unable to determine the future; I have no idea where my destiny or fate lies. But I have questions. Ceaseless questions that have been haunting me for the past several months. I'm tired of these questions. I'm tired of this place! This place is riddled with questions that everyone keeps avoiding. For once, I want answers. Is it wrong to pursue what a person wants in life?"
    "There is nothing wrong with pursuing what you want in life, David. But is lying to yourself worth putting you and your dearest friend in trouble? Your theory of earth is a complete fallacy supported by nothing more than your dreams and some folklore legend!"
    David glanced at his friend with a determined look on his face before responding. "You want answers? Then search for them! Who knows what awaits us in those strange distant lands. No one, that's who. We'll never know as long as we're still here. The journey towards truth can only begin with one curious step."
    Diana couldn't argue against her friend's straightforward and valid point with which she reluctantly agreed.
    "Yeah, you're ... you're right."
    David then gave her a subtle smile and offered an open hand.
    "Do you trust me, Diana? Will you embark on this journey with me?"
    Diana's emerald eyes lit up with excitement as she happily took hold of David's hand―trying her best not to blush.
    "I-I do trust you. I would go anywhere with you, David! Our bond is far more important than this village. Wherever you go, I go. And I'm sorry for my skepticism. I know you, and I know you haven't lost your mind. Not yet at least." She giggled.
    David's smile grew wider upon hearing Diana's uplifting response. He took a deep breath as he reached for the handlebar of the gates and attempted to push the massive doors apart using all his strength. To his surprise, the gates were lighter than he initially thought and it wasn't before long that he―along with some help from Diana―managed to push the doors apart to make enough space in between for the two to just barely pass through. David felt an immediate surge of freedom as he dashed out the open gates, dragging Diana along, who was laughing as her adrenaline and excitement immediately took effect. Just moments ago, they were both apprehensive, scared, and unsure about what lied ahead, but now they were both laughing, screaming, and running hand in hand towards the unknown. There were several moments when each of the two tripped and tumbled into the soft clay-like dirt, only to get back up and continue running, laughing even more because of those funny moments, not caring about the dirt that stained their clothes. What they were beginning to experience, was the ancient and yet timeless thrill of adventure.
  13. Dsanders
    This is from two years ago. I didn't really write much, but let me know what you think. If I get enough positive feedback and encouragement, I might start posting complete chapters here to share with my friend here if I do continue. We will see.

    The Last to Know ...


    From Here to Eternity(Prologue)

    The Sun was beautiful. It was always beautiful. It was timeless and ageless. Even after an incomprehensible passing of centuries and millenniums, even after what seemed like an eternity of eternities, the Sun remained. If God had chosen to have a daughter, it would of certainly have been the Sun. The Sun was the eternal spring of life and its scorching flames have been erupting from its molten and seemingly immortal pool of super-heated gases since the beginning of the book of time. This glorious ball of passionate fire and light had existed before the very worlds it gave birth to. It was destined to be the center, a core of origin, the symbol of a beginning. It was one of the many genuinely burning bright marbles dropped intently by God into the sea of utter darkness, for the grand purpose of giving meaning to the blanket of void and despair. As a result, the first and the foremost greatest gift to ever have been given was given, and that was: the gift of life. Nothing in existence can ever hold as much as a profoundness of meaning as the very essence of Life itself. And no kind of life could have ever been any more grateful for having the opportunity to exist and enjoy the delight of this privilege, as much as humanity.
    From the earliest points in ancient history, humans had always valued and praised the Sun for its everlasting warmth. Some saw it as a divine deity, others saw it as a lively world of its own; many legends and folklore stories sprung out of these various uncertainties. Spiritualists and philosophers had pondered endlessly on the Sun's integrity and origin for many centuries. This lead to many romanticized theories and ideologies, which continued on until the rise of scientific advancements and early astronomy came about. Despite the death of these legends and deism of the sun, her beauty and mystery continued to kindle the amazement and wondrous inspiration of astronomers and cosmologists alike for numerous generations. The more that they had learned, the more they discovered, and the more uncountable monumental discoveries they had made, which momentarily lead them to believe that they knew all there was to know, the more that they had discovered how little they knew.
    The Sun had inspired the world. Not only had her warmth granted life to the human race, but her presence in the blue lit daytime sky, was always a great timeless blessing to their heart, mind, and soul. The Sun was their beacon of hope, their one and only candle that never ceased to burn out, and their sole provider of life within the endless and formless ocean of darkness. She had always prevented their fate in the ice from befalling them and She had always reassured them that the long eerie nights would come to an end. Her beautiful brilliance and rays of life had forever inspired a wholeness of beauty, romance and hope for humanity. She had spurred a sense of happiness in the artistic minds and passionate hearts of naturalists, writers, and philosophers of culture, art, and literature all throughout history. And most of all, the Sun was the beautiful and timeless symbol of the beginning of day. At Sunrise, the world smiled. At Sunset, the world mourned.
    The Sun's eternal presence and ceaseless existence had been one of the very reasons the human race had lived and thrived for so vastly long. And just as the Sun was timeless and seemingly eternal, so were the worlds that revolved around her, and all the life that her warmth had allowed to exist. In some unique perspective, one could argue that the Sun had ultimately been the grand source of time for humanity. The history of mankind wouldn't have been possible without her. Life would have never began. She had selflessly granted them such a longevity of time that went far beyond any comprehension, beyond all expectations. Nonetheless, even through all that time, this common memory of the sun had never changed: At Sunrise, the world smiled. At Sunset, the world mourned.
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