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Penny Dreadful

Scion of Arcadia
  • , No, Not Cast Young Mare

    Penny is a creamy white-pearl pony with a ruby red main. Her main is carefully groomed to swoop over her ear and fall just a little below her head, while the other half is swept behind her other ear. Her tail also has that swoop befor twisting once and ending in a soft point. Her eyes are an aqua green.

    female Earth Pony Eight pencils arranged in an eight-pointed star

    Penny is quite the busybody. Her mind seems to always be thinking about her job, what needs to be ordered, future events, the clientele, etcetera. Luckily, she's also quite the multitasker so she it isn't often she lets it slip that her mind is slightly preoccupied. Even when off the clock, she seems to still be thinking about such things. It can make it a bit difficult for her to truly relax. She also will talk your ear off if you let her. If asked about a subject she cares about, she can go on quite a tangent. Although, she will give fair warning about some subjects, like if you ask her about work. She's a bit of a cynic and a pessimist at times, though.

    Likes: Chaos<br />Being told she worries too much<br />Not having anything to do<br />Being useless

    Penny grew up, and still lives, in Manehattan. She was born to a family whose purpose usually ended up being with the news. She was named thus as it was expected for her to join the family business. But she never showed much talent or inclination towards it. Even though it was like the family business, Penny never really cared to join it. Still, it caused her a bit of worry as it took her a while to earn her Cutie Mark, causing her to think perhaps she was destined to join the business anyways.


    She was the last in her class to earn her Mark. It came while they were doing a class project. She had been paired with a rather unfavorable group who didn't really get along so well. The group couldn't agree on anything and nobody seemed to know what they were supposed to be doing. This was the point Mrs. Dreadful stepped in. While.she wasn't that great with the other parts of the project, she was able to direct all the other members to what could be suited to them and keeping everybody on track. Thanks to her efforts, they managed to get second prize, only beat out by the "nerdy" group, and her Cutie Mark appeared as her group was awarded silver.


    Penny stayed in Manehattan, figuring it was where her talents could best be put to use. After a bit of persistence, she finally landed a job as secretary to a small furniture firm, though it was equal parts skill and being young and beautiful that accomplished this. She now works just outside the manager's office, dealing with customers and some of the minor management of the business. The pay isn't great and her boss tends to keep her plenty busy, she enjoys her job.and strives to help the company succeed.

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