Brave Fleet

By Brave Fleet
Not Cast
Young Adult
Brave has a more aerodynamic shape than other Pegasi; she has a messy mane and tail colored red, orange, yellow, and brown. She has unique markings on her wings, red, orange, and yellow. When she hits her maximum horizontal airspeed, you will be able to see vapor form behind her, as well as her speed trail (seen here her speed trail is basically like a jet trail, with the flare-like look, followed by a long trail of smoke.
female Pegasus Three lightning bolts colored red orange and yellow. The colors of fire hinting to fire fighting, and the lightning bolts hinting to how fast she can put the fires out., when she is around others she is bright, happy and friendly, especially when she is out and about with some of her friends, but when she is alone she gets into a bad mood and feels mostly like crap, and refuses to talk to other ponies. Pretty friendly personality, one moment she could be bright and happy and then one thing that ruins the fun, she is grumpy. Brave is normally like this because she enjoys the company other give her and the attention from her friends, when she is alone, she doesn't get that and just is a total crab. if something goes wrong she tries her best to get everything on track again, because she doesn't like it when others are disappointed in her.
Brave is a mare that is young at heart and childish, so she enjoys the things that remind her of when she was a filly, and to her, being old is no fun. She likes to sing songs from when she was young and bring up funny inside jokes, too. If she is in a good mood, you can pretty much get along with her pretty well, with her being energetic, she may not be the brightest crayon in the box, she can't really do math very well off the top of her head.
When Brave is in the skies, she feels like she has no worries or questions, she is just a pretty chill mare while flying, it puts her in a good mood during and after her flight, she is mostly happy afterwards because of what some call a "fliers high" (like runners high but flying instead of running). Brave can be a bit stubborn sometimes, she likes things to go the way she wants them to, if she's wrong, she isn't happy, she argues with her friends a lot about things, but for fun, but she never likes it when she gets proven wrong.
Kind would be another word to describe her personality, because no matter who you are or what happened, she will always try to make you feel better, she can't stand her friends feeling sad, because then it makes her sad. Though, she finds it hard to do this for her own family, because they are with her all the time, and she can get pretty annoyed by them sometimes. Friends are another story for her, she tries to make them feel happy when they're sad.
Brave has a funny, smart attitude in her neutral state, mainly because in runs in her family and it's in her genes. She doesn't have the stereotype voice of one but she talks like a smart alec, and she asks silly questions like "are you a smart feller or a fart smeller?" And many others, just to pick fun with her friends and trick them into saying things like the word "fart" because of her immaturity.
since Brave Fleet was very inconsistent, her interests changed a whole lot. From learning how to fly, to acting, becoming a faster flier (didn't last long at all), or even just playing a musical instrument. Though it sounds like she was searching for her cutie mark, she wasn't. She just had many different interests.
Brave's interests lasted for either a day to a year, and changed no matter what. She didn't get her cutie mark until she was around the age of ten years old, when her neighbor's house was lit on fire by a baby dragon (not spike, ok? Another baby dragon). She was walking home from school until she saw the fire, and hesitantly "borrowed" a bucket from a neighboring house, filling it with somepony else's well water, and then flying as fast as she could to the house to put it out. Even though it was a small fire.
Brave never knew she could fly so fast. Sure, there was the occasional case where she avoided being late by flying really fast, but this was different. Then again, that could have counted as practice.
Brave grew up to become a fire fighter, and was always given the job of putting out forest fires due to her speed and agility. You may be thinking by now "oh, water is too heavy for one single pegasus!" This is true, and Brave could never carry that much water, which is where rain clouds can come in handy!
A lot of accidents have heppened where Brave could not put out the fire in time. This made her become a bit more tough emotionally. Though, it still hurts her.
Flaws: she can't run very well, she isn't good at math, she hates reading, she is a bit selfish at times, she takes pity on herself when she doesn't feel included, she likes attention, can't swim, she drinks too much hot choclety milk, and she becomes a boring, grumpy pony when she is left alone for more than ten minutes, easily embarrassed
she can move her wings fast enough to look like humming bird wings, which is pretty fast.
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