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Everything posted by SkyeRibbonPwny

  1. I don't understand. Why would Rarity EVER be subtle?
  2. You have my full permission to change whatever you want. That song is so clumsy, the only reason i havent trashed it is because its so close to what i want. But I just want it to be better, and i don't think i have the ability to change it....So yeah! Go for it! <3 Also thanks <3
  3. 0w0 was not expecting that at ALL. Well thank you. AND WOOHOO. You just made my day, awesome dude. I'm kinda excited now <3 woohooo!
  4. lol ok, sorry didn't mean to be pushy or whatever. I was just wondering if you would consider doing a collab, not if you would this very instant lol, take ur time. Sorry.
  5. Tara Strong tweets. I mean seriously. 'nuff said. Has anyone seen her vines? Inside the voice actor's mouth, anyone?! Lol and her puppies!!!! And....and yeah.
  6. So i was wondering if you could take a piece of crap song and make it good?? Lol, I know you said MAYBE to the requests but I love your music its so COOL. Like, deep and nostalgic and happy!! Anyways, if you maybe wanna do a little collab....This is the piece of garbage lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0XQ-8923sU So uh.....no then?
  7. I'm here Booboo!! I know you missed me <3 I'll just be joining with SkyeRibbon, and you know where her link is. WOOHOO.
  8. For the most part I completely agree, and it was a fair judgment, thank you. I do however have one thing to say about Quickjet being "Muscular." He's actually fat. Like really fat. It just didn't work so well in the pony creator, lol. Also, I do need to work on the backstory ALOT. But just t let you know, Her cutie mark has nothing to do with costume making lol, it has to do with editing. and......some other stuff i have written down that has to do with Jet but, idk. THANK YOUUUUU. Sorry they sucked so bad lol.
  9. oh ok 0w0 well it's just one more. I'm patient. And yay! Glad im not being a bother. WOOHOO these reviews are By the way, just to letcha know.
  10. OOOOOOOOooooh I'm so excited I'm next! It's not too much trouble doing two is it?? Yay this is so much fun!!! Iiiiiii am so haaaaaaappy my frieeeeeeends. Thaaaank you
  11. Well for those who know me, it isn't really hard to guess. My perfect and adorable Waifu is none other than....... This beautiful hunk of music right here, Mandopony. The one and only. I don't care if he's not in the show. He made it on the Hub, so close enough. I love him. I wrote a song about him (a terrible one, do NOT look up Dear Mando on YouTube) and I stalk him pretty much everywhere. I have the guy's ADDRESS. Andy Stein, you are my one and only WAIFU!
  12. Finally got a twitter lol

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. SkyeRibbonPwny


      bush party....it sounds so wrong lol.

    3. The Soldier

      The Soldier

      Naughty, naughty. ;P

    4. SkyeRibbonPwny


      i tweeted again!!

  13. Dafuq? Get Flash in Season 4? Do you guys have any idea how TV works? Season four is completed. It ceased being in production pretty much when they announced Equestria Girls. They had the recording done almost a year ago. Come on, guys, play smarter. I Don't know exactly how the animating thing works, but I do know that everything is already go for the premier. I don't think they can just be adding characters like that lol Besides, MM might be trolling us..... Flash isn't a character in S4.... He's a MANE character.
  14. MandoPony is my waifu <3

  15. I am pretty sure that Flash won't be in S4, but then again, Tweets aren't law. I would LOVE to see Flashlight more, especially anfter all that lip biiting lol. I don't really think there will ever be a Spike and Rarity coupling because I mean, Rarity is a young woman(mare, lol) and Spike is described so many times as a BABY. So, it's just a crush and a humoring of that crush. Thats it. Thats like shipping Cream and Shadow....oh waaaaait.....yuck. But seriously, Fluttercrush. HELL yeah, I wanna see Fluttershy Mans the Buck Up 4.
  16. It's never too late lol, I'm still writing stuff for the episode, and i got sick so its being delayed a bit. Other than that though, new opinions are very welcome!
  17. Honestly, Vinyl has been seeing more and more screentime. I think she's well on her way to getting a line or two, if not a scene like Derpy got. (BTW I call them the Tail Six <3 Mane six tail six lol) And Yes, it would RULE. Especially if the episode was taken from Golden Harvest/ Carrot Top's POV, in my opinion. And she's like delivering produce. Lol and it's just called Vegetables. Oh, yes.
  18. Well what if instead of straight up showing a gay couple, what if they taught the lesson behind it? I mean, a lesson on let people love who they love regardless of what you believe can be so easily done in MLP> What if its just simply a forbidden romance between a couple that isnt natural? like say.....a dragon and a pony? or a griffon? Also, being gay is not a choice what the hell guys. I mean, all the social standings could go into it. Disgust, encouragmement, general difficulty, Yeah, I think MLP could handle it well and with tact and genius. Also dammit RD is not a lesbian geez. Pinkie, maybe, but not RD.
  19. Lol I wish I could've seen that. I only got to see James for a little bit, I didn't even get to talk to Jenny TT_TT Oh well. Sounds awesome though. EDIT: OMG SHE STOLE JENNY'S COSPLAY?! JENNY WORE THAT SAME OCTAVIA COSPLAY TO COMICPALOOZA!!! LOOOOOOL
  20. SkyeRibbonPwny

    Banana Anatomy

    Bananas are ICKY lol
  21. Are you wanting something hand drawn or a vector like on Inkscape or something? I'm also actually sorta curious who did your avatar ^w^
  22. AAAHH I love magical Do Re Mi!!!! Seriously, at Fiesta Equestria, I bought a Dory riding Pinkie Pie badge, its super cute and says CUZ PINKS, THATS WHY. Although I wasnt really little when I started watching it, maybe like 12 or so, Also, sticking to topic, I have this little boy named Tyler in my class ( he's 8ish I think) And he LOVES Rainbow Dash, and asked me for drawing of the ponies. Although, much as I love having Tyler and all the little girls in my class who watch and love MLP, whenever they want drawings, I get one of two responses about Rarity. "Which one is Rarity?" "I don't like her, she's weird." Every time lol what do these kids have against best fashionista? lol Edit: **I'm a Pre-school/Daycare teacher, I don't go to school with 8-year-olds lol**
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