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Everything posted by SkyeRibbonPwny

  1. DUDE. Switches cutie marks....What about LACK of a cutie mark? What if we see one CMC with a cutie mark? Also, i have a feeling this whole episode is gonna be one big "What if?" fanpandering thing <3 i love fan pandering
  2. Oh god....Pogs. Anybody remember pogs? God that was proof that we were idiots as kids too. We bought CARDBOARD. CARDBOARD, guys. Um...why? Oh crap nonononononono. Dude. Those golden Pokemon cards that you got out of the kid's meals at burger king. You were so boss if you had one of them lol
  3. Does anybody have any cpnfirmation or spoilers about the finale? I only saw a minor one on My Little Brony but that was it. Is she really becoming an Alicorn?! BTW just became a Parasprite with this post. yay! Also, i have a theory tht Alicorns stop growing when they meet their true love--just a dumb romantic idea-- but wouldnt it be weird if Cadence kept getting bigger and bigger while Shining Armor stayed that size?
  4. Wuuuut. It has not been confrmed she's an alicorn has it?! How long was i asleep!? You have got to post some more detail than this, dude
  5. SkyeRibbonPwny

    request shop Sketch requests!

    Oooh, neat! Could you possibly get a cute scetch of my two OC's together? SkyeRibbon and Quickjet, the links are in my signature <3
  6. Actually it was confirmed that they were dead in Apple Family Reunion. When Granny Smith said EVERY pony was going to be at the reunion and "Who knows if they'll be able to make the next one?" After that AppleJack looks sadly at a window at two shooting stars confirmed by somebody(do NOT remember who) who works on the show that they were a nod to the Apple parents. So death has been implied, but softly. Actually....wasn;t there a funeral at one point? And King Sombre got blown to bits, dude.
  7. Wow you are amazing! Would you ever consider doing free oc requests? heh i know it's a longshot. But i really love the vector you did of pinkie and RD <3
  8. Ok....Twilight Sparkle, the bitch you are....You have some real potential as a main character, and your naivete is sorta kinda cute.
  9. SkyeRibbonPwny

    gaming Ni No Kuni

    I am so excited for this! A close friend of mine actually skipped class one day to sit in the art department with some junk food just to watch the gameplay for it. It looked absolutely beautiful and perfectly Miyazaki <3 Im very excited to get it.
  10. Yes, right before my mom decided to chop all my hair off. Which of the mane six would you Kiss, lick, fondle, marry, kill?
  11. 10/10 My favorite Woona <3
  12. Oh i absolutely prefer....both! I think that both are correct! Ditzy Doo is her real name, but what pony doesnt have a nickname? Dashie, Twi....Derpy is her cuter nickname. And i will eagerly look for her everywhere, calling her by either name <3
  13. I WUV YOU TOO WOONA!!! 10/10 <3 <3
  14. Please...b-be gentle.....its my first time being a punching bag TNPTP Just read Fifty Shades of Grey while listening to the Twilight saga on audio cassette lol Edit: I did not mean Twiligh Sparkle lol
  15. You rated my song poorly! Boooo 6/10 Also, everytime Chaotic Luna posts, it looks like her avvie is getting starstruck lol
  16. *Cuddles into snuggie* Yay <3 GanarumXHis hard hat
  17. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. I was literally just watching that show. I love Erkel the Hedghog! Anyways, i will volunteer to join this interesting roleplay <3
  18. The roleplay is pretty simple. It follows everything a real play would follow! Your character will audition, and immediatly be assigned a role. Your character will not know the cast, but in case you want to roleplay a specific character, here is the list: Daring Do (Pegasus) Daring Don't (Evil Twin) (Unicorn) Spork the baby dragon Sir Turban Turbine (Secretly Unicorn) Madame Boudoir Bustier (Earth pony) Professor Hardy (Earth Pony) Zombies The Mare of the Mere(Alicorn) King Sobriety(Unicorn) A Tree You do NOT have to be the same species as the character that you want. In fact i think it would be hilarious if we had fake wings and horns, maybe falling off in the midst of a serious scene. There is no script, you will be roleplaying a very badly written one, however. But don't everyone try for Daring Do, please. Rule one of improv. Never say no. Lets have fun! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ad9PyRdYDMI&feature=share&list=PL1AF9BD9D7B4F563E Also any....any...any ideas are welcome. If you feel like we need more rules tell me. More cast? Tell me. Jams? Covered baby. Cookies? I WELCOME A CHALLENGE.
  19. I'm bored, its late, and i found a funny picture. In the wacky world of Equestria with its many logic-defying issues and plot-holes....lol plot-holes....What are some crazy pony equations you can think of?
  20. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH SHINY!!!! TNPTP Has to steal Molestia's crown for my pleasure
  21. *Pulls out a camera* It really doesnt matter WHAT i catch. Its ALL gonna be good. TNPTP Has to watch whatever i capture for six hours on a loop
  22. Oh crap im scared to do it. Whats the best one to click on? Cuz ive never done anything like this before. I get that its safe but its so creeeeeepy
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