Kay Dreamer

By Kay Dreamer
, No,
Not Cast
Young Adult Mare
Kay Dreamer is a fairly small mare, with a pale green coat, dark brown mane and butter-yellow eyes. She keeps her mane and tail cropped unusually short for a Crystal Pony. She often wears accessories such as cloaks, scarves and earrings.
female Crystal Pony Kay Dreamer's cutie mark is a white musical note over two wavy lines, which look a little like a gust of wind. Four yellow petals blow along the wind, representing her wanderlust, and the note represents her musical ability. https://buffy.mlpforums.com/ac268453c503c708e85391c3db4461f4.jpgKay Dreamer is generally light hearted, kind, humorous and charismatic. She's very curious, with a creative imagination prone to wild flights of fancy. She enjoys telling stories and sharing her music with other ponies, and has a tendency to be somewhat theatrical. (In addition to a tad vain.)
Kay Dreamer is usually quite diplomatic. However, she is not afraid to stand up for her ideals, and can be insufferably stubborn. She is very protective of her friends, and especially of younger ponies. She can also be impatient, and becomes immensely frustrated when things do not go her way. When she is in a temper, she can be rather snippy.
While she enjoys socialising, Kay Dreamer is equally happy on her own as she is with company. She values the freedom which comes with a life of travel, marching to the beat of her own drum. A calm night with a crackling fire - just herself, some tea (or fine red wine) and her music - is her personal heaven.
Likes: As much as Kay Dreamer loves travelling, she abhors things such as squishy, muddy roads, bugs getting into her supplies and being caught with no dry place to camp. Her little caravan has just enough room for her to curl up and sleep between all the instruments, but it's cold and uncomfortable without a fire.<br /><br />As a minstrel, Kay was once immensely proud of her historical knowledge. Being so unfamiliar with the events which passed during the thousand years the Crystal Empire was gone is very frustrating for her. While she enjoys learning about the things she's missed, she can't help but wish Equestria hadn't changed quite so much in her absence.<br /><br />Other pet peeves include being ignored and spoken over, dishonesty, and any pony who is cruel to another.A Unicorn from the Crystal Empire, Kay Dreamer was a wandering minstrel of the Royal Court. Her position involved traveling across Equestria, far from the borders of the Crystal Empire, singing the songs and tales of her people. On her journeys she would hear new songs and tales, and bring news of the world back to the isolated Empire.
When King Sombra rose to power, he quickly began consolidating his rule by disposing of all powerful and influential ponies, and any pony who had too much knowledge. Ordered to fetch help, Kay Dreamer fled the Crystal Empire, racing to bring news of the coup to the Princesses of Equestria. When Sombra was first defeated by Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, Sombra’s curse threw all Crystal Ponies, including those outside the boundary of the Empire, out of time. For over one thousand years, Kay Dreamer, along with every other Crystal Pony, simply wasn’t in the world.
A little over one thousand years later, when the Crystal Empire reappeared, so did Kay Dreamer. At first, much like the other Crystal Ponies, she had few memories and her dazzling coat was dull and faded. Dazed and confused, she wandered into a small Northern Equestrian town with her little caravan of musical instruments still hitched upon her back. The town’s tavern owners, a kindly pair of sisters, took pity on the lost looking Unicorn and provided her with food and lodgings.
As the days passed, the tavern sisters grew curious about strange Unicorn. Kay Dreamer was distant, barely eating and seeming to have no will of her own. Eventually, in an effort to break Kay Dreamer from her apathy, they asked her to play one of the instruments she had carried in her wagon. Though initially impassive, as Kay Dreamer played, her eyes began to sparkle; as she sang, her voice became lively and her coat began to brighten in colour. Her memories were still clouded from her, but she had her spirit back.
To the North, Twilight Sparkle and her friends were racing against time to defeat the mad tyrant Sombra, finally succeeding in destroying him once and for all. Once the Crystal Heart was restored, Kay Dreamer’s memories, along with those of every other Crystal Pony, came flooding back. Her coat took on it's customary radiance - and it was apparent to all she was a Crystal Pony.
Kay Dreamer has not yet returned to the Crystal Empire. She is frightened to face the scope of what Sombra did. Many of her friends from the Royal Court were killed in his coup; ponies she’d known since she was a little filly. Kay Dreamer feels ashamed for fleeing while so many she loved perished. She did summon the courage to write a letter to the Royal Court, addressed to anyone left who might remember her name. The reply came unsigned, but assured her she was welcome to return whenever she felt ready, and thanked her for her role in bringing the Crystal Empire's plight to the Princesses of Equestria. It also made a point of emphasising that the Crystal Empire had been gone for over one thousand years. Perhaps, if Kay Dreamer was not yet really to return, she might like to continue wandering Equestria, spreading the now forgotten lore of her home and people across the land. Kay Dreamer decided it was good advice, and was grateful for the opportunity to serve the Royal Court once more.
In the present day Kay Dreamer continues to wander Equestria, singing her old songs and tales and composing melodies to the new stories she hears. She has over one thousand years of history to catch up on, but travelling, learning about the events which shaped the world in her absence, and spreading stories of the Crystal Empire throughout Equestria once more helps to keep her spirits high.
Signature Magic
Kay Dreamer weaves magic into her music when she plays or sings. She can lift the hearts of ponies or make them weep, inspiring feelings of bravery, desolation, hope, anger, love... Her music creates vivid pictures in the mind of any who listen. A tune of winter makes it seem as though the air grows colder. Were she to sing a song about springtime, you would swear you smelled the spring flowers blooming.
As the Crystal Heart is related to spreading emotion throughout Equestria, I used that as a foundation for Kay Dreamer's signature magic. She can't manipulate emotions, but she can inspire them.
Kay is also quite gifted in telekinesis. She's not strong, but very dextrous. Through telekinesis, she has trained herself to play multiple instruments simultaneously; up to four depending on what they are. This is easiest with flutes and drums, though she can do the same with simple lute patterns and woodwind instruments. The only instruments she can't play in this manner are brass, due to lips being essential for a brass instrument to produce sound.
General Magic
Glow Spell: The first spell Kay Dreamer ever learned, born from years of sitting up after bedtime as a filly, losing her nights lost in stories and poems.
Basic Shield Spell: A simple defensive spell which an old friend insisted on teaching Kay Dreamer before she left the Crystal Empire to wander alone through Equestria. It's useful in a pinch, but she lacks the strength to maintain it for long.
Her Caravan
The caravan Kay Dreamer pulls with her is made of Crystal Ashwood; a pale, sparkling and extremely lightweight wood. It is only tiny, containing just enough room for all her instruments, a little wooden surface where she can write new stories and songs, and a wide flat cushion on the floor where she curls to sleep. There are small weatherproof compartments on the outside where Kay keeps food and cooking utensils, and she stows her assorted accessories in some netting hanging from the interior ceiling
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