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Everything posted by FlutteringDweamz

  1. I'm glad Trixie as Starlight as a friend now. I remember when they were amazed they had so much in common first meeting xD They look quite cute together too~~ o.o
  2. Sunset's song "My Past Is Not Today" is an awesome song. I've listened to it to help me let go of my regrets about my childhood in the past :) Also, Sunset's style is.....awesome :P
  3. Hello :3 I hope you are doing well. Your post in the fluttershy club was very nice^^

    1. FlutterGuy999


      Thanks.  Which post in particular?

  4. Here's a Fluttershy blingee I made :) I may post in other pony clubs too. And I really liked FlutterGuy999's post :)
  5. Hi :3 Its nice to meet you.

    I don't know if I really feel like being active on ponyverse again, I do have social anxiety (likely its a part of my aspergers), but posting in the fluttershy club was fun. Nice rarity av too.

    1. Alexshy



      Why shan't thou be active hither? Tis the most friendly herd around thou can mayhap find. Many ponies hither would be happy to chat and share common interests, in the earnest.

      Tis not Rarity *giggles* Tis my human counterpart ponified: Alexshy, MLP fanfiction writer. The whole image:


      Nice to meet thee likewise, mine friend!

  6. Very cute Fluttershy pictures everyone :) I have been more of a Fluttershy fan lately. A lot more of one. For awhile, I didn't like her so much, since I thought she wouldn't be a helpful character for my 'insecurity issues', however I don't think that now. Fluttershy's a timid pony who tries her hardest to be braver and more assertive in a lot of episodes. I find that very admirable. :) I also like that she's a cute, innocent, girly character. She's girly like Rarity is, but I find she's probably more the type of girly girl I see myself as now than Rarity is. I'm not really into fashion or looking pretty as much as Rarity would be. I'm more the type of girly girl that likes cute animals, and the color pink A lot like Fluttershy, really. Also like Fluttershy I can feel like I want my space from other people to 'do my own thing' pretty often. That could be related to the fact I have aspergers, though.....people with aspergers do find social situations unnerving and unappealing a lot of the time, i've read. I wonder how many people on the spectrum will find they like fluttershy for this reason? :3 Also, I support FlutterDash (FluttershyXRainbow Dash). And anyone who's against that couple for being same sex is not someone I wish to be friend with. I think Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash seem like they're good for each other; to me, gender doesn't matter. Just love :)
  7. Banned cuz I wanna snuggle my avatar so much X3;
  8. Hi :) Nice to meet you. I think your avatar is pretty (i think blondes are pretty in general due to my crush on korrina X3; ).

    (though, its funny, but i think rainbow dash is the most attractive equestria girl, rather than apple jack xD I just like rd's character more lol)

    1. FlutteringDweamz


      You're welcome :)

      The girl from my avatar comes from pokemon.

      She's really special to me. Being into her has helped me through my autism and depressions :)

    2. FlutteringDweamz


      A tea cup for interestingness! :3

      I have a lot of fan made characters myself too. A lot of them are fake pokemon xD

      I'm gonna go to bed soon.

  9. FlutteringDweamz

    mega thread Last Poster Wins

    *snuggle's korrina while dressed head to toe in adorable pink and light yellow sweet lolita* Yay for cuteness!!!! :D *gigglegiggle* And hi everyone~*play's some pokemon now xD*
  10. Barbie dolls xD I owned sooooo many of them. I also liked Sailor Moon and The Powerpuff Girls a lot. It still feels strange I didn't start liking Pokemon till age 11-12 (pokemon became one of my most beloved things ever since!!!)
  11. She's not afraid to be feminine. That is a huge plus to me. :)
  12. I've seen them :) (sparklefan and a few others i'm sure i'll remember the names of soon) Those people are wonderful. They reached out to me when I was sad. They are true mlp fans :D
  13. Korrina is so beautiful *hug's her*

    1. The_Gobo


      The who duh what now?



  14. I hate this forum.

    I bet people are going to bully me for my crush on Korrina here. I'd like someone to prove me wrong. I really, really wanted to be happy on this forum now that I returned. But all i'm seeing is darkness, and its making me so sad. And its making me want to give up on mlp too :(

    I hope you can help me feel better...*sigh* i. I don't want ponies to be to me what kingdom hearts became. I just really, REALLY can't stand that there are actually people who believe homosexuality is evil on this forum. And after crushing on a girl for a little over a year and it was the ONE THING that was HELPING MY AUTISM AND DEPRESSION, i feel like breaking down into tears right now. This isn't right....*sigh*

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. FlutteringDweamz


      Thanks sparkle :) It helps that I made some good friends here now. Its like the pony series is all about: The magic of friendship ^_^ It really does feel better when you find someone who cares.

      *bro hoof*

    3. Sparklefan1234
    4. FlutteringDweamz


      I made a happy status about korrina on my profile :)

      I'm glad we're all friends now. I wish drama didn't have to happen for me to make some new friends here but oh well....i'm glad people were able to make me feel better :) Its best to look at the bright side.

  15. I....might leave this forum. I read this one thread about LGBT on this forum, and it had HOMOPHOBIC CHRISTIANS posting in it. Yes, there were people standing up to them, but the fact that crazy homophobes who believe love is evil go on this forum makes me want nothing to do with it. I mean, maybe i'll stay, maybe i'll go, but I loathe homophobes. They're the sickest grossest people ever and my crush on Korrina brings me happiness and people like that who put people like me DOWN do not belong on the net or a nice forum supporting my little pony. I'm glad I haven't been very active in the pony community even more now that i've seen this sh**. Those homophobic members should be BANNED. They're EVIL. They deserve NO friendship. I'm really angry right now. EDIT(2): Thankfully, I made some friends here who helped me feel better and more accepted Hopefully that awful thread won't get to me anymore now. So, Jack, don't worry; Everything now seems to be okay And I appoligise for the drama in this post. I went through years of depression, and my crush on Korrina is the one thing that finally brought an end to them. It hurts too much to think people would think something so wonderful for me could be such a 'terrible' thing :(
  16. I want a drawing of Princess Flurry Heart :)
  17. Pinkie Pie is THE best pony!!! :3 She's super happy, always throwing parties, can really make me laugh, likes sweets like I do, and she's my favorite color :D
  18. I really like Rarity. She enjoys being girly and fancy :3 I even have her in my screen name on here. A good friend of mine also has a huge crush on Equestria Girls Rarity. I also like that she's a successful business woman. And beautiful pictures Rarity's Crush! (BTW, i'm pretty sure Rarity's Crush is the name my friend is using on this forum xD I know him as 'Jack' on a lot of other forums i'm on though lol He's a really nice person and his crush is so cute)
  19. I'm really doing quite well :D I feel happy. Thanks for all the nice re-welcomings everyone^^ I changed my av to a better picture of Korrina cuz she barely showed in my other one. I liked seeing her roller skate but oh well.
  20. I hope my depression wasn't too awful when I last posted here :( But thankfully I am a lot happier a person now :) So I can make better memories this time around. On the plus side, I haven't grown to hate my little pony like I hate kingdom hearts now, which is a very good sign overall. Yep, she's the girl with the two lucarios :) She's one of few super huge female crushes i've ever had. I've been a fangirl over her for a year and almost 4 months now and I look at pictures of her CONSTANTLY lol I really adore her cheery personality in the anime too :)
  21. I wonder if any of my old friends here will post in this thread xD I used to be so depressed a few years ago though. Not sure anyone who used to talk to me would remember me really fondly due to that :/
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