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Posts posted by Starflower

  1. As a female MLP fan myself, I really don't prefer either way. Call me a brony, or call me a pegasister...I'm fine with both. I know a few people who prefer "female brony" or Pegasister, so it's just their choice. 

  2. Well, I gotta go with Discord for favorite villain. You want Chaos? He's got chaos. 


    Nightmare Moon was really Princess Luna all along, so I don't really consider her a Villain after that. Chrysalis didn't really appeal to me that much since she appeared for a short time during the final episode of the second season. King Sombra is pretty much my least favorite villain, I know nothing about him other than "some villain who wants to take over the Crystal Empire."I kinda need more backstory to it imo. 

  3. I read often, not just because I enjoy it...it's because I am required to do so. S__S


    I'm currently reading three books, for three classes. Then I have to do a report about what it relates to the subject (ex. Psychology, Geography, etc). I mean, I don't like reading, I LOVE reading. I have my own collection of books that takes up half of my closet space. So if I ever feel like reading, I can like...pick a book and start reading. 


    Online-wise, I'm also an ebook reader and a fanfic reader as well. My best friend sent me a few fanfic stories that he recommended me to read, and I'm halfway through them (just that the three books I mentioned above are stopping me from finishing up. lmao)

  4. Your Fluttershy avatar is so adorable! She's my second favorite pony alongside Rarity (my first favorite), so it's good to know another fan of that sweet adorable pony. :3 


    Great to see ya here and welcome to da herd MLPf! It's a fun place to be, and you'll really love it here. Nice to meet ya, aaand I hope I'll get to see you posting around, ya? :D 

  5. It's never too late to participate in a forum like this one. You seem to make the right choice. :D Welcome aboard! I'm Starflower aaand that's my OC's name too (well, one of my OC's xD). You'll really like it here, and you'll love the many sections we have here, there is a section just for everyone. :) 


    Hopefully you have a great time here, and don't hesitate to send me a message if you wanna talk & stuff :3 


    Except for the part towards "writing songs", this song pretty much shows off my inspired self. And I can always trust my friends just in case I "fall down". 


    and this song.


    I'm a huge fan of this song. Everytime I listen to it, it reminds me of what my goals are in life, and why is it taking me so long in achieving them. It gets me to think "Megan, why haven't you achieved them? What if you never complete them?" I have a long life ahead, so it gives me more motivation to do them. :3 

    • Brohoof 1
  7. I think the best years of school would be in my middle school/junior high years. 8th grade would be the best year from those years. I went on several trips throughout the year with some great friends. I also had the best teachers during that time too, especially math and science. They made both of these subjects fun, and I wish we had that same concept in high school, which literally tarnished my interest in those subjects as I came for the first time. We went to Catalina Island, visited several colleges, as well as Knotts Berry Farm for our 8th grade graduation trip, and oh my goodness I will never forget my time there! :D 


    I literally sobbed during the 8th grade promotion ceremony. You can't imagine how I felt as I left middle school. 

  8. I love Rarity, but I relate myself to Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy and Applejack the majority of the time. 


    For one, I'm very serious about my studies in school. I'm always keeping myself organized and I never fail to miss a deadline. I'm also shy around people (at first), but later on once I get to know the person (or people) I warm up, and I'm never really inside my shell anymore. Animals are like my children to me, so I have a special place for them. Lastly, I'm pretty honest, and I'm always around to help my friends, or basically anyone who needs help. I can also be stubborn at the most stupidest times, too. 


    However, Rarity is pretty much my favorite because of her element, and her amazing fashion senses. <3 

    • Brohoof 1
  9. Ahhhh, I can't choose just one! ;___; I think the majority of the episodes from Season 2 were so heartwarming and gave me so many feels, whether it'd be Rarity & her relationship with her sister Sweetie Belle, or her relationship with Spike, or Hearth's Warming Eve, or Hearts & Hooves Day, or...aaah, there's just so much! 


    The episode that made me cry (for real) was the Canterlot Wedding, the season finale to episode 2. That episode made me cry at the end, and it was also heartwarming. 

  10. I actually have no preference in which chocolate I like. xD Chocolate is chocolate and any chocolate is okay with me. xD


    However, if I had to choose, I would have dark chocolate. It's sweeter than the other chocolates and I heard it's...healthier too? xD

  11. I know that feeling. Back in 2012 (between seasons 2 and 3) I was unsure if I wanted to jump back to the fandom because I had lost interest. My friend did give me a chance to leave, but what really dragged me back was not only him, but the awesomeness the ponies still had, as well as the community as a whole. I stayed because of the community, and I wouldn't find a fandom similar to this one, because everyone is just simply amazing. <3


    I (or anyone here) don't want to push you to come back. It's entirely up to you and you have the final saying. Try watching the previous episodes again (any episode, your choice) and see if that could peak your interest in returning once again. Like I said, it's your choice. 


    I will say, however, that most fanart and fanfictions nowadays are really good. 

    • Brohoof 1
  12. I was a gym goer in the past two years, I don't know why I stopped going...probably because of IRL issues and school, and other commitments I had to deal with. So there wasn't really time. I was a huge fan of my local gym's Zumba program, alongside that, I did 1 hour treadmill, 30 min weightlifting, and 1 hour of boxing (they had a boxing gym too). Kept my confidence on track, wish I had extra time to go back again. 

  13. Becoming a tree sounds like fun, but it's not really fun when you are rooted to the ground and you're like....not moving. xD I'd rather be buried underground (or use my skeleton as a display at the family hall of fame) than be something that can burn easily. :P 

  14. That's quite creative that you decided to "come out" with a video. It's also a great feeling as well, now you can be as open as you are. I hope your friends accept you no matter the outcome. 


    As for myself, I wasn't really a closet brony per se. I always tell everyone that I'm a brony. Sadly for the people I was close with in the past didn't like how I was so open about it. 

  15. "Loving & Tolerating" others, in my book, it basically means to be patient. I've always applied that irl and online, and it's taken me to a good level. Before that, I just blew up every five minutes, because I just couldn't stand everything that was around me. Now and then, I get mad/irritated rarely on the forums or anywhere irl. When people do something that may be bothersome, I'd be like "meh, go for it, it's your life, etc."


    Basically, I love & tolerate everyone regardless of who they are. I'm not bothered with anything. 

  16. I'm not an athlete per se, but I do play some sports. I played for a few softball teams in local leagues, as well as played badminton during my freshman year of high school. I'm an active swimmer, so every other day in the summer I hit the pool and practice my awesome breast stroke. 

    • Brohoof 1
  17. Your intro post is fine. I know the feeling of introducing oneself. You're okay! *offers a brohoof*


    Welcome, btw! What kind of writing are you into? Fanfiction? General stories? Poetry? At the moment I'm writing a story on my OC ponies, and it's...quickly filling up my 5-subject notebook. xD 


    It's wonderful to see you here, MLPf is a great community and I know you'll grow accustomed here. Because basically..there's a lot to do here, and many bronies to meet. :) 


    Have fun, and see ya 'round!

    • Brohoof 1
  18. Hi there! I'm a unicorn as well. :3 (or well, Rarity is... according to my avatar. xD) 


    Welcome aboard! You seem like the shy pony. What's up? Hope you are finding things here alright. MLPf is a great community and you'll love it here! :3

  19. Out of the three bronies I've met irl: two of them go to the same school as I do. I see them every monday/wednesday. One of the two bronies I've seen has the same class as I do, and that's pretty much the only time we see each other. 


    The other brony I've met irl, I met at a supermarket but was never seen again.


    Technically I am forever alone, because I don't have actual irl brony friends whom I can talk ponies with everyday, or watch MLP with. It's really hard to find some here where I live. 

  20. MLP is basically my "everything" cure. Cure for depression, cure for sadness, cure for boredom, etc.


    It's like the feeling when you are gifted a giant teddy bear. You smile so much you just want to hug it. And well, that's how I feel everytime I watch an episode of MLP, a clip of MLP, music remixes of songs from the episodes (most were linked by brony friends), and whenever someone even mentions ponies, I just want to TALK ABOUT THEM for hours and just forget about everything else that's going on with the world. It managed to be the accessory to my escape from my pessimistic side life.

    • Brohoof 1
  21. Cilantro is perfect for garnising dishes, especially fish. Fish and cilantro go together like peanut butter and jelly. I always have about 4 bunches of cilantro at home, while I sometimes grow my own from the garden. So, we always have cilantro here. :3

    • Brohoof 1
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