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Posts posted by I_wesley125

  1. I must say, if I can remember correctly, I was mugged outside of a Tesco. Not too close from it but not too far. He stole my god damned phone.


    Someone at my school once stole my phone and denied it.

    Having a Windows Phone has its perks, you can track it from your Hotmail account and turns out he did take it.

  2. I lived many years of my life in a dangerous country and I was never robbed face to face, however I was robbed by people who claimed to be my 'friends', I usually got money taken out of my wallet when i left it unattended. :/. I remember also my friend got robbed after he left my residence, he was robbed by a man with a pocket knife, he took his siemens phone (remember those xD? ) and his wallet. Very common in third world countries.


    Where do you live?
  3. My question is has anybody ever tried to break into your house or mug you?

    I once had my microwave stolen and another time I found someone in my house at night trying to steal my TV but I managed to hit him a few times with a baseball bat and scare him off, and I was mugged once but the guy had an airsoft gun with a crappy paint job and a swift kick to the nuts(I know that's a cheap move) brought him down.

  4. See, this is what im talking about. (No offense Rainbow--Dash, im going to use you as an example. JK Still loves you! <3) How can you say that when we are constantly made fun of for what we like ,and we are all about not judging other people and what they like.


    Making fun of the show with good intentions and making fun of the person/show with bad intentions are different things.
    • Brohoof 4
  5. I used to be as well. I thought that our family's revolver would do the trick but now i realize that it would definitely have been the wrong decision. And i'm the same age as you were, so i feel you bro. Anything you need, talk to papa rainbow (me)


    Thanks, its a good thing it wasn't a revolver or I would be dead.

    I am mostly over all of my depression.

  6. Good job at hiding the firearms, parents


    Glad to hear it wasn't loaded. 14 years old is very young, there's so much to live for.


    It's my parents 1911, I want to get my own when I can legally.
  7. Rofl, it's not affecting anyone, because it's not happening.

    Fox has nothing better to do than post lies and rumors, so quite frankly if you hate someone it should be Fox ;)


    All I meant by that was people who use religion to make laws, I hate it no more then I hate the idea of Santa Clause, but I would hate it if people were trying to make laws based off of Santa.

    But I'm glad its false.

  8. Miraculously sort of coincident, not trying to get religious on you.

    But you should really appreciate your life and be thankful for it :)

    I'd consider it a blessing.



    To be honest, it has made me consider the idea of a god, but coincidences are bound to happen to somebody so I don't know

    what to think about it.

    I don't like that wording of that, what I mean by god is "divine intervention" of sorts.

    Be it a god or something else.

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