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Astral Legend

Astral Legend
  • , No, Not Cast Older Stallion

    Astral is a somewhat tall stallion. His mane is a crimson red mixed with black. His horn is a bit longer than the average unicorn. His hooves are a different color than the rest of his body and has a black cape that he likes to wear. His tail comes out in long spikes with the middle being black while the rest is a crimson color much like his mane.

    male Unicorn It's a colorful falling shooting star with stars around it coming down on top of a magic wand. It signifies Astral's love for space and his aspirations of magical abilities. https://buffy.mlpforums.com/6060c9ab665a907d35e87bd02f12f3e2.png

    Astral Legend is a very quiet stallion, usually not saying more than a few words because he has very little social skills due to him not having an active childhood. That being said, he is often very nice and will help anypony in need even if it's something small. Astral has a lot of patience so he rarely ever gets mad and often will try to give a positive outlook on a bad situation. He can be pretty reliable and trustworthy but will not help anyone who wants to cause harm to another pony. That being said, he does have very little tolerance to other ponies who often just wants to be mean and nasty. Astral is not very good with meeting new ponies because he barely has any social skills and often can be quite awkward if put in the center of attention but will try to be calm and cool so he doesn't embarrass himself. He's quite a problem solver and loves to take on new challenges suggesting that he wants to be knowledgeable in anything and everything if he can. Also, he doesn't like to fight and often will use his brains to escape a situations rather than muscle. Astral can be quite mature when he wants to be and very smart when it comes to delicate and complex situations. More than anything, he hates being totally useless.

    Likes: 1. Public Places (Not the ponies in general, mind you.)<br />2. Ponies Who Aren't Honest with Themselves<br />3. Spicy Food<br />4.To be outside during the daytime (It's 50/50 with this)<br />5. Causing Harm to Another Pony or Bullying<br />6. Hates not knowing something if it's common knowledge<br />

    Astral Legend's childhood was a rough one. From the beginning, as Astral was growing up and he was still a little colt at the time. His parents noticed that he never spent time outside with other ponies of his age. He always stayed inside to study magic and his role model, Starswirl the Bearded. Astral knew when he was gifted when to came to magic but he didn't know how to control it and that really conflicted with his helpful nature. Whenever he wanted to help his parents out with simple stuff like doing the dishes or cleaning the house. He would try but do it with magic to get better at controlling but he would end up breaking a lot of stuff and put himself in great danger, almost every chore he tried to do turned into a battle of survival with Astral's magic not listening to his command whenever he tried to help with anything so his parents finally asked him not to use magic in the house or anywhere else. Astral didn't take to kindly to that, telling them that he loves his magical abilities and that he would be just like Starswirl when he grew up. He knew he could do it but he just didn't know how and that they'd never understand his feelings when he failed over and over again. To try so hard at becoming better at controlling his magic, only to have it blow up in his face later. His parents tried to console him but unless couldn't have understood him because their magic and ideals wasn't as strong or big as Astral's was. This drove a bit of a wedge in their relationship with their son for a time. Astral had done what they said and never used his magic inside of the house, not even just to practice with but he soon became very distant and quiet. Only simply giving his parents a nod when they spoke to him. This worried his parents greatly, they really didn't know how much magic meant to him. They finally came to an agreement between the both of them that they would teach him the basics of what he needed to know about controlling his magic and study with him within the books he got from the local library. They knew it'd be a while before they gotten back in their son's good graces but it was at least a start.


    As soon as reaching the agreement, they told their son, Astral. Who was still locked up in this room, not coming down. They told him exactly what he wanted to hear. Just for him to use his magic again and even better yet, he was going to learn from them how to control his magic to a point. This had them leave their house in Ponyville to somewhere a little more remote where nopony or any of their possessions would get damaged or hurt. They chose a place very high in the Canterlot Mountains, in a cave that overlooked Froggy Bottom Bog and the Everfree Forest. The location didn't bother the parents at all because just like Astral, they were fearless. They weren't strangers to braving it in the big outdoors as they did like to travel a lot and more times than not, gotten into very difficult trouble which they overcame. Having big aspirations just like Astral had when they were younger but soon settled down after having Astral as they didn't want to drag him place to place. Astral started training right away with his parents, reading the books with his parents on different techniques dealing with magical control. For months on end, Astral trained with his parents day and night. Seeing the smile on his face and bonding with their only son with something he really loved really brought joy to them and learning how to control their own magic to do different spells was a plus too. It awakened a side of them they didn't know they had thanks to their son, that they also wanted to know what they were capable of. After a month of practicing, his parents had made a test for him to see if he had learned exactly what they had. He had three simple tests. First was Telekinesis, the second using the telekinesis spell to wash dishes with, lastly putting those dishes where they needed to go in a little cupboard they brought with him. Although for most it was a minor test, but for him, this meant everything. He didn't want to fail this. He didn't want all his month of hard work to go to waste. Astral immediately got to work on this test, controlling the spell just like this parents taught him. At first he was doing it one at a time then gradually he got up to a few dishes and as he gotten the hang of it, he was washing five at once and did it without having his magic immediately shattering it.


    Although it took him a while, he finally gotten the hang of using the telekinesis spell. It was in this point that he earned his cutie mark. It made Astral yell with joy, his parents couldn't be more proud of Astral. They celebrated by heading back to Ponyville and having a small party with just them to commemorate Astral's cutie mark and having his one main goal completed. Now, he knew that he could control it. He wondered just he was capable of and just after the party and helping his parents clean the house. He asked them if he could go back to that cave in order to perfect his magical abilities as he was curious, just like his parents, just what he and them could do with this newfound skill of theirs. Of course they let him do what he wanted while they wanted to travel again and maybe meet others like them who wanted to study magic. Although they planned to meet up every holiday and they would always send Astral the money he needed to live on his own also gave him the key to the house to use as he pleased and also to send letters when they could. Astral was happy much like his parents, to start a new chapter in their lives and after a month or two, they all went their separate ways. With Astral heading to the mountains and his parents going to the train station. Astral spent part of his life within the cave and Ponyville just studying magic, theories and applications on many different subjects and his parents did the same, meeting up every special occasion. Although, Astral knew that the real test will begin when he actually had to return to society one day. His story begins after permanently coming back to Ponyville just after the defeat of Nightmare Moon although not knowing what transpired prior to that event.

    A Few Facts Of Astral Legend:


    1. When Astral was alone and had nopony to talk to, he would often look up at the moon and talk to it while he was studying the stars when he wasn't studying up on magic. Even though he knew that the moon couldn't listen, talk, or acknowledge him in any way, he still did so. Telling the moon all of problems, his dreams, his wishes, and secrets. For him, he felt as if the moon was his first friend as it was the only thing he was comfortable talking to. Astral often sleeps in the daytime and wakes up at night because of it.


    2. Despite how Astral looks, he is very capable at surviving in the wild. He is quite strong and fast, it's because of his experience of living up in the mountains and scouting around the Everfree Forest in his spare time much like his dad had done in many different exotic locations before settling down in Ponyville. He's no stranger to hard work and can work with the best of them when it comes to physical labor. His parents taught him all about how to rough it when he wasn't at home and knows all sorts of remedies when he got sick or worse even though he is in no way an alchemist.


    3. Astral, even at the age of a colt, he was very mature. He grew up fast thanks to his parents and he even learned a few things from his dad that would help him feel at ease when talking to other ponies. His parents knew that he had no friends as he didn't go to school, he was homeschooled or rather taught everything from his parents who gotten very far in their education before meeting each other.


    4. Astral's black cape came from his father, Mythic Legend. The cape was made with very strong fabric and will not tear easily no matter what happens to it. Mythic had gotten it from his great, great grandfather who had it when Ponyville was first founded. Mythic's father used it because he was quite the lawbringer during those days.


    5. Astral's favorite subject other than magic is astronomy. He loves everything that has to do with the space and stars, also other heavenly bodies that he can see through the telescope he got on his birthday as a colt. He often studies on star constellations and documents anything that he find fascinating.


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OC characters are unable to have relationships with cast characters. Although he decides not to attend, even speaking with Celestia, and being accepted into the School for Gifted Unicorns wouldn't be viable. Also, your character in its current state is too powerful. In Magical Mystery Cure, Princess Celestia states that Twilight created new magic which was "extraordinary". While Starswirl was able to create new magic, quoted at having created over 200 new spells, there hasn't been a unicorn since with anywhere near as much power. At this point your character is more powerful than Twilight Sparkle, who because of her understanding of friendship, along with the spell of Starswirl the Bearded became a princess. 


Finally, exact ages of ponies isn't allowed. We don't know how long ponies currently live, so guessing ages is near impossible. 

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OC characters are unable to have relationships with cast characters. Although he decides not to attend, even speaking with Celestia, and being accepted into the School for Gifted Unicorns wouldn't be viable. Also, your character in its current state is too powerful. In Magical Mystery Cure, Princess Celestia states that Twilight created new magic which was "extraordinary". While Starswirl was able to create new magic, quoted at having created over 200 new spells, there hasn't been a unicorn since with anywhere near as much power. At this point your character is more powerful than Twilight Sparkle, who because of her understanding of friendship, along with the spell of Starswirl the Bearded became a princess. 


Finally, exact ages of ponies isn't allowed. We don't know how long ponies currently live, so guessing ages is near impossible. 

Right then, I got'cha. I completely understand, I can change some of that. Guess I just wanted to do something just a bit different but at least now I got a second opinion. Maybe now I can shape him up. Though I didn't mean to make him as strong as Twilight because actually he's not as I made him out to be.  The spells he makes are simple spells. Not really something you can call powerful though already existing spells he uses in different ways than most unicorns that use magic. Really, it's more about imagination than his magic power. I'll change what I have to. Sorry for the trouble, it's my first time making a character such as this so feedback like this is appreciated. 

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he was about 10 at the time

This drove a bit of a wedge in their relationship with their son for a year.

 Astral spent the next 10 years of his life within the cave and Ponyville just studying magic,

 it's because of his years of experience of living up in the mountains


You still have several denotations of time accounted by years. 



Finally, exact ages of ponies isn't allowed. We don't know how long ponies currently live, so guessing ages is near impossible. 


While it won't stop you from being approved, this is also extremely wordy.


Finally, the last sentence and the fact about Astral clash. It says he returned to Ponyville directly after the fall of Nightmare Moon, but that he talks to the moon like he was talking to Luna. If he didn't know she was defeated as Nightmare Moon, then talking to Luna wouldn't really be something he would do.

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Oh, sorry. Keep doing that, it's not because I keep forgetting about it but because I always seem to update this character when I'm half asleep. About the thing about talking to the moon, I thought about it but I'm sure that no one could hear him actually talking to it, can they? He no longer does it, just when he was living by himself in the cave for a while. While he has heard the story about Princess Luna becoming Nightmare Moon,. not everypony has to be afraid of Nightmare Moon or as an extension, Princess Luna  do they? After all, it's still Princess Luna. The only thing he doesn't know is that she's no longer Nightmare Moon and since he sleeps during the day and stay awake during the night, he never would've heard about it since he's usually alone. But if the line about him coming to Ponyville after Nightmare Moon is a problem then I can change that. I don't want to exactly change the part about him talking to the moon but I can change about him wanting Luna to hear him. That wouldn't be a problem.

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I like this version much better. It goes more in depth in the relationship between Astral and his parents, and I think it makes him a deeper character. Approved.

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