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Paladin is a loyal member of the Night Guard. The Lunar Guard to be precise. He is never seen without his special armor. His coat is dark gray, his eyes are dark blue and his mane and tail are also a darker shade of blue. With his armor though, his coat is still dark gray, his eyes change to a deep gold color, and his mane and tail change in to a dark purple color. He wears his armor so much, everyone has basically forgotten what he looks like without it.
male Pegasus A sword and shield. It was gained at the academy when he decimated a fellow enlistee in the dueling ring. After that day, he practiced with weaponry in earnest. Fighting became what he did, sword, spear, any weapon, he practiced with until he was recognized as the best swords pony in academy. is very withdrawn. Not much for talk unless it's vital. He likes to sit in the background, away from the spotlight. He's is usually calm, even in the worst of situations and isn't easily angered. When he is angered though, his fury comes down like a sword strike. He isn't the most social pony, but he does have a soft side, though not many ponies see it.
Likes: Disrespectful ponies, or ponies without honor.Paladin lived a rough life as a colt. He was born of a servant mother, and his father left shortly after his younger brother Paladin was born. Their mother loved them very much, trying to provide for them the best she could. As time went on, she began to become ill, hiding it from everypony, for she knew she had to provide for her children.
One day, Paladin was awaken by his brother. Their mother was sick and he had to help carry her to the hospital.
Paladin was scared for his mother. He couldn’t imagine trying to live without her. That night, Dark Wing walked Paladin home, and tucked him into bed, trying to comfort him. The next day, their fears were realized. She had died. It was just the two brothers left to watch over each other. The only thing they had was the old, small house on the outskirts of Canterlot, though it wasn't much. The sold off as much as they could to live, until all that remained was the house, their beds, and a few blankets.
As the brothers laid in the cold empty house, their stomachs rumbling from hunger, a realization hits them. They would need to have to steal or they would end up starving to death. Nopony would give two young school age blankflank colts a job. No one wanted to have to support to orphans. So it was settled, the next day they would steal their next meal, and possibly the next, and the one after that. Paladin was excellent at what he did. He was fast, agile, and able to get the job done without anypony noticing until he was already home. The brothers would alternate whose turn it would be steal food. One fateful day however, that would all change.
It had been Paladin's turn to get food for him and his brother. After the usual good bye and promise to return with plenty of food, Paladin headed out into the day. Making his usual rout, he started out for the local grocer. Moving from shadow to shadow, Paladin ghosted towards the stall. He was almost there, when a member of the royal guard swoops out of the air and lands right in front of him. "Gotcha, no getting away from me this time you little theif." Paladin stands up, his eyes wide and the guard takes a step back. "What the, a kid?" That was all he needed. Paladin takes off, zipping in between houses and other building until he thought he lost him. Sad, but determined, he decides to head back out at night. Turning for home, Paladin gets within sight of his house when he here's something up above his head. Before he can move, the guard flies down and grabs Paladin, pulling him in to the air, and holding him so he can't escape. "There, now hold still. I just want to talk." Paladin stopped squirming, but kept his mouth shut. "So, how many of you are there? Are you the only thief?" Paladin stayed quiet, but nervously looked over his shoulder at the house. Catching his eye, the guard slowly decends until he lands right in front of the house. Keeping one hoof on the Paladin to make sure he doesn't try to escape, he taps on the door.
Dark Wing opens the door, and the surprise and fear that play across his face are all to obvious to the guard. He speaks soothingly to the older colt, asking to see their parents. Surprised at the answer that the colts were living alone, and at how long they'd managed to live by themselves. The guard seems to hesitate for a moment, then offers them a deal. If the brothers would come with him and enroll in a training program, he would make sure that they were taken care of. Paladin was hesitant, but Dark Wing seemed willing to comply. "On one condition though," he tells the guard. "My brother and I can never be seperated." The guard agrees after a moment of contemplation and brings them to the palace where they would begin their training immidiately. From that point on, they trained and trianed to become virtious keepers of the peace and justice.
During their training, Paladin, still disheartened by his lack of cutie mark, threw himself whole heartedly in to his weapon training. He first mastered the offensive art of the sword, then the more deffensive way of the shield, then he completed training in wielding a spear. It was after he had trained and trained and trained that he finally earned his cutie mark. That of a sword and shield signifying his strenght and prowess with weaponry.
The brothers worked well together. Amazingly well. So well in fact, that when working together, they were hard pressed to find anyone able to defeat them. Enrolled together, trained together, and graduating together, they will soon become full fledged members of the night guard together.
Brother: Dark Wing
Author's note: His appearance is that of when he's on duty. He is rarely seen without his armor but when he is, he looks like this:
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