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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


  • , No, Not Cast Stallion

    Moonsong is a grey unicorn with dark blue eyes and a black mane and tail with blue stripes. He wears two dark blue rings around his left ankle, and his hooves are black.


    He stars in the upcoming Epic Ghastly Gorge roleplay.

    male Unicorn His cutie mark is a crescent moon.

    Moonsong is very straightforward, dislikes much sentiment, and he gets things done. He never breaks a promise, and though he seems a bit cold and distant, he has a large heart. He also isn't that good at math LOL

    Likes: Math, much sentiment, broken promises.

    Moonsong was born in a simple house in Ponyville, and grew up there under the guidance of a kind earth pony mother, called Lily, and unicorn father, called Braveheart, both of whom Moonsong loved very much.

    As a young colt, his father went off on an adventure to persuade an obnoxious dragon to leave Canterlot, where he was smoking up the works (kind of like in Dragonshy). When Braveheart got back, he told his wife and son all about his adventures, and from that moment on Moonsong was fascinated with the various escapades of brave ponies from all over Equestria. He read anything he could get his hooves on about adventurers, including the Daring Do series - and one book about how a pegasus called Whitewing survived a trip through the Ghastly Gorge. This led him to the only book about the Gorge and its creepy inhabitants, the Quarray Eels. When he had finished the book, he vowed to follow in the hoofsteps of Whitewing and his father, and one day go on an adventure to revolutionize the Ghastly Gorge, and make it safe for ponykind!

    He earned his cutie mark, a crescent moon, when he was a teenager, when he couldn't sleep one night. He got up, went to the window and had an overwhelming urge to sing. He made up a song about the moon, and it was clearly magic, for something changed during it...his cutie mark appeared! However, he doesn't yet know what this "moonsong" is capable of, magic-wise. That's part of his adulthood journey!


    As for his magic, the one true signature spell he has is the above-mentioned "moonsong". There isn't much else he can do with his magic that no other unicorn can...at least, not yet!


    Moonsong was trained in the art of swordfighting when nearly full-grown, by a renowned trainer who disappeared a few months after Moonsong completed his training (said trainer, by the way, will not reveal his name in Equestrian public, although he is rumored to live in the very cave a dragon once inhabited, reference to Dragonshy intended). Now Moonsong trains himself!


    On weekdays, Moonsong works at the boring grain mill by day, and reads as many books as he can by night. Saturdays are fully given to swordplay.

    Moonsong wants to truly claim the Ghastly Gorge for Equestria and Equestrians alike. He feels that the Gorge can be made a better place!


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Hello there! Everything appears to be okay, however if you could expand on the backstory just a bit more so that we can make sure the entire character fits within canon, that would be awesome. Also, need to change the age to stallion. Numbered ages aren't allowed because we don't know how long ponies actually live for.

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Hello there! Everything appears to be okay, however if you could expand on the backstory just a bit more so that we can make sure the entire character fits within canon, that would be awesome. Also, need to change the age to stallion. Numbered ages aren't allowed because we don't know how long ponies actually live for.

I'm not sure what you mean by expanding the backstory...how would he not fit within canon? LOL I'm really new to this sort of thing...

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By expanding the backstories, I just mean adding a bit more. How did he get his interest in adventurers? Why did he specifically focus on the Eels and Ghastly Gorge? How did he earn his cutie mark? Does he have parents/how is the relationship with them? Ect.


And As it is, we don't know if your character fits or not, because we don't know what the character is capable of. Also, something else that I just noticed that I forgot to address. Because this is a unicorn, (this goes for Aria as well) you have to define what magic they have. They can have one specialized spell (dealing with their talent) and a maximum of two other spells not including levitation. (That's counted as a talent, not a spell.)




That is a guide I wrote to help people create a character. If you're looking for help on how to expand a backstory, take a look at some of the questions that are in the back story section. Not all of them are required to be answered, but I would recommend most of the basic ones should be referenced. (like parents, CM, and place of origin[which you already have]) That should help you out a lot.

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Rather interesting character here. You seem to have added onto the background as asked, and I don't see anything wrong, so Im moving this character onto Second Approvals :)

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