Dexterous Wings

, No,
Not Cast
Young Adult Stallion
Dex is a tall, grey furred, pegasus pony with muted red mane and tail. His legs are long, slender and do not carry a lot of strength. His wings, in contrast, are rather large and well toned from endurance flying. His eyes are green to contrast his mane color. He has freckles on his cheeks.
His mane is slightly feathery and hangs down in a single wave that doesn't reach his eyes, while the back falls flat down both sides of his neck.
His tail is nicely kept and creates a smooth arc from the base.
male Pegasus His cutie mark represents his destiny as a rescue worker. It contains a pair of binoculars on top of a set of wings. is the quintessential introvert. He enjoys small groups of friends, and not so much big parties. If he is in a group and the topic doesn't interest him he will go quiet and possibly daydream a little, but he can talk at length when it is something that interests him. He adores puns, bad jokes and dry wit.
He is generally a fairly agreeable pony and will generally go along with the group if the group is reasonable. Still, don't expect him to be the one jumping into the middle of the party and making a show of himself. He's much more likely to be in a corner talking with a few friends, pony watching or daydreaming.
He is fairly cerebral and doesn't jump to impulse very often. Even when he is highly motivated, he tends to think through what he's doing. He will make snap decisions when he has to, but prefers a well thought out plan.
He has a fairly even keel and doesn't react in big exaggerated ways.
He enjoys reading the newsletter that's put out by leaders in his field and keeping up with new techniques.
He recharges his social energy through flying solo through the clear blue sky. As an introvert, large social situations drain his energy and he needs some alone time when he wants to recharge,
He has an awkward charm in romantic situations and defuses it with bad jokes. He might be a bit awkward around romantic situations. Some seem to find that charming. If he feels he has really been a bit too awkward he'd make a joke or a pun to kind of catch his hooves.
Likes: honey mustard, raw onions, stormy days when his social energy is drained, pushy ponies that can't take a hint when he wants to be left aloneHe grew up in Dodge Junction, but he has traveled extensively, so his accent is not as pronounced as it once was. Didn’t quite fit in in Dodge Junction since he was one of only a few pegasi in town and was so lanky. His parents were in charge of the weather management for the area. As a colt, he adored riding the thermals and just hanging out in the air alone with his thoughts.
His parents gave him a mouthful of a name, and it was what they called him for his first few years, but as he started having more friends and he himself had difficulty saying it at an early age, they ended up shortening Dex to save time and tongue, His parents learned their lesson with Dex and named his sister Prairie Sage.
One day, his best friend got lost in the area outside of town trying to find his cutie mark in exploring. He took to the air to find him and after spotting him after many hours of search he discovered his location and helped the rescue crew get him back to town and safety. He got his cutie mark that day and attended the Search and Rescue school of Cloudsdale when he became of age.
He greatly enjoyed going to school for his talent. He made a few friends that felt that they were as awkwardly shaped as he was. While a detriment in some fields, the group found they were excellently equipped for the job at hoof. They all graduated together and work together from time to time as the situation merits it. He did very well in his classes and was mostly a model citizen. During this time, he had his first brush with romance, but it wasn't to be. The two had a strong infatuation, but it eventually faded. They are still on good terms.
Afterward, he has been assigned to various regions and often takes trips from one to another to help in emergencies when his services are needed.
He has living parents and a sister who he gets along with pretty well. He and his sister used to fight a lot as foals like most do, but as they have grown up they've grown closer and enjoy when they get to see each other with his less than predictable schedule and his assignment to various parts of Equestria. His parents are supportive and pester him when they get a chance that he should write more and drop by the junction more often.
Strengths: long term flying, endurance, ability to slowly scan an area with his low stall speed.
Weaknesses: slower than average runner, a little clumsy, subpar air speed and maneuverability
As a hobby, he dabbles in aerial photography. His large wings allow for very steady overhead shots of towns and landmarks. He loves the view of cherry trees in full bloom and has been known to relax under them when he gets the opportunity.
Relationship status: unattached
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