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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by mycarhasaMoustache

  1. I will get it however it becomes available first if its a torrent I will download it, If its dvd I will buy it. If it is actually good I will buy the dvd when it comes out even if I have already downloaded it. I like to hve physical disks for my collection.
  2. First time I have bothered to log on in nearly a month feels a bit weird

  3. Its such a shame people are so easily offended by nothing Oh well

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      I this assumption to be very offensive indeed.

  4. That is easy everyone knows who the best princess is Discord is and always will be best princess In reality I actually think Twilight is my favorite. pic from this comic http://browse.deviantart.com/art/Best-Princess-368041211
  5. Damn son the mods work fast on here. Keeping the trolls at bay.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ron Jeremy
    3. Meirno


      Our mods are the best any admin could ask for. We very rarely have no mods on.

    4. mycarhasaMoustache


      I dont think I have ever been on here when there have been no mods The extreme lack of trolls and spams make this best pony forum by far.

  6. I hope that is a joke, If it is a joke it is not funny. Are you aware of the massive war going on over there? What he was saying is Afghanistan is currently are war zone and as a result is full of violence. IMO I dont think the show needs any more violence then what is already in it It manages to create challenges and puts the mane 6 in difficult situations without acting like a cheap horror movie and falling on the easy plot of just at more violence. Its nice that there is 1 thing in this world that dose not revolve around violence. Dont get me wrong I like to kill people on GTA just as much as the next guy but not everything needs violence in it and MLP is one of those things.
  7. It wouldn't bother me in the slightest since we have some really creepy VERY graphic fan stuff about them, So it is only fair play for them to do it about us although it dose make the concept of cupcakes even creepier.
  8. Well I lived in a small caravan for 6 months with a friend of mine It wasn't too bad but kinda sucked for privacy as there was only 1 room. It didnt bother me but he didnt like getting changed if I was sitting there but meh It could have been worse.
  9. Well first of all I would look at what I had eaten that day to double check it wasn't just a strange hallucination then ask if he would grant me wishes lol Hey its worth a try and if I can get to Equestria that way then so be it.
  10. Its just a cartoon get over your self Thankyou please :)

  11. You know what it is I just want people to stop being so negative about everything and shoving your negativity down everyones throat constantly. You are over analysing everything and looking way to deep into every little thing Why is this fandom so fucking miserable and negative all the time. You have made your point you think Equestria girls is sexist What ever that is your opinion. IMO I dont think its sexist I just think its a cartoon and nothing more because that is exactly what it fucking is.
  12. I am Looking forward to seeing Equestria girls!!!

  13. Inb4 inevitable wave of negativity. I completely agree People in this fandom look far too deep into everything to the point where they see bullshit things that are not even there. Any slight change to anything ever and everyone acts as if someone just drove a car into there house and its the end of the world. I used to love coming on this forum, It was a place where I could always find people to talk to about nice things in the show and just discuss who is best pony and relax. It was a nice escape from the drama of life, Now there is more drama here then there is on a weeks worth of television. Why cant people just shut the buck up, cheer up and stop pointing out the floors in literally everything and stop being so damn negative and angry about everything.
  14. You know what If you dont like it dont watch it but please stop going on and on and on about it some of us are actually looking forward to this. Some of are dont look at everything in a negative way.
  15. IT IS JUST A CARTOON !!! of course they wont look like actual humans no cartoon dose. Being a princess in Equestria is not the same as being one here on Earth, A princess in Equestria is a very important leadership roll and a very hands on job. If people just stopped looking at everything negatively. You could look at it like this Twilight becoming a princess will inspire little girls to follow there dreams and through study and hard work you will always be successful. Here is my most important point Not 1 little girl will sit and watch Equestria girls and say "I am inspired to work hard in life blah blah blah" What they will say is "That was really cool" then they will go home and play with toys or what ever children do. No child will look deep enough to see the morals in this and will just see it for what it is. A cartoon.
  16. I have my own house and my mother knows I like Mlp but since its just a tv show she doesn't really care. I dont understand why people make such a big deal over a tv show. People dont hide the fact they watch Sponge bob Square pants or the Simpsons. Its a tv show not a big deal really.
  17. People who dont use a Bucking turn signal when changing lanes or just never use them at all, It is a small lever next to the steering wheel if you are so bucking lazy that you cant press it then dont blame me when I blast my horn at you and give you the finger. Also people who drive and talk on a mobile phone need to be fired into the sun. Those 2 things are the only things that making me have full on hulk rage I cant stand People who dont know how to drive properly.
  18. Thats what I keep saying, Look at the way he is standing in the screen shot from the OP he doesn't look like he is very interested in her and Twilight is very friendly and hugs happen way more in Equestria then they do on Earth.
  19. When I was a kid we had 1 tv in our house no pc no games consoles no mobile phones the tv had 4 channels and no remote. That is just the way things were I used to play outside with my friends, Build cool stuff with Lego, Play board games and read books there was plenty to do in the days before cheap mass internet and since the only internet and computers that were available back then were not designed for entertainment nobody had the internet so it didnt matter I fondly remember my awesome childhood. Oh how the world has changed.
  20. Welcome to the fourm please enjoy the customary welcome song
  21. This is coming from a person that has Ys: The Oath in Felghana Witch is a JRPG as his favorite game on steam.
  22. That is way more likely then him being a love interest. Everyone keeps saying hes a love interest but if Twilight was to be distracted from her goal by a love interest it would be massively out of character I still say it could just be Shining Armors human counterpart.
  23. But they are all just guessing since all of those opinions are based on a 1 minuet advert how about we just wait untill it has we have actually seen it before just assuming its sexist. Its a cartoon just get over it.
  24. Discord is just about somewhere probably trolling Twilight But in all seriousness there were only 3 episodes after his reform and 2 of those episodes were basicly the same episode from 2 different points of view (games ponies play and just for sidekicks) and the finale was cramped as it is but its pretty much confirmed he will be returning in season 4.
  25. You can leave the fandom you can stop watching the show but once season 4 has started I know for a fact you will not be able to resist the urge to watch it. If you need some new content to bring back your enthusiasm try reading the (official) comics, That did it for me the new storys I had never seen before brought back my love of pony and now Im excited to find out what happens to You can get the comics free online if you look hard enough or buy them on Itunes.
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