Dawn Rider has a Cyan coloured coat with a short Jet Black and Gold Mane.
Dawn isn't the tallest pony around and his body is better built for speed then strength. He is very fit and fast, but doesn't have much muscle.
His Cutie mark is of a single Blue Lightning Bolt.
This cutie mark symbolises Dawn's love of speed and adrenalin..which ties in to his adventurous side.
Dawn is young,fast and a little boastful. But he is extremely loyal and helpful to his friends, not wanting to disappoint them.
He can become very erratic, sometimes going off the radar for a few days.
Dawn distrusts ponies he doesn't know and usually stays quiet around them whenever he is out and about, but warms up to them quickly after a few positive interactions.
Dawn can be quite intelligent when he sets his mind to it, but his boastful nature and brash,hard headed behaviour usually shadows this greatly.
Most Dragons, Diamond Dogs, Bully's, Fire.
Dawn was born and raised in Trottingham by his mother Sky High and father Cloud Jump (And his sister Silver Star). He attended the local schoolhouse and was given flying lessons by his father from the day he could fly, causing him (like most Pegasi) to have a love of flight. But Dawn's love extended beyond most other young Pegasi, as he took every chance available to improve his skills, attending a few classes in Canterlot and some local races every now and then, never getting anything other then first place.
Dawn would always take any chance given to travel, usually leaving with his father whenever he left to Canterlot for business. These trips would shape how Dawn viewed Equestria long into his adulthood, causing him to have a major distrust of Diamond dogs and Zebra.
As soon as Dawn graduated school he immediately left to join the Royal Canterlot Guard, which he was subsequently accepted into shortly before his next Birthday. Dawn attended the Royal Guards Academy and graduated a few months later and was stationed in Canterlot , where he served for a couple of years before leaving the Royal Guards to once more travel.
Dawn has since been travelling Equestria looking for somewhere to call home, where he can quench his thirst for adventure whilst also having a place to settle down.
Dawn is tough despite his appearance, and while he isn't the strongest pony, he is certainly very fit and agile.
Dawns time in the Royal Guard (While only short) have lead him to have a good understanding of hoof to hoof defence tactics.
Dawn went on many adventures in his youth and so isn't a stranger to danger...becoming fairly accustomed to it
Dawn is also an unusually good singer, which he learned from his mother at a young age...he rarely sings in front of other ponies, but usually sings his sister to sleep and whenever he is alone he will generally sing to himself.
Dawn keeps a journal, almost religiously logging his days/weeks events in good detail.
Dawn was allowed to keep all his Royal Guard Armour except for the Guard Embellishments. Not having a place to store the armour, Dawn can usually be seen wearing it with his saddlebags.
Dawn distrusts Diamond Dogs and Zebra, but will give some individuals a second thought if they seem trustworthy enough.
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