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Mikey The Cupcake Eater

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About Mikey The Cupcake Eater

  • Birthday 1994-12-10

Mikey The Cupcake Eater's Achievements


Muffin (2/23)


Brohooves Received

  1. This is wierd.... i mhave to refresh alot annoying....
  2. Derpy isn't stupid, or dumb, she just isn't on her feet and she is clutzy. lots of my friends are clutz. It's a personality for her. The act of derping is crossing your eyes and being silly. It isnt harmful in any way. Maybe she will be in a episode and she saves somepony.
  3. Dude I still have yet to beat that game I lost it and just found it, I beat the first 2 games though . For me it has to be......... hard choice but Final Fantasy IX!
  4. Yeah I felt bad for Apple Bloom in that episode.
  5. I've made 6 post why havent I left the BLANK FLANKS, I want my cutie mark.

    1. TomokoKuroki


      You have to find that thing that makes you special for your cutie mark to appear. :)

    2. Mikey The Cupcake Eater
    3. Anonymous~


      1.Join the CMC

      2.Do random stuff


      4.Profit, because you got yourself a cutie mark.

  6. Okay I'm sorry I thought that Everfree Forest wa just offtopic things. My bad, So guys what have you seen on the Interwebz recently where you laughed or said Wait What?
  7. Mike Lionheart uses qoute....... Not very effective. This Is wher we gonna post random .gif's and pics of random things on the interwebs though. And all to be a goof.
  8. Just Start a random thread about anything. No Profanity though.
  9. I love this band, Everpony should Love Sleigh Bells! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ld-0na1mpI
  10. Eeeyup. Big macintosh is my fave pony! Surender now or prepare for flight!
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