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Posts posted by Dsanders

  1. I'm feeling relaxed. Just drove again with my dad. Mastered both left turns and right turns. I feel a great sense of accomplishment and I can't wait to get my drivers license in the following months hopefully.


    Other than that, I'm kinda bored atm but like I said I also feel relaxed. I feel like my day is complete.

    • Brohoof 5
  2. I actually think im getting somewhere with someone. Just met them via message this morning on the forum. So eagerly excited inside


    That's great that you're getting along with someone. Just don't set your hopes up too high. You're still young and you have your whole life ahead of you. There's so much you can do. Do you really know if you're ready for a relationship, never mind a long distance relationship?


    I can tell you from experience it's difficult and you need to be careful. I threw away 2 years of my life in a relationship on this site that wasn't going anywhere.


    I don't want to sound harsh. Just don't make the same mistakes as me. Don't get carried away. Love yourself, exercise, meditate, go on a hike, and have some adventures. Be happy with life!


    If you still want this person, I wish you the best of luck! Everyone's different so this may work for you.

    • Brohoof 3
  3. Well I actually always wanted to live in Scotland or wales, somewhere in the north of Britain. But I don't mind staying where I am now. It's pretty good here. That or Iceland can always be a option ^w^


    Yeah I can tell you from what I've researched there are plenty of beautiful places in Scotland. It's worth a visit. There's Tiree which is Scotland's most westerly island as well as the sunniest place in the country




    There's the National Museum of Scotland which has numerous unique exhibits from what I've seen




    And finally, Ben Nevis, the highest mountain in Scotland. Would love to hike up there one day. Only 4,409 ft in elevation but appears to get snow during the colder seasons. It's breathtaking 



    • Brohoof 3
    • I've thought about trying marijuana a few times in my life. Maybe I will someday. Like a once in a lifetime thing. Though I am afraid of getting addicted to it.

    I'm not a fan of MLP anymore. Just doesn't do much for me these days. I guess I grew out of it. Idk. Many of the members here seem like intelligent and fun people so that's why I'm still around

    I'm kinda verbose on here when writing but I'm really introverted in person



    Somewhere in like the Himalayas, or somewhere similar.


    Fuck, that's my kind of paradise. I change my mind. Sweden would be easier and more cost-efficient to settle down in but if I could live anywhere in the world, I'd love to live near the Himalayas. 


    There I could pursue my dream hobby of mountaineering and climb the highest peaks in the world.

    • Brohoof 2
  5. @, That's happened to me quite recently. I can guarantee that your outlook will change again later on. Our perspectives on life are always changing and adapting to the changes and vagaries that come with it


    I feel relaxed and happy with life right now. I'm a little bored at the moment but I'm usually bored on Sundays so it's nothing new. Looking forward to the week ahead

    • Brohoof 2
  6. My electric guitar so I can fuck with any newcomers.


    If you had to be exiled anywhere of your choice after you die and remain there for all eternity (think of it like Limbo), where would you go?

  7. I believe we are all inherently evil to some extent but most of us are capable of resisting the darkness in our hearts. That's what makes us good I guess. The Lord of Flies seems to portray this moral struggle brilliantly.



    If you had the choice, how long would you want to live for? 

    • Brohoof 1
  8. God damn. There's so many intelligent people here. Nice answer!


    Yeah, the night sky appears quite clear from where I live. I see most of the major constellations such as Orion, Cassiopeia, Perseus, Andromeda, Gemini, Lepus, Canis Major, Ursa Major, etc. I once saw a shooting star for the first time a few nights ago.


    Speaking of which, what is your favorite constellation?


    @@PonyLaces, To answer your question, no. But my family is rooting for the Carolina Panthers

  9. Here are some recent pics I took last week:



    Me with my sweetheart









    We were at Lytle Creek (beautiful place). I was pretty happy that day









    And here's a sexy pic I took with my hair down








    I need to cut my mess of hair

    • Brohoof 12
  10. Somewhere cooler up north, at the very least Northern California. I love it here, but I still want to get out of the oven known as Southern California eventually


    You and me both, fellow Californian. 


    Although I prefer to live in Sweden, as long as the place is cool year round and close to nature, I'm ultimately happy.

    • Brohoof 2
  11. Where do you want to live in the future? Where would your dream home be located? It's something we all eventually think about at some point in our lives. There are numerous beautiful places all around the world so there's plenty to choose from.
    I'd love to live in Sweden. It's a beautiful country with a relatively great economy from what I've heard. Its capital, Stockholm, is especially an extraordinary sight in the wintertime. I also have Swedish blood so I'd fit right in.

    I've also wanted to live somewhere up north in Lappland (Sweden) or in Alaska. I've just always loved the cold climate.

    • Brohoof 4
  12. I've been popping in and out of here for nearly four years since I've joined. I've met many members, befriended lots of great people, and lost some along the way sadly. 


    I've always liked SCS (Ocean Waves) for his spiritual and philosophical insight on life and I've always liked Gone Airbourne because I can relate to him in a lot of ways. Although we haven't talked much, I know he's going through that similar journey of finding his place in the world. I wish him all the best. 


    Other members that I admire include the following: Steel Accord, SasQ, Kyoshi, Sugar Cube, Feld0, Artemis, Daring, Miles, Blue, Wind Chaser, and Yellow Pearl.


    We never talked much. I don't consider myself to be that talkative. Nonetheless, you all seem like interesting, smart, and friendly people with incredible personalities. 


    There is so much more I can list, but there you go.

    • Brohoof 5
    • There are the occasional moments when I hate myself for doing something stupid. Sometimes I'm too hard on myself. But I've been improving on that lately.
    • I'm not a misanthrope but I hate a lot of things about humanity (our inclination to wage war, the degenerate millennial culture, all the environmental pollution we've caused, etc.).
    • I don't like watching sports on T.V. I rather be in the game myself. I would love to play soccer or basketball if given the chance but it'd be boring to watch others play it on television. 

    That's all I have for now.

    • Brohoof 4
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