Double Espresso

By Melted Dog
, No,
Not Cast
young mare
Double Espresso has a desaturated beige-ish coat. Her mane makes use of a dark muted brown and something close to a lighter brown, around the same color as caramel (The Candy)Her eyes are the same color as part of her cutie mark, which is a desaturated darkish blue. Overall, her colors aren't very bright.
female Earth Pony Double's cutie mark is a filled coffee cup with two smoke/steam columns wafting on top.Her cutie mark represents her talent for coffee brewing, and also her passion for coffee. Espresso has little regard, whatsoever, for the concept known as 'private/personal space'. She has a knack for always bursting in at the most inappropriate times (like Luna at the end of A Canterlot Wedding). She is quite curious and hates it if information is kept from her, and tries to root it out. As a result of that, she knows more than she is supposed to know
Can she keep a secret? It depends. The closer you are to her, the more likely she'll keep it. Her experience in the business world hasn't exactly made her trusting of strangers. She still is a pony though, and has a conscience (a big one, in fact). She doesn't like keeping secrets, though, since she hates them (see above).
Double is a very self-confident mare. She gets really ticked off whenever somepony sys that she can't do something, and it just makes her try harder anyway. The self confidence can sometimes annoy other ponies.
She is a bit brighter than the average mare, considering her homeschooling. She is also one of those who would say that the cup is *half full*. Due to her mother's experiences and therefore teachings, she is a bit untrusting towards stallions. She prefers the night, as her eyes have an increased sensivity to bright colors/light.
Likes: Double dislikes sickly sweet things, insects (especially bees, as she is allergic to their sting) and neon colors.Double hails from Manehatten. Her parents were an earth pony father named Fizzy (not the G1 pony unfortunately) and a unicorn, Sweet Tea. When she was born, her father decided that he wasn't ready, yet, for a foal. He left Sweet Tea and Double without looking back. Sweet Tea never remarried. She was convinced, now, of the unreliability of stallions and became the sole parent of Double, who was barely old enough to know what was happening. The unfortunate experience left Sweet Tea with an overprotective tendency. She refused to let her daughter attend the Manehatten Filly' and Colt School, one of the local schools at that time, instead homeschooling her. She watched Double grow from a foal to a filly and wanted her to continue on a tea shop that she owned, when she retired.
One fateful day, Double was invited to a neighbor's foal's cuteceneãra. There, she tried the drink that she was named after for the first time, against her mother's wishes. The jittery feeling she had was strange. Sure, she knew about the effects of caffeine, but this felt like something quite different. She requested for a small packet of insta-coffee to take home with her. That night, when her mother was brushing her teeth, she brewed the coffee herself, and drank it.
All night long, she felt the caffeine in her system. When the first rays of dawn shone through the window, and the rush was finally wearing off, she observed a bright gleam of light on her flank. Just before she slept, tired from her exhaustion, she saw that she had gotten her cutie mark: a steaming coffee cup.
When she reported the cutie mark finding to her mother, Sweet Tea acted overjoyed, but in fact was devastated. Her daughter was now maturing, and she didn't want her to leave. She asked Double what she had done to get her mark, and was told the tale. When it finished, she was even more heartbroken. Her only daughter had a talent completely different from hers, which meant that they would not see each other when they separated paths.
Double's rest of her schooling was uneventful. When she finally was ready to go out into the world, Sweet Tea finally changed her mind. She saw, now, that her daughter had been raised by her and that her part was over now. With a promise to visit her mother and a smile on her face, Double set off in the world, on a quest to revolutionize coffee for ponies.
She has now settled down in a quiet district of Manehatten and open a small café, which is quite popular to the locals.
Double is allergic to bee stings, and her eyes have an increased sensivity to brightness.
Her father, Fizzy, is in no way related to a canon character of any generation.
She is is a relationship with Lava Lamp.
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