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Commander Urdnot

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Posts posted by Commander Urdnot

  1. I'd go check out a person's testimony of a death related experience and they were brought back to life. There are a few of those and I'd say that would be your best bet in knowing what happens after death.


    The problem with that is that these people nearly died. None of them have actually died.


    And as for all of those people who "Died" at hospitals and were "Brought back" through medical procedures. Those people who "Died," didn't really die. Those machines with the lines that beep monitor your heart NOT your brain. As I have stated before, people are not physical beings. People are intangible personalities that are the result of a series of electrical-chemical processes that take place in their brains.


    The heart is there to sustain the body that sustains the brain that sustains the electrical-chemical processes that cause consciousness, and personality, essentially the person in question. If the heart goes out, and fails to to its job, the brain will soon follow. However, the heart's end doesn't necessarily mean the end of that person.

    • Brohoof 3
  2. Then what happens after death? Are we just stuck in oblivions darkness? @Scarlet Letter We just have to see for your selves.


    I already told you. Nothing happens when you die. It's just like how nothing happened before you were born. You will feel the same way you did before your parents were born.


    Your brain stops processing data, it stops taking data in. You're not stuck in oblivion's darkness, you're not stuck in heaven, you're not stuck in hell. You cannot be, because you don't exist.

    • Brohoof 2
  3. 1. Sloth: Very intelligent, creative, and talented. Too lazy and apathetic to do anything significant with any of it.

    2. Greed: I have too much shit. Yet I still find myself buying more of it.

    3. Gluttony: Knowledge and experience glutton.

    4. Envy: Why does my neighbor get 3 nice cars? I work hard, I pay my taxes, why can't I have ONE nice car?

    5. Pride: I'm a sexy genius.

    6. Lust: Not really, if I had an intense desire for something, I probably wouldn't be as apathetic and sloth as I am.

    7. Wrath: An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. Too much work, too little reward.

    • Brohoof 1
  4. I was an unfortunate soul who was captured by a witch and used for arcane experimentation.


    The witch ripped my soul away from my body, and attached it to a mannequin body. The mannequin body that I have been inhabiting for what seems like an eternity. I've been wandering the world for decades, searching for the witch. The witch who took away my life, my ability to feel, and cursed me with this existence of strife and agony. With the curse of immortality.


    I can't remember who I was, or anything that happened before I was turned into this... Thing. Everything's a blur. However, there is this one thing. I feel like I know it, but somehow I can't remember it. It's something sad. I don't know why but, something about it bothers me...

    • Brohoof 1
  5. Relationships are all about emotional synchronization. Humans shoot for quality over quantity when reproducing, and consequently, take a long time to reproduce. It takes a human up to a year to conceive, 9 months for the baby to grow and develop inside of its mother, and up to 12 hours for the mother to give birth to the baby. Human reproduction has a lot of room for error, and since it takes such a long time, can be devastating if it doesn't work out. If a human couple in the wild fails to get it right the first time, they might not even live long enough to have a shot at trying it again. If something happens to the male, female, or baby during the reproduction process, it could very well mean game over.


    Since reproduction was such a risky gamble back when we were hunter-gatherers, we developed this neurological electrical-chemical process we call "Love." Love is the 3rd and final stage, in the human attraction process.




    The human attraction process consists of 3 different stages:


    Lust: Which is accompanied by the release of estrogen and testosterone, is what gives us the desire to find love in the first place. It's the force that drives people to look for potential mates to reproduce with. This stage doesn't begin until adolescence, when sexual organs have matured, and testosterone and estrogen are being released. Since these chemicals are being released in such a copious amount during adolescence, it's common for teenagers to become enamored with other people for superficial reasons. It's also the reason why teenagers, especially younger ones are fixated on searching for mates. It's also the reason why many teenage relationships are centered around sex. It's because lust, and the chemicals associated with it, are dominating the brain. Now before somebody gets upset with me for "Generalizing" teenagers, let me say that every teenager is different. Each teenager has deviations in brain structure, and chemical production. Because of this, there will be some teenagers that act differently than the majority do.


    Attraction: Also known as infatuation, this stage is accompanied by the release of dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin, and nerve growth factor. This is the "Honeymoon" phase most couples go through for the first 3-6 months of their relationship. The two people become enamored with each other, and spend almost every moment with each other. This is primarily due to the heightened presence of dopamine and norepinephrine. Dopamine is the brain's pleasure chemical, and is largely related to happiness and euphoria. Norepinephrine affects hyperactivity, sleeplessness, goal-oriented behavior, and attention. Dopamine and norepinephrine are commonly found to coincide with one and another. This stage of the relationship is there to get the couple to spend time with each other in order to get to know each other. What makes them tick, how they are like, what they desire... What they need. It plays a key role in the couple emotionally synchronizing with each other.


    Attachment: "Love." This stage is accompanied by the release of oxytocin, and vasopressin. It is also accompanied by a reduction of the hormones that were released during the attraction stage. Oxytocin also known as the "Bonding hormone," is associated with pair bonding, and separation anxiety. Interestingly enough, it's also released during orgasm. Vasopressin, which amongst several other things, is associated with pair bonding. This is the stage where the emotional synchronization starts to finalize.


    Emotional synchronization is essential to a relationship. If the emotional synchronization is disturbed, both members of the couple will subconsciously size up the situation. Depending on what conclusion the members of the couple come to, the relationship will either be repaired, or replaced. Factors that go into this decision include things such as how much as been invested into the relationship, how severe the disturbance is, and the availability of replacement mates. If it's something minor such as someone forgot about the couple's anniversary, the emotional disturbance can typically be rectified by reassurance. But something such as one of the members of the couple moved to another state, and long-distance communication and interaction is severely inhibited over an extended period of time, the emotional synchronization will be very affected over a long period of time, and in many cases, results in the relationship's end. That is the reason why many people are apprehensive about online and long distance relationships: interference with emotional synchronization. Emotional synchronization is also the reason why people often look for themselves in their mates. The more they have in common, the less conflict they will get into, the less disturbance. The more they have in common, the easier it is for them to become attuned to the needs of each other, the easier it becomes to emotionally synchronize with each other.


    I don't measure people up to an arbitrary list of criteria. If I like a person, then I like them. What should matter is how I feel about a person, not whether or not they are attractive, male or female, tall or short, smart, or funny. If I enjoy being around a person, then that is all that matters. These arbitrary checklists are irreverent, and only serve to reduce the possibilities and freedom I have to find a person I enjoy being around. They are counter-productive, so I avoid them.

    • Brohoof 5
  6. I only recently realized that math was ruined for me by the educational institutions I was forced to attend when I was growing up.


    It wasn't math that I hated, it was the educational institutions trying to rewire my brain that I hated.


    I'm trying to reteach myself math skills, to give math a fair chance, and to make up for the shitty public school education I received.

  7. Physically, I wear glasses and also have acid reflux. Never want to have to relive those weeks before I got diagnosed where I had a horrible stomachache that crippled me after dinner every night.


    Mentally? Diagnosed and have been taking medication for ADD for years. I also went to speech therapy as a child; I still tend to stutter when stressed and have to be reminded to "walk my talk" sometimes, but most people would have no idea. They also have no idea about the ADD, which is probably the most interesting of the conditions I have here.





















    What's ADD like?


    You wake up Saturday morning, eat your breakfast, and then go goof off for a while. You've got lots of homework to do, but you've adapted to the fact that you can't get anything done in the morning before your medication takes effect. That's why you have to wake up early every day just to eat, get dressed, and go to school on time.


    Then, a few hours later and just too late, you realize that you forgot to take your pills. You go to the kitchen, reach over for the bottle... and notice that, shit, it's empty. That mental fog of lethargy, which usually only happens in the morning and evenings, still hangs over you. You browse the internet in a vague stupor, unable to focus on anything hard.



    You're one of the smartest people you know, but you just can't quite think straight for now. Maybe you will e able to get something done after a break? Yes, that sounds good. You can't think well enough now. Sure. Break.


    You get an email from one of your friends, sending you notes for that... crap... that super important 1 hour long group project presentation on Monday. Then you minimize the window. You'll get to it... in a bit. Your eyes are just glazing over the project at this rate.


    A few hours later, you find that your sister's friend came to visit. You go over and mingle, as you usually do, but you keep giggling at weird things and you keep saying really dumb stuff and it won't stop coming out of your mouth. Some of it makes them laugh too, but some of it just gets you weird looks from your sis, and you aren't able to figure out which of those two it is before you start blurting them out.


    It's 9:40 pm and you decide enough is enough. You send your friend an email, apologizing for taking so long, and oh yes, you're getting to work now, really sorry for being a lazy shit. Then the words come out like molasses. You keep staring at your paper and back at the computer screen. You take short breaks this time, but they aren't helping. It's getting late and you're tired for real now. Just as you're sort of starting to get in a groove, you head off for bed.


    It's Sunday, and you empathetically make sure that you take your pills. With a clear mind, you set to work doing everything that you didn't do yesterday. You're not a procrastinator by nature... well, when your brain's operating, you're not. The work takes up a little over half of your day along with chores and other responsibilities. You finally send out those notes to everyone in your group for school, but you worry.


    Not about yourself. If you don't have it memorized, well, you know what you did. But you worry that everyone else is getting marked down for your failure, that the presentation's going to be awful because nobody had any time to practice thanks to you, that you'll screw it up also for everyone tomorrow because you're staying up late working on it and won't get enough sleep.


    Then as you lie in bed, you remember that you're going to have to take money out of your paycheck when you're an adult for these expensive medications. A little bit that could go into savings, instead into making your head work right. Oh, joy.


    That's what having ADD is like.


    That's what happened to me last Saturday.

    I was diagnosed with ADHD-PM (There is no such thing as ADD. That was renamed to ADHD-PI back in 1994) back when I was 7. I didn't say my first word until I was 5, and never shut up since. I talk very fast, and I used to stumble over my words when I was little. This, and the fact I didn't speak until I was 5 resulted in me being given thrown into speech therapy during my middle and elementary school years. I'm also nearsighted, and have been wearing glasses to correct it for years.


    I do know what it's like to have 'ADHD.' I've taken medicine for it too, and it sucks. I'd get very high-strung, I'd lose my creative abilities, my optimism, and my carefree, charming, quirky, and enterprising nature. I'd become a zombie, incapable of doing nothing other than focusing on whatever mundane, meaningless task I was arbitrarily ordered to follow by some authority figure. There was always this fucking high-pitched buzzing sound that I would hear when I was on the medicine and I had to repress violent urges that would make me want to hurt people for no reason. I've detested violence my entire life, and still do. I only consider it when I have exhausted all other options.


    I also had to go to 'Counseling' until I was 15. Where they taught me focusing and stressing techniques for the first 15 mins. Then I'd argue with them about ADHD for the rest of the time.


    One day I got into yet another argument with my dad about ADHD, and I snapped. I screamed and threw a stool against the wall. He took me to the counselor and to the doctor, and they discovered that I had stopped taking ADHD medicine since I was 14. As we all know, fluctuating the amount of stimulants your brain is exposed to causes irritability. After I explained everything to my dad, he told them he wanted me off medicine, and you know what the doctor did? He tried to diagnose me with oppositional defiance disorder. (ODD) It was plainly obvious that neither the doctor nor the counselor cared about their patients. They only cared about lining their pockets with medicine and counseling money.


    I've never taken anything for my 'ADHD' since, and never will. ADHD us a difference in cognition. It is not a disorder. It is nothing more than a false label doctors use to sell 'Treatment' to their patients.


    If ADHD is truly a 'Disorder' that is caused by defects in the brain which result in unhealthy neurological activity, then how come only 30-50 percent of patients retain the symptoms into adulthood, even if they discontinue taking highly-addictive and potentially hazardous stimulants? Do people with schizophrenia, bipolar, and borderline personality grow out of their disorders? Why is it that 30 to 50 percent of ADHD patients also get diagnosed with Odd? Why do only 1 to 3 percent of adults have this disorder? Why do statistics say that 1 in every 5 Americans have a mental disorder? Did they finally recognize cognitive dissonance as a disorder? Because unless that happens, that number is way too large to be taken seriously, obviously there is some kind of ulterior motive behind these mental disorder diagnoses. We don't even know what causes ADHD! Anyone hopped up on stimulants is going to act like a zombie, ADHD or not.


    This ADHD thing is ridiculous. Not only does it mean that the medical industry that we trust our very lives to is completely corrupt. But it also results in children suffering during their critical childhood years. They are told that something is inherently wrong with them their whole childhood, and it causes deep psychological pain. Which results with self esteem issues. Oh and by the way, 40 percent of people that were ever diagnosed with ADHD also have depression. Oh em gee! It's the Add, guys!


    Clearly ADHD is a real disorder. We can explain why it's a disorder and not a mere difference in cognition. We can even pinpoint the cause of ADHD, and help people with it live happy, healthy, and 'Normal' lives. All at the cost of 6000 on average per year! Don't worry, you can trust us. We're 'Professionals.'

    • Brohoof 2
  8. Those losers in lab coats said I had ADHD.




    I question these ADHD quote unquote disorders, and others like it. Are they really disorders? Or are they simply differences in cognition that just deviate from the norm?


    There's big money in the drug business. Not just the illegal drug business, either. There's a whole market of legal drugs that brings in big big money.

    • Brohoof 1
  9. I wonder... Since its recently been proven that male and female brains are built differently if you would experience cognitive changes as well as physical ones during your 'Transformation.'


    But if your brain would be rewired during your 'Transformation,' and your personality which causes you to be you also changes, would you still be the same person as you were before? Would you still be 'You?'

    • Brohoof 1
  10. Never understood why some females often are attracted to the big, athletic, dominant males in lieu of more intellectual, subtle, less athletic males.


    Think about it, all animal species have adapted to their environment in different ways. Humans are special because they developed superior cognitive reasoning skills to adapt to their environment. Intelligence is what put humanity at the top, not physical speed, strength, or size.


    So if intelligence is what put us at the top as a species, then why would it be different for humans as individuals? Why has intelligence's value suddenly diminished?

    • Brohoof 2
  11. I don't have a favorite eye color. I find that some eye colors go with certain features better than others.


    Since how nice a particular eye color looks is contingent on other features a person possesses, then the attractiveness of eye color is situational. Therefore, I cannot pick a favorite one. As there is no eye color that looks good in all situations, all the time.

    • Brohoof 1
  12. Well, let's break it down.


    What does it mean to contain?

    Google says:

    Have or hold (someone or something) within.


    What is control?

    Google says:

    The power to influence or direct people's behavior or the course of events.


    So if this tree is there to "control and contain all that grows here," then that means that this tree is holding the forest within a boundary. This tree is also influencing and directing the behavior and course of events of the forest.


    These phenomenoa are occurring within this forest. This forest is the source. If this forest is in control of the phenomena, and the tree is in control of the forest, then the tree is control of the phenomena due to transitive relation.


    If X is controlled by Y

    And if Z is controlled by X

    Then Z is also controlled by Y


    Yes, the tree is indeed the reason why these phenomena are taking place in the forest.

    • Brohoof 5
  13. I feel that grades are a little more important to me than looks most of the time, and with me being a chick, yes I definitely do care about my looks as well. 

    Having brains gets you somewhere in life, ya know. I'm not downing anyone who chooses looks, no judgement here. Just personal opinion.

    Grades don't always equate with intelligence. Grades are just arbitrary letters that authority figures in educational institutions use to label their students. They have no real meaning. Grades show how well you conform to their grotesque and insipid definition of intelligence, when the fact of the matter is that intelligence is a very intricate and subjective concept that is far too complex to be adequately measured by their bullshit grading scale.


    Also, while I agree that brains can get you far in life, I must point out that looks can get one far in life as well. Maybe not in the same ways as brains will get you, but they can get you far in life nonetheless. You won't be going to the same places that brains will take you, but you will still be moving up in life.


    I prefer looks. Why?

    It's not only that I don't like women with brain, I AM the brains. I just think I'd be happy with a no-so-smart girl with a beautiful face rather than a smart girl without one. Don't get me wrong though. I would still hit on smart ladies too (just as long as they're beautiful)Plus, if I ever get into an arguement with a smart girl, chances are I would lose (I'm smart, but not that smart :V)

    So you don't want to be with a woman, you want to be with a puppet that you can throw around and do whatever you want with. Why not just buy a doll than? You have 100 percent control, you can have her look however you want, she will do whatever you want, and you won't have to waste your smart brain on mundane matters such as memorizing birthdays and anniversaries. I'm sure people will be as equally impressed, especially if you spend extra money on one of those fancy, realistic ones.


    Anyways, I don't like this poll, as it forces you into this false dichotomy that implicates that looks and brains are the only attributes to consider when searching for a potential mate. When this isn't true. I do look for intelligence in people, as well as looks, but there's so much more to a person than how they look and think. I care about their likes, dislikes, quirks, personality, and more. I don't care about minute details such as looks and intelligence, I care about the bigger picture, and how the person is as a whole.


    So because of this, I cannot pick which trait I value more, as I don't judge people based off of some rigid standards I have formulated in my mind, but how the person is as a whole. Having loose standards keeps your options open, and allows you to be free to explore numerous possibilities. You never know what might be over the horizon waiting for you.

  14. Personality is what dictates the traits individuals find desirable in mates, not gender.


    The reason the two sometimes get mixed up is because the concepts sometimes overlap. Gender can affect personality both directly and indirectly. While gender can affect personality, which in turn, dictates which traits are desirable in mates, it is still the personality that decides which traits are and are not desirable in mates, as personality is an extremely complicated system affected by a multitude of variables. One variable isn't nearly enough to influence behavior in any significant way.

  15. Eccentric

    I'm a creative, inventive, imaginative, unconventional weirdie and proud of it.



    I dislike routine, and enjoy venturing out to find different experiences.



    Love fun, hate work. Somewhat uncouth.


    Computer Whiz

    Love computers and technology.



    I'm a creative, inventive, imaginative, unconventional weirdie and proud of it.

  16. Lean back in my chair and laugh at the obvious troll, and his pathetic attempts to bother me. I'd also laugh at the fact that such a thing not only bothers people, but a decent number of them.


    It wouldn't be a sarcastic laugh though, it would be legitimate, real laughter.

  17. My home is not a place, but a person. It doesn't matter when or where we might be, as long as I'm with the one I love, then I am home, and I couldn't be happier.

    • Brohoof 1
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