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Golbez Grandolfo

Mickey Taker
  • No Not Cast Adult

    Eyes: Hazel


    Body colour:


    Eagle Half: Charcoal grey feathers with a few black and white feathers dotted around. The feathers would reach further half-way down his spine than anywhere else from his mask.
    Lion Half: Simple light brown fur all the way down his tail, his tail tuft would be black.
    Wings: Charcoal grey at the “secondary covert” feathers but become gradually lighter until plain white at the tips of the “primary” and “secondary” feathers.


    Physique: Very well built, does regular exercises often just to keep himself active when he’s not doing anything else.


    Other: On occasion he likes to wear a typical tail style black tuxedo complete with a white shirt, top hat, a red cummerbund (a broad sash type belt), a black cape with a red silk underlay and a black bow tie.
    Otherwise he doesn’t wear anything at all.

    Male Griffon N/A

    At first glance Golbez may appear as a high class "snob" with his tuxedo attire like you would find in Canterlot, he is in fact anything but. Although not much of a high class griffon or having any interest in being one, he is never without his manners.


    Experience performing on stage has given Golbez a slight mercurial personality, being erratic and unpredictable yet Quick-witted and very lively at the same time, traits that have served him well as a like-able character on stage, but would appear brash in-person. Golbez is aware of this so he usually keeps to himself unless spoken too, preferring for others too approach him but given the chance he can be very sociable.

    Likes: Bad Manners <br />Know it all’s (at least those who try to ruin magic illusions)<br />Snobbery<br />Poor Showmanship<br />

    Ever since he was a cub, Golbez has always been fascinated with magic, it's concept and it's capabilities.
    Griffon's usually dealt with day-to-day issues by being practical and using their wit as Golbez did as grew up.
    The first time he viewed magic from a Unicorn it filled him with such wonder on how such a beautiful thing was possible, he read books on stories on great and powerful wizards such as Star Swirled the bearded, he wanted to learn more about it...but as much as it hurt to admit, Griffons could not cast magic.


    At least...not in the same manner he was intending too originally, in a chance meeting a young, downhearted Golbez came across a performing magician within Los Pegasus, a rag tag earth pony who was just as capable at magic as the young griffon was, but yet still able to perform amazing tricks none-the-less as he conjured a white dove apparently out of thin air.
    Watching this performer in awe Golbez once again felt that sense of wonder he felt as cub and was hit by a bolt of inspiration, if he could not cast true magic like that of a unicorn wizard then the next best thing for him to do was to become a performing magician.


    Since then over the years Golbez had built himself from the ground up, studying and training himself in the performing arts, months at time he would get better at his tricks little by little.
    Like his source of inspiration, he took to the streets with nothing more than a top hat and suitcase as he entertained the passing crowd with mixed results, some would ignore him completely much to his annoyance but others would stop and stay for a while as they watched him do a simple card trick or make a beloved heirloom disappear....only to struggle to make it reappear again, as said his performances was met with mixed results.


    Despite this he never let his failings get him down, he knew this was profession with high risks with yet higher rewards if done well, so he continued to train and better himself.
    Over the years he went from his own street corner to his own caravan...to making appearances at special events until the point came where he was good enough and earned enough that he could could own a theater of his own, and with it a new chapter of obstacles presented itself.


    A theater could not be run by a single individual alone, it needed a team to do so efficiently, and so he began to seek out and hire ponies to work under him.
    He looked to the streets, to the ponies who were down on luck and in their hearts, as he once was and he would give them the chance that few other ponies would and give them renewed purpose.
    This tactic worked well as it earned him many grateful friends, so well in fact that gradually other ponies actively sought him out asking for a job to work for him.
    As more and more ponies offered their services to Golbez his theater grew little by little, but a problem arose.


    While his shows were good, they were beginning to become predictable, much to the griffons horror as his he noticed the dramatic drop to his income, he was worried if he was going to be able to keep the ponies who were willing to work for him any longer and thought grew ever more frightening as more ponies gradually showed up.
    He was at an impass, so many of these ponies were willing to help him make his dream come true, it did not sit right by him at all to turn them away, but unless he could find or do something new he was left with very little choice.


    One day he was asked to attend a school for performing arts students as a guest for them to ask questions and to give a few pointers, as he met the class the teacher addressed him as he took his seat at the head of the class...only for them to erupt in laughter as his chair made a rather loud and somewhat embarrassing noise, Golbez reached down under his seat and pulled out what he noticed was a deflated whoopee cushion.
    The teacher immediately scolded a red mare with red streaks through her black mane who "innocently" feigned any involvement, but Golbez new better and decided to use her as an example for some of his tricks, a complete mistake on his part.


    Golbez didn't know this but this was in fact a key moment in his career as he met with whom the teacher addressed as Cherry Bomb, as Golbez attempted to perform a trick this mare would always be two steps ahead of him, she would inadvertently reveal things, ask awkward questions, act sarcastically and just continually ruin his performances one by one.
    By the end Golbez was livid, his patience all but spent with this young mare and was on the verge of flying off the handle with her, but he noticed something.
    While this mare had made a complete fool of him , the class was in absolute hysterics, rolling on the floor and crying their eyes out in laughter at Cherry's antics, and all on HIS expense, he was intrigued.


    Golbez pondered the next few days over the idea of making use of this mare's hysterical talent and hire her, it was certainly something new and it was bound to draw the crowds back in again, but was he willing to let himself be the butt of her jokes? A small price to pay perhaps.
    Eventually Golbez went ahead with the idea on the pretense that he could get rid of her if she was either too much to handle or no longer needed her, and as he predicted this turned to be a smart move as his shows once again became a success.
    The crowd loved this mare, she was funny, witty, charming and very much so full of sass and eventually even Golbez grew to like her more and became closer with her as friends, his thoughts on getting rid of her banished forever.


    Now-a-days, there's rarely a moment when these two aren't together.

    Originally, I intended to use Spoiler boxes to hide the origin of Golbez's magic tricks in role plays for the reader to read at their own discretion.
    The reason for this was this was to act as my "safety net" to protect me from "Elitists" that could call me out on why his tricks would not work with explanation.


    However, over the years using this method I found I rarely used it at all, and as such it made me have Golbez perform magic very rarely if at all, if anything it acted more like a restriction than a safety net to me.


    ​Pondering this, I've decide not to use spoilers any longer and not give explanations to his tricks, the only reason I will give being his tricks are purely for entertainment purposes, he cannot perform telekinesis or throw fireballs or any other kind of magic that would have a major impact, only simple tricks that don't have to be explained to be enjoyed.


    An example being, nobody had to explain why Pinkie Pie how she can play ten instruments at once, or how Fluttershy can speak with animals, so why do I need to explain how Golbez does his magic?

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Its been quite a while, and I've read over the character myself now, I think its more then ready to go straight on through to acceptance.

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