Aegis Shine

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Not Cast
Young Mare
Aegis is cobalt blue with steel gray mane. While neither tall or short, she is muscular in a lean sort of manner. Her mane is usually disheveled, with small grey curls popping up all over her mane, giving it a somewhat spiky appearance. Her tail is no better. Her mouth and golden yellow eyes seem to always be set in a determined scowl.
She also has a set of armor that she wears on patrol, which is to say most of the time. It is effectively the same style as Celestia's Royal Guards but is a dark grey thanks to the metal used to craft it instead of a golden color. It lacks the crest but fully covers her back, her not having any wings to adjust for.
The rare time she is actually at her forge now, an iron mask with thick black goggles set into it and something akin to a smock to protect herself from the heat.
female Earth Pony A silver anvil.Aegis is a rather no-nonsense pony who likes to snark back at others. She is an iron-willed (no pun intended) pony who doesn't put up with silliness. She has an intense sense of duty and loyalty, often letting it blind her to better options. She's as stubborn as they come. When she sets her mind on something, changing it can be a real challenge. She often lets her emotions get the best of her, allowing anger to dictate her reactions almost as much as her sense of honor. She is quick to take responsibility for things, even things that couldn't have been her fault. She firmly believes that if there's something that needs to be done, it should be done regardless of personal tastes. While sour a lot of the time, she does have a soft side. She has an eye for detail and respect for the arts and crafts. She is highly protective of those she cares about, something that plays a large part in her decision-making.
Likes: Dragons<br />Guard duty<br />Cowards<br />Foreign or alien objectsAs a school age pony, Aegis would rush home to watch her father as he worked the forge. He often helped with the making of Celestia's Royal Guards' armor. She looked up to her father and wished so badly to be like him. He would often let her help him with some of the tasks, like dousing hot metal with water or bending links to make mail. Nothing could compare to the day she got her Cutie Mark. While her father was at his best when making armor, Aegis showed real talent when working with iron and steel. So he let her operate the forge by herself for one day. He provided supervision but let her create a piece without his advice. He silently watched on as she employed all the techniques she had seen him do while also using some she had picked up herself. She ended up making her father a helmet, and though it was a little crude compared to what she can do now, her proficiency with iron earned her her Cutie Mark that day, showing that she would indeed follow in her father's hoofsteps.
She stayed with her father a little longer after that. Now while she worked with metal for a living, it was clear she was meant more for plowshares than for swords. She smithed a lot of mundane items, things that were useful but not really lethal. Even so, she always put extra details into her work, embossed pictures and engravings that she enjoyed to do even if nopony did notice that flower on the tip of her shovel. She truly enjoyed working her craft, bending the unyielding metal to her will. However, she decided to move to Ponyville and away from her hometown. The town already had one blacksmith, there was no need for two.
Now while she only recently moved to Ponyville, she has changed a bit since arriving. You see, she kept on mulling over things that had happened as of late. That episode of Nightmare Moon, the return of Discord, King Sombra and the Crystal Empire. All these important events and what was she doing? Idling away at a forge. It seemed there was very few ponies out there to protect others. The final straw was added when she arrived just in time to see the invasion of the Everfree Forest. She considered herself useless in all of this. Always sitting back at her forge, when there seemed to be no one to protect these ponies. The thoughts that had been troubling her for a while now came to a boil as she made her decision. She would give up blacksmithing to help protect others, Cutie Mark be damned. So she elected herself unofficial sentry and guard of Ponyville. It isn't something she likes but she does it because she believes it to be necessary.
She actually both admires and envies Rarity. She's jealous of her sense of fashion and success. In fact, she looks up to her as something of a role model. Should the two meet, it would be one of the rare occasions to see the Earth Pony get extremely flustered.
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