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Everything posted by aRegularPony

  1. I did the thing where I post the picture. See? I did it. Lost interest in Doctor Who? One does not simply... Wait. I can't use that twice. Damnit.
  2. You haven't seen the Christmas special? But that's when the 'Great Intelligence' was introduced.
  3. I watch Doctor Who. Lots of people watch Doctor Who.
  4. I am off to the sleepy dream lands! Because I'm awake at 1:44 am! (Still, could be worst.) Night!
  5. Thoughts on my new OCs? http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/delusion-and-illusion-r2989 Also, I'll work on backstory tomorrow. ATM that thing is wierd. Until then, to bed!

  6. Illusion And Prowl
    1. Digiral


      I can sketch in many postition :D Sky warden is my costumer :D i mean ..... my.... er nevermind , here some example http://adf.ly/MOI9X :D

  7. Kill the sickness. Or, get Chuck Norris to do it. He will destroy the sickness. So did I. Then, friendship was magic. Or something similar. And now I can't get over the fact that Mirror is pretty much a Geass user and her geass is to steal personalities. It even has the same flashy effect.
  8. Just finished watching an anime series called Code Geass. Dayum, that ending is amazing. I cried. I should be posting this on some kind of anime thread and I don't care.
  9. @@Umbreon, "Um... Okay." Para realized how fond she was becoming of this stallion, considering just a few moments ago she was against even leaving her bed. And, she was becoming fond of him so fast. Perhaps too fast. Could she really trust him? He doesn't seem like a bad pony. Infact, he was nicer then most ponies. There was only one pony she ever trusted, who was long gone. Maybe she needed somepony she could trust? She cautiously trotted out of the room.
  10. @@Umbreon, "Okay..." She silently moved towards the door and opened it. She had a feeling she was going on that tour, no matter what she said. But, what if somepony attacked them. Or the carriage crashes. So many things could go wrong on that tour. In this entire city. What if there are terrorists. Or... No. She had to be somewhat brave. As impossible as that seemed. "Hello."
  11. Error. Living.exe has stopped responding. Shutting down.
  12. "That could work. Though, running into Encore would do us no good. We don't have any weapons of any kind." She planned on finding this mysterious stallion, who was threatened their entire yet to be created plan on killing Encore. No matter how well thought out the plan would be, it could, and probably would, fail instantly. That was usually the case.
  13. An actor. Did some ponies believe that? It's amazing how stupid normal ponies are. That's just Equestria though. Anyway, plan. She remembered the pony slightly earlier. "Well, we have to be sure no one already knows. You recognized a pony back there. Who?" She realized now how easily the plan could fail. Still, no turning back now.
  14. Okay then. The problem has been eluded. Now, just tell him about yourself without referencing his own past. Can't be too hard, right? Of course, she couldn't exactly say that she was created in a factory, then fell from the sky, could she? Damnit. "I... used to look after a child. Paranoid Fright. Then after something happened, and I had to leave. I'm a salesm-..." Nope. Not a salesman. That was a close call. She sounded so suspicious at the moment though. Damnit. Why must this be so hard. "I'm unemployed at the moment. What about you?" Brilliant. Stall. It's not like he would say something she didn't know, but still.
  15. Para heard the announcement, but didn't react to it. She stayed under her covers. Maybe she could just, not go out today. Into the big, scary city. Maybe she could just, stay in her room? Safe from the scary ponies outside. Infact, she could just stay in the whole week. No. She would have to eat. She still hid though. She wasn't leaving the room anytime soon.
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