
By Blue Moon
, No,
Not Cast
Autumn is a standard-sized mare with long, slightly curly, hair. Her coat is a dark tan color, and her mane is composed of a brown color and a orange-brown color. She wears dark brown glasses, and has dark green eyes. Her cutie mark is a unique geometric symbol.
female Earth Pony It is a simple geometric symbol that signifies her passion for minimalist and geometric art.Autumn is a very creative pony who loves to please other ponies with her artwork. However, this comes with her having a fear of others not liking her work. She takes the opinions of others very hard, and will usually trash her artwork if is not well received.
To combat this, she has adopted very high personal standards, is pinpoint accurate when it comes to her artwork, and has a good eye for details. This is very handy for minimalist and geometric art in particular as making sure everything is symmetrical (where it needs to be) and in the correct position is of utmost importance. She is often referred to as a perfectionist, and will get annoyed when things are done incorrectly, or when things aren't in the correct place. In order to avoid failure, she will be show passion and dedication in her work and will not finish her artwork or show it to the public if she feels it isn't good enough.
Surprisingly, Autumn has never been a fan of reading, and prefers to experiment and get feedback in order to learn and master new things. She prefers to not get direct help from others, and considers reading to be an example of this. However, this can sometimes limit her potential as an artist, though she is still capable of impressing others with her art.
Autumn is also quite critical in nature, and takes a bit of comfort in finding faults in others' works. She feels bad about this as she's usually a pretty caring and friendly pony, but she can't help it.
Likes: Help, reading, things done incorrectly, and negative feedback.As a filly, Autumn was raised well and had two loving parents. She went to school, and had a decent amount of friends.
One day in class, everyone was drawing pictures for a contest, but Autumn was having troubles drawing a picture like the rest of her peers. She kept getting frustrated over the fact that she couldn't get her picture of the teacher to stop looking deformed.
It was then that Autumn had an idea. She took a paint brush, and started using triangles to create a interesting look. She used her ruler to make sure everything was the same size, and the correct distance from the edges of the paper, and then submitted it to the teacher.
And as fate would have it, she won second place during the contest! And immediately at that point, her cutie mark appeared upon her flank. She was so happy, and continued to paint and experiment with this new style she had discovered.
After doing art for so long, she started to become quite confident in her skills. No one in her class was as accurate or precise as her (at least, in her eyes). So, when that one classmate asked her to draw something for her, there were no doubts in her mind that she would be able to amaze her. Because of this, she rushed a bit on the painting, and some of the shapes were a bit smaller than the others. In the end, the pony who asked for the painting said it was okay and carelessly pushed it into her saddlebag.
Autumn was devastated. She had never had this kind of reception for her work before. This was a very pivotal moment in Autumn's life. She vowed she would never allow her work to become flawed again, and would strive for perfection.
Over the years, she became much more critical of her classmate's works of arts, and her output rate of artwork declined as she had much higher standards. Others started to avoid her, and she grew to be quite lonely.
Fortunately, a few years after she had graduated from school, a pony named Blue Moon moved into her town of Ponyville, and had recently opened up an astronomy shop and had posted an advertisement looking for designers. Autumn saw this, and decided that she wanted to do it. She needed the money at the time too. She spent the next few days coming up with minimalist designs of moons and other space-related things. She submitted them to Blue Moon, and a few days later; she got a letter saying that her work was accepted. She walked over to the store to see, and sure enough; her work had been placed among various places in the store. Blue Moon had then approached her and thanked her for the designs. He was quite friendly, and they began to hang out a bit.
Eventually after they got to know each much better., the two starting dating, got married, and had a beautiful filly named Clear Skies. She also has become much more easy going with her and other's art over the years, but she still shows her past side from time to time.
Is the mother of Clear Skies, and the wife of Blue Moon
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