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Everything posted by FlutteringDweamz

  1. Pacman is cute, but pinkie pie wins this Plus....the cuteness goes down when it shows him trying to kick someone, i guess? XD lol fighting isn't really 'cute'
  2. Maybe you're supposed to be best friends with Sunset Shimmer? Mom! My Cutie Mark is a Totem Pokemon! xD
  3. I'm going with marshtomp for you its pretty cheery looking, like your avatar, and its light blue. One of my favorites! Thank you
  4. Unbanned cuz i will hug you and make you feel better but i advise you stop being so reckless okay?
  5. Unbanned cuz i guess i believe you on that one lol try testing it with your finger before you put it in your mouth next time then trust me, fingers can handle it better than mouths can....i think. pretty sure.
  6. YES IT WOULD heehee I think we'd have a banner with water type pokemon mingling with ponies on it from the poster above me! if he's not a pokemon fan, then just regular water animals lol
  7. LOL thanks i guess XD You'd make a pretty cool umn...Greeninja! Your avatar kinda has a greeninja additude to it
  8. Banned cuz you should not eat really hot food :/ No offence...
  9. A POKEMON AND PONIES BANNER! i'm SO voting you the next mod. Since ya know i love my pocket monsters lol
  10. Banned cuz Live and Learn is a beautiful song. Theres a place...where you dream you'll never find. That part always makes me wanna cry a little lol Also for those who don't know that song isn't pokemon related. Its from a sonic the hedgehog game, Sonic Adventure 2. And, uhh...i rather no negative things mensioned in relation to this Me is sensitive to that still lol
  11. Banned cuz i'm listening to pokemon music lol its pretty
  12. Banned cuz its part of a song from a real pokemon christmas album. Called Pokemon Christmas Bash. Look it up sometime if you're a pokemon fan its good listening
  13. ^ Banned cuz we wish you a marill christmas and a hoppip new year xD
  14. LOL I like that pokemon thanks Zwellous.
  15. Banned cuz being in a plant pot is cool! How dare you!
  16. Only if hugging them doesn't mean accidentally shooting off that gun they are holding lol
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