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Professor Annabella Belle

Professor Annabella
  • , No, Not Cast Mare



    Anna holds herself high. Despite what she has been through, the young mare puffs her chest out, holds her chin high, and is usually wearing a veneer of confidence. Honestly, she likes to seem tough when she isn't. Anna is very attractive, she has a nice figure, a golden blonde mane, and ocean blue eyes. Her mane and tail are both long and curly, all natural. Her coat is a lighter blonde then her mane, and is often brushed and kept clean like the rest of her.

    female Pegasus Anna Belle's cutie mark is a Microscope. It represents her talent in science, to be more broad in biology. Studying smaller things, such as cells in plants, and animal samples, is a part of her job. However, Anna really is great in all fields. She also craves more knowledge like most scientists do. She studies constantly to expand.

    Anna's personality is mainly the way it is because of how she grew up, and what was around her growing up. Since she was born in a rich home, always being taught the correct way by professional nurses and maids, she has a very good base. Anna is friendly, very polite, intuitive, and observing. As for other personality attributes, the biggest of them all is her vast and massive knowledge. She's a bookwork, she loves books, and is always striving to be better, not only with books, but with everything. She's a bit awkward, a little bland socially, but this is only because she doesn't have much experience with friends or other ponies. Anna can have a sense of humor sometimes, but others she can be a buzzkill. Another thing that shines through, is a bit of a snob, very rarely. This was inherited from her mother and her surroundings in the Belle family, but she doesn't share all the same traits as her family, instead she is very down to earth unlike them. However, other flaws include Anna losing control in hard situations, giving her either a temper, or a quitting attitude.

    Likes: -Overly lavish things<br /><br />-Loud and obnoxious ponies<br /><br />-Snobbish ponies<br /><br />-Large crowds<br /><br />-Canterlot and other large cities<br /><br />-Un-Organization<br /><br />-Situations out of her control<br /><br />-Zeus' Crying or him being upset



    Anna was born into the Belle family, from Diamond and Hilgard Pay. While her mother was still pregnant, Hilagard passed away due to severe heart problems. After this had happened, Diamond went back to her previous living, which was highly influenced by her family the 'Belle's'. The Belle family is known across Equestria as jewel miners, collectors, refiners, and sellers, and Diamond did just that in Cloudsdale after the passing of her husband. After Anna was born, Diamond opened a branch of ‘Deltum Jewelers’ in Cloudsdale, to continue her success and wealth as part of the family. This of course was after selling her husband’s shipping company, which made Diamond enough to start a warehouse, store, and refinery in Cloudsdale.


    In the wake of her husband’s sudden death, Diamond didn’t react in grief, but instead motivation for her name, and for the baby she was expecting. The company built up, but she couldn’t stay in the background, so Anna didn’t get as much attention as promised.


    Though her mother swore to love and respect her, Anna spent her days as a baby in the hooves of nurses and maids. She was taught well by the staff in her mother’s large and impressive mansion, but rarely saw her biological mother. Diamond was not only busy with business, but another habit after her husband’s death. Diamond loved to throw large and elaborate parties at her residence in the expensive side of Cloudsdale. These parties, weighted heavily with alcohol, music, and loud celebration, continued through Anna’s foalhood. The maids grew close to her though, she was treated very well, and eventually the parties started to slow down, but not until Anna was at least CMC age. The question was though, where was the love, attention, and respect Diamond promised to her daughter? Surely working and partying so much left little time to spend with her baby.


    Diamond kept to her word, and did spend a lot of time when she could, but in ways that Anna didn’t exactly like. The highest point in their interaction was when she was in search of her special talent. Anna was put in pageants, dressed up, and showed off as the perfect, pretty little filly, and she absolutely hated it. Diamond found this a perfect talent for her to have, and one she preferred. Though, Anna was so timid, quiet, and reserved, yet her mother wanted her to be a loud, obnoxious, and diva of a pageant filly. This is what made her a failure in contests, absolutely no heart or motivation to be in pageants, and it was also what made a rift between Diamond and her daughter for quite some time. Anna adopted mischievous ways, and a rebellious attitude towards her mom. No longer was she her little doll.


    Anna had gotten a little bit older when she had to started to get depressed and lonely with the rift between her and her mother growing each day. She had to get close with somepony, since maids usually came and go, and she was home schooled. That pony turned out to be her aunt Linear, the financial genius behind her mother’s success. Linear would come over, have tea with her mother, and then spend some of her time with Anna. This is when she taught her all she knew about math, science, and history, way more advanced than her home school education. Linear also supported Anna not wanting to be part of the extravagance and expensive life style of a regular Belle family member. She became Anna’s hero quickly, for her birthday, Linear got her niece a science kit, since the subject was her strongest. This kit helped Anna figure out that she liked science, especially biology, a lot. One day, after a fight she had gotten in with Diamond, Anna went to explore in the swamps under Cloudsdale. Using her mini brass telescope, she had seen many processes her biology book described, and Anna was able to point out each one. Her cutie mark appeared, and ever since, Anna had been a simple biologist. That cutie mark was a microscope.



    Academy age


    Eventually Diamond and Anna’s tough relationship loosened up through the equivalent of Anna's teens and early adulthood. Anna studied consistently after she found her cutie mark, and was given all sorts of tutors and help financially to make her as smart as she could be. Anna appreciated her simple studying though, and again, didn’t live in the extravagance her mother wanted her to. Living in a massive mansion, with all the bits in the world, you’d think she would have nice attire, but Anna didn’t. Anna’s wardrobe consisted of one dress for special occasions, one outfit for when she was out on the field, and of course, her beloved lab coat. This is when she adopted wearing her coat all the time. Anna’s education excelled, so she went to the highly advanced Canterlot Academy of Science and Arts or CASA, to further her education, and find her place in her world.


    One fine, early August morning, she arrived at the academy. Diamond was upset to see Anna go, but she did, and finally Anna was given freedom in an entirely different environment. At first she was a bit of a nerd, always studying, and always staying on top of her classes, but as time went on, she made a group of friends. Those friends were the mutts of the academy, that didn’t fit anywhere else, not because they were odd in anyway, but because they were similar in the way that they didn’t try or want to make friends. They met by fate, and their bonds held strong. It was 3 friends, Melody, Markus, and Wright. Wright was a very mysterious pony that was always quiet and reserved, but also a bit suspicious, Markus was inspiring chef who was a bit of a goof, and Melody was a tomboyish DJ who wanted nothing to do with the the academies drama. Together they worked through the academy, together, as friends. Anna excelled, as expected. She had a perfect GPA, and rocked all of her science classes. It wasn’t very hard for her to get noticed.


    Senior year came around, and Anna was on her way to achieving some of the highest degrees with years of school. However, an old professor in the academy noticed Anna’s potential, and that she was one of a kind. Knowing the very rich Belle family, specifically her aunt, he offered Anna to be his apprentice. Professor White was his name, and he had a vision of Anna becoming the next great professor at the academy after him. All through senior year, Anna practiced in the labs with him, and learned greatly from the professor, but at the cost of losing her friends. Eventually, even here, she exploded with potential and greatness. 2 years afterwards, it landed her on the board, right after Professor White’s retiring. Her friends, long gone, had ditched Anna out of jealousy and how much she neglected them. At first they were glad for her, but then she acted in a way that made them feel that she was inferior. So her career came from her academy days, but not at all did it bring her any friendship, which was something she needed.





    The thing is about Anna, is that all her actions are supported with a logical reason. This is how Professor White taught her to be. So the reason she neglected her friends had logical backing, her logic anyway. Anna thought that her career was much more important than her social life, her entire life she learned that those parties and extreme popularity that Diamond always had, was bad. One thing that Anna never had, that she always dreamed and wished for, was a father. So it was logical in her mind that a boyfriend was necessary for her life, and that anyone would do. That stallion would be Cris Cross.


    Cris Cross had also gone to CASA, with a full ride by hoofball scholarships. He was the jock of the school, and was very popular, unlike Anna. They made a very odd couple, but that was only with their personalities. Anna had kept her very pretty figure and appearance, she was very attractive and slim, unlike any other mare. Cris had started to date her, and Diamond pushed the relationship since he also belonged to a wealthy Equestrian family. Anna was just happy to say she had a stallion, and continued to focus on her work. Cris treated her pretty well, giving her thoughtful gifts, attention, and help with her job. Sometimes he could be pushy, and want her to be something she wasn’t, but Anna looked right over it. Eventually though, Cris Cross went through a major injury his senior year on the hoofball team.


    When the two left the academy, Anna kept her steady job at the university, while Cris couldn’t find any jobs. All he knew was hoofball, but he suffered a major leg injury that disabled him. Anna slowly came out of her shell, at this point; she started making friends with her co-workers, and even met up with her old academy friends. It was a slow incline, but Anna eventually had all her friendships back during the summer break of her 2nd year as professor at the academy. There wasn’t much that could go wrong, except one thing. Cris was going the opposite direction Anna was, he lost all his friends, and didn’t have a job. His mood and personality went sour, making him be rude and mean to Anna, but yet, she ignored it because of how good things were going. By the middle of her break, Anna had figured out that she was pregnant with Cris’ foal.


    When Anna became pregnant, Cris Cross decline was thrown into overdrive. He became even meaner, abusive even, to Anna. He didn’t want a foal, and he thought that it would take away any chance of him ever becoming an athlete again. It was a vision he couldn’t remove, one the possessed him, which was to go back to his glory days as a hoofball star. What he finally came into conclusion with, was that Anna was to blame. Anna was only an anchor in his progress. So after almost 5 months of constant fighting, yelling, and chaos, Cris eventually one night just disappeared, leaving Anna alone, heartbroken, and pregnant with his son.


    When this happened, Anna went into a downfall. Unlike before, when she was still bettering her education, her friends left her again, and this time her career declined too. She completely shut out her friends, so they were forced to leave her around the holidays of that winter. Also, she quit her job at the academy, which devastated the staff. The city that once made her happy, joyful, and hopeful, made her sick. The only pony left was Diamond, and during her deep depression, Anna stayed in her mansion until securing a house in Ponyville. She wanted a restart with the baby. During the last month of her pregnancy, she situated herself in the house and decided to start over in Ponyville, instead of trying to fix her mess in Canterlot.





    Anna lives in Ponyville, with her foal, Zeus. She named him Zeus not only was he named after a famous pegasus general who hailed lightning with his wings, but because she knew that he would have to have extreme strength to get through his childhood without a father, like the ancient character did. The day he was born, Anna was absolutely miserable. Something that was supposed to be a very happy day, turned into a day of question. She wondered what she would do now, with a baby, and a new life. She didn’t have a job, but her family had plenty of money to support the very simple life she lived in Ponyville. It was a time of confusion.


    However, though confused what direction her life was heading in, there was always hope. Anna fell in love with her little foal, he reminded her nothing of Cris Cross, but instead of herself and how innocent she once was. The devotion that once went into her career, her friends, and her relationship, now went into her tike, Zeus. Anna was encouraged to raise her son properly, in a environment that wasn’t a super lavish one, but instead a simple one with a lot of love she never had. Her job still hung on a string, she could always go back, but Zeus always held her back. Maybe someday in her future she’d go back, but today, Anna lives happily with her son on the eastern side of Ponyville.


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Hello Delta,


I'd like to preface what I'm about to say with this: I really like this character. I think she's unique, I think she's well written, and I think she has a lot she can add to the EqE roleplay section. That said, I have discussed this character with the other staff, and we've identified a few key points which will need to be changed before she's ready to be accepted into EqE.


These are the ones which stick out on an initial first read-through. Once these are rectified, we can comb through a little more deeply and come back with any minor points which need mentioning.


The surname 'Belle'

I'm not sure if you are aware, but the family name 'Belle' is commonly considered to be the family name of Rarity and Sweetie Belle. This is more 'fanon' than 'canon', but it's a widely accepted one, and it wouldn't be surprising to see the writers use it at some future point in the show. Annabella's family cannot share that last name. It would be considered to be a pre-existing cast relationship with Rarity's extended family.



The existence of colleges in Equestria has not been indicated by show canon. This is being addressed in extended lore by the Pony Roleplay team, but we're going with more universal titles such as Academy and University. (College is very Americanised and feels distinctly out of place.) A 'Canterlot Academy of Science' would be appropriate.


Level of Technology

The general level of technology indicated by day-to-day Equestria is around the 1920's to 1930's. (With only a few outliers.) As such, while Annabella being a Professor of Biology and having a microscope as a cutie mark are both realistic for a 1920's tech level, please keep in mind her field is still developing and nowhere near as comprehensive as it is today.



The name itself is fine. But you need to drop the theological reasoning behind it from the application. As much as I adore ancient Greek theology, Greek gods don't exist in Equestia.


Also, please be aware that if you want to play Zeus as anything more than a non-verbal NPC, he'll need his own application. 


Numerical Ages

Because we don not know how long ponies live for, or at what rate they age, numerical ages are not permitted. Please use age distinguishers such as 'young filly', 'older filly,' 'young mare,' 'mare', and so on.



  • Chris is a really odd name for a pony. Can you give him a name that's less commonly human?
  • A little 'brass' telescope seems more in fitting with the MLP:FiM level of technology. Plastics don't seem common, particularly for something like a working telescope.
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The surname 'Belle'

I'm not sure if you are aware, but the family name 'Belle' is commonly considered to be the family name of Rarity and Sweetie Belle. This is more 'fanon' than 'canon', but it's a widely accepted one, and it wouldn't be surprising to see the writers use it at some future point in the show. Annabella's family cannot share that last name. It would be considered to be a pre-existing cast relationship with Rarity's extended family.


That's highly arguable. I mean, it's kinda odd to think Sweetie's best friends go around calling her by her first and last name. Twilight's friends don't do that, and we know her first and last name, the only time we hear someone use both her names is to add dramatic effect for a villain saying it, somepony calling on her formally, or when a princess talks to her (Which, are both formal ponies). I never heard it being fanon, the only time I heard Rarity Belle, is by a author on FiMFiction. There was a discussion on the wiki about it, and most agree that Sweetie Belle is just a two part name like Mary-Lou. 


Why am I arguing this so much? Because it's her name. Anna's name has been with her since I joined the fandom, and it hasn't changed through every roleplay I've been in. It has a history behind it, and is the most long running thing with the character. She has no relation to Rarity, and even if I did change these things, and was accepted, I wouldn't use her surname at all. If she wanted to talk about her family, she'd probably just say 'My Family'

  • Chris is a really odd name for a pony. Can you give him a name that's less commonly human?



My mistake, that's supposed to be Cris Cross... You know, like criscrossing lines, he's a hoofball player (American football), and on plays and running routes, the players usually cross their paths. Still, it's a clever way to slip in a human name, but this is, again, something I don't want to change. He's an OC too, and changing his name completely is something I wouldn't prefer


However, everything else I will change

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-Family Snip-


I was the one who originally asked Kay to address the "family name" issue, (and no, not because I'm playing Rares, it had nothing to do with this) she wasn't going to place this one in her initial review.


I didn't have anything against it initially, since "Belle" is quite a common word all in all. But, after reading what kind of business the family was into (jewel miners) I've questioned whether this was a coincidence anymore. You're saying you never heard of this name being Rarity's family name, unfortunately I know a number of people who like to think this is true. I could see this *potentially* becoming a bit confusing in RPs if given certain, unfortunate circumstances and "appropriate roleplayers".

The thing is, there is no "correct" answer to this issue since it depends purely on one's perspective and approach, ergo we're both right in our statements.


However, I also know how problematic it is to tackle core values upon which any application is built, both for us and their owners. Since you're swearing this is merely a coincidence (and we all know these happen), I'll step back from this one.


In all honesty though, it wasn't the family's name itself I had a problem with, but that 'coincidental' business it is running.


Still, I guess the name may remain intact in the end, so you don't have to bother with this one.

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Hi Delta,


As detailed by Khajiit above, you no longer have to worry about the 'Belle' name. With that put aside, we can continue addressing the other points. The only things which still need tweaking are:

  • College: It still pops up multiple times below your first mention of 'Canterlot Academy of Science and Arts'. Easiest way to address that is to simply Control-F and change each instance of it to either CASA, or to 'the Academy' if you thing it's getting repetitive.
  • Zeus's name; if you reword the explanation to something along the lines of "like the mythological Pegasus hero who shot thunderbolts from his wings," it would seem far more in fitting with canon as an expanded reference. (The Pegasi culture pre Hearth's Warming seemed to be modelled after Ancient Greece, so it works quite well. I'm ashamed I didn't think of this sooner.)
  • Smoking: I didn't pick this one up earlier. We've seen no evidence of cigarettes in MLP:FiM, and in keeping with this the smoking reference should go. Alcohol is fine, as we HAVE seen cider and wine.

Cris Cross seems way more ponylike spelled that way, so I'm happy. =D


This should be good to go once those changes are implemented.

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Hi Delta,


As detailed by Khajiit above, you no longer have to worry about the 'Belle' name. With that put aside, we can continue addressing the other points. The only things which still need tweaking are:

  • College: It still pops up multiple times below your first mention of 'Canterlot Academy of Science and Arts'. Easiest way to address that is to simply Control-F and change each instance of it to either CASA, or to 'the Academy' if you thing it's getting repetitive.
  • Zeus's name; if you reword the explanation to something along the lines of "like the mythological Pegasus hero who shot thunderbolts from his wings," it would seem far more in fitting with canon as an expanded reference. (The Pegasi culture pre Hearth's Warming seemed to be modelled after Ancient Greece, so it works quite well. I'm ashamed I didn't think of this sooner.)
  • Smoking: I didn't pick this one up earlier. We've seen no evidence of cigarettes in MLP:FiM, and in keeping with this the smoking reference should go. Alcohol is fine, as we HAVE seen cider and wine.

Cris Cross seems way more ponylike spelled that way, so I'm happy. =D


This should be good to go once those changes are implemented.

I have fixed all these things

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Ah, my fault, I missed one thing: "Anna was at least 8"


I should have caught that before, I apologise. Other than that this looks flawless, and I'll put it through for second approval once that age is dealt with.

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Ah, my fault, I missed one thing: "Anna was at least 8"


I should have caught that before, I apologise. Other than that this looks flawless, and I'll put it through for second approval once that age is dealt with.

... it's fixed

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