
Not Cast
Young Adult
Crypty is a stallion with an average build and height, though he does seem as if he travels a bit, due to the trail-worn look of his coat and equipment. He has a dark gray coat with spots of an ashen color covering his legs mostly. His mane and tail are a flat silvery color, with darker strands throughout. He has deep turquoise eyes that seem to speak of a vast intellect behind them.
If you will meet Crypty in Ponyville nothing in his appearance will tell you about his occupation and interests. As most ponies Crypty usually doesn't wear any cloth between expeditions. But even in every day life besides of work inner explorer's nature stays strong so he always continue learn everything around. If you will talk with Crypty he mostly will listen you with polite interest on his face but at times he will suddenly tell you an interesting story about subject of discussion or give useful advice.
In expedition Crypty wears brown fedora hat which helps him to protect his head from burning sun and checkered scarf hiding his face from wind and dust.
Crypty has unusual crooked horn. If you will ask him about it he will joke that he is quarter zebra or changeling and such form is mutation. But then he will confess that he was very sick when was a foal... And he is not changeling at all...
Male Unicorn A silver key illustrates Crypty's special talent to disclose hidden knowledge. is an intelligent and open-hearted stallion; he may come across as a bit clumsy, or even mildly distracted at times, but he more than makes up for it with his open honesty and his fierce loyalty to his true friends. He always tries the optimistic approach to problems, believing that any situation can be potentially solved - though his striving for perfection can hold him back if things go wrong, or have no immediate improvement.
During his time in the Archives, Crypty learned much about personal organization, and got into the habit of taking extensive notes about almost every little thing he felt a need to keep notes about. The chalkboard in his room is filled with little ideas and thoughts, and the best of these make it into his private notebooks and personal journals.
Likes: Unsolved questions, unfinished business, loud noise, to make somepony wait.Crypty was born in Ponyville. He was a foal with quite a lively imagination and a big passion for books. So it wasn't surprising that when he got the task in his school to prepare a presentation on any topic of his choosing, he went to the Golden Oak Library to find the best material ever! The colt looked over one book shelf then another... and another... but wasn't able to find anything impressive enough. While upset, Crypty was going to simply let it go, leaving the library with a barely understandable book about rare creatures... but then, a tiny glimmer of hope made him turn back to the same shelves and peek under them.
There was one very old book.
It was an first edition of the traveling notes of a famous explorer, Colonel Przevalski. The reading was so interesting that Crypty stayed in the library up until closing. And when the happy colt returned home, he found that his flank wasn't blank anymore.
For a significant portion of his life, Crypty devoted himself to the collection and restoration of ancient knowledge; he became very well-versed in history, culturology, linguistics and the ancient magic of pre-Equestrian and early-Equestrian civilizations.
For several years, Crypty worked in a less-traveled section of the Canterlot Royal Archives since his graduation from The School for Gifted Unicorns. Then one day, during his research of different documents related to early Zebra culture, he found an ancient scroll with a map pointing to the location of a supposedly long lost city among the poorly explored region of jungle in the Zebra Nation. Unfortunately, the local Board of Trustees would not finance a budget for exploring the ruins...
But Crypty wasn't able to accept it. He took the entire bulk of his savings, amassed enough 'vacation time' and organized his own expedition to the wild lands to the far South, risking to lose everything - money, reputation and even possibly his life... yet imagine the Trusteess' surprise when the intrepid young explorer came back - and his saddle bags weren't empty! They contained maps, diaries and samples of historical artifacts of unexplored culture - all sustaining the factual existence of a hidden city inside the Zebra Nation's borders.
Now Crypty is an enthusiastic archaeologist who who spends his time gathering artifacts for the Canterlot Royal Archives.
Locator Spell: Used for scanning a general area and discovering the location of hidden/misplaced objects/panels/doors and the like. Works within a 20-foot radius.
Identifier Spell: Used for identifying the origins/history of a given item. Will indicate age, nation/race of origin, and possibly any legends tied to said item. Only works on one item at a time.
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