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Smoky Gears

  • No Not Cast Young Adult

    Smoky Gears has a mane that has been cut into a flat top. His mane is mostly red but possesses a silver streak going through it. His body is built fairly athletically for a Unicorn. Height wise, he's about as tall as Princess Luna, and fairly muscular as well. Tall and muscular, he looks regal most of the time. His tail is red, with a silver streak through it. His eyes are colored purple in color.


    His clothes however are something of a different story. A simple black body suit with a red hoodie, and silver colored boots are worn by him.

    Male Unicorn Three Gears, a crystal, and a wrench. This symbolizes the love of science possessed by Smoky Gears and how he can combine magic and technology.

    His love of science constantly motivates him to attempt to push the boundaries of science, and even combine it with magic. Furthermore, Smoky Gears also loves to study magic, including even forbidden or "dark" magic as some ponies call it. While he does know his attitude that any form of magic could be used by him for good may bring him at odds with the Princesses he doesn't particularly care about what they believe in that regard. There is another part to Smoky Gears namely love he has for books. His love of books, and ancient items motivates Smoky Gears to be explore and also do a lot of research into magic. Loving to explore ancient ruins, Smoky Gears has very little care for his own personal safety and will often explore without a variety of supplies other than his own inventions.


    While he may be a Unicorn, Smoky Gears hates the Unicorns who are snobs, such as Prince Blueblood and others of his caliber. This irritates him to no end, and makes him very annoyed. Those who are not Unicorns but are uptight are irritations to him, because it makes him very agitated to be around. Especially those who believe [insert race here] is better than that of somepony else. Smoky hates it when ponies believe his technology is
    Tomfoolery or a scam, probably because most ponies would due to his tech being a bit ahead of it's time.

    Likes: Loud Music<br />Chaos<br />Sabotage of his inventions<br />Running low of money.<br />Uptight Unicorns <br />Uptight Ponies in General<br />Prince Blueblood <br />Getting ripped off<br />Trouble with the law

    From an early age, Smoky Gears has always had a desire to experiment with mechanical devices. Given one of his parents was a fairly wealthy Unicorn, Smoky Gears was humored most of his life. It was the day of the science fair and there during the science fair, an invention of one of the ponies there went haywire, a laser that was powered by magic infused crystals. Leaping into action, Smoky Gears was quickly able to disable the object with a few well placed blasts of magic from his horn. Even though he was unable to win the science fair as his project had been destroyed, Smoky Gears managed to convince the pony to allow him to take the device home and learn exactly what had went wrong with the device. The device had been meant originally as a way to focus magical light until it's untimely malfunction.


    With the device at his house, Smoky Gears studied it for weeks after school and learned about how said device worked. But when he remembered it had destroyed his science fair project, he got himself a couple of ideas that such a device could be useful, if the beam of energy it shot was more controllable. Such a device could possibly be used for demolition, as well as a whole host of other applications, including shaving off mustaches and stuff like that. Modifying the device until it was able to be saddle mounted, Smoky Gears worked on the device after school, and on vacation days.


    Earning his cutie mark one night, when he finished the device Smoky Gears went outside of Canterlot onto a different mountain, where a boulder sat. Testing out the invention upon the boulder, Smoky Gears managed to punch a hole through the boulder. Once this test had been successfully done, Smoky Gears returned home, impressed with his invention and the power it held. But it wasn't done... at least not yet anyway because he hadn't found a successful way to power it without magic. The invention was scrapped was because he'd used the device for construction, more like demolition and had realized HOW dangerous the device was, especially if it should fall into the wrong hooves. Using a spell to destroy all copies of the blueprints, Smoky Gears wiped out the Saddle Blaster from existence because he knew it was too risky. Since then Smoky's began a new journey in order to locate new invention ideas so he can actually build something that won't be too dangerous to Ponykind.

    - Spells:

    • Efficiency Overdriver: This spell causes mechanical devices that he's using to behave more efficiently and work better than they otherwise would.

    • Shield Spell: A Plain Shield Spell. One day he plans to improve upon it.

    • Copper Detection: This allows him to detect copper that is of high enough quality to be used in wiring for inventions, and electronics devices.


    - Technology:
    - Horn Cover: A horn cover that he's made. This has technology in it that allows it to 'bounce' magical energy back into his horn, allowing him to store more magical energy for later usage. But when he's wearing this it takes a great deal more effort to cast even the most basic spells. This causes magical energy to bottle within his horn, allowing him to cast stronger spells later. It itches and burns when he wears it though.


    - Worldly Possessions:
    - A Black Body Suit
    - A journal with all sorts of blueprints in it.
    - Hoof Written Book on Magic: A book on magic that Smoky Gears has personally written. This contains several spells he's designed for his own personal use. It's got an enchantment on it so it will never run out of blank pages for him to write on.
    - Compass: A compass he's enchanted to point him in the direction of dark magic.


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Okay, so let's see what you've got here...


First off, might I mention that Gears' description only contains a description of his mane, his hoodie and his pouches; this ain't enough, yo.  A description should be about the character first, their clothes and stuff after.  Try the basic set-up of coat color, mane and tail color, eye color, general height and weight (tall and thin, short and plump, what-have-you), any distinguishing marks (scars, tattoos, birthmarks, etc.) and any magical effects (glowing eyes, laser wings, fire shooting from your rump).  


I would suggest a second paragraph about how his general attitude's first-impression would appear to others (he looks sneaky, she looks like a real sweetheart, he looks like he's hiding a secret), but that's optional.


The whole part about studying Dark Magic isn't in line with the kind of canon that EqE holds true to; Dark Magic is exceptionally difficult to track down, and those parts that are found are usually kept secure and hidden within the Canterlot Royal Archives - not to mention how ponies all over Equestria keep their eyes open for instances of such... I believe you could change this to a possible INTEREST in Dark Magic, but no actual working knowledge of such - sorry.


These are the main issues I see at the moment; when you get these taken care of, I'll take a second look - keep me posted!

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I have edited his description,  and expanded upon it as you have suggested.  I believe this should fix the first issue.  As for the personality,  I have done my best to correct the issues you have with that.  Furthermore, the third issue,  that about Dark Magic I've made it to where he has an interest but hasn't started studying it.  At all. Even though he wishes to. 

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Okay, your changes have been noted (and much appreciated).


Hmmmmm... as far as I can see from this end, it seems like Smoky has a good start going on... if you wouldn't mind, I'd like to see if I can't bring in another staffer to take a look at it; always better to have a second pair of eyes, eh?


Okie-dokie-lokie - let's give a shout-out to my fellow staffers and see what (if anything) needs a-fixin'!

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Hi Novaburst!


I took a look at Smoky Gears as well, and caught a few smaller things for you to adjust before he moves into second approval.


  • You say Smoky is “about as tall as unicorns can be”. How tall can a unicorn be? Does this mean he’s the same height as a character like Sassy Saddles, or taller? Would be better to just say he’s taller than most other unicorns here.

  • You mention Smoky’s eyes glowing while he does magic. From what we’ve seen, a unicorn’s eyes only glow when they use dark magic, so since he doesn’t use dark magic (though he may be learning to), only his horn should glow while he is using magic.

  • In the personality section, it says Smoky “is a pony who loves science, even for a unicorn”. We don’t know that unicorns are any more interested in science than other breeds of pony, so the “even for a unicorn” part should be omitted.

  • You say he dislikes “uptight unicorns”. Does he dislike other ponies that are uptight?

  • Did Smoky invent his armor fabric, was he given it, did he buy it, or did it come to him through some other means? Though he is an inventor, it seems odd that he would create a fabric if he usually works in mechanical devices and magic, so the inclusion of the armor needs some explanation.

  • This isn’t something you have to change, but “Smokey” is how that word is usually spelled. You can certainly spell it as Smoky for his name, but I wanted to make sure you were aware of the correct spelling.

If you take care of this stuff, Smoky Gears should be all set :)

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I believe I have made sufficient edits to solve the problems you have had with the application.  However,  if I am wrong please let me know right away. 

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Looking good so far; just one little bit to point out, and we'll see if he passes Second Approval!


In Personality: '... as some people call it.'  Don't you mean, "some PONIES"?????   *chuckle*


Otherwise, he looks about set - make that last change, and we'll pop him into the Second Approval queue; from there, keep your hooves crossed.

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I believe I have made sufficient edits to solve the problems you have had with the application.  However,  if I am wrong please let me know right away. 


Alright, so I took another look at the application, and I do still see a few things to be adjusted in it. First off, the propellor saddle isn't going to be acceptable for EqE, because we don't allow devices that allow flightless individuals to fly as they have not been seen on the show itself (outside of Tank's propellor and a few stunts pulled by Pinkie Pie, who runs on cartoon logic and therefore doesn't count).


Second, you say that Gears didn't invent the armor, but he discovered it? I don't know what you mean by that, I'm not sure how one would discover a cloth. I also don't know how he would make the cloth something only he could use. That part of your application will definitely need some clarification.


And lastly, you should keep in mind that in the "other" section you will need to include descriptions of any spells Smoky knows aside from telekinesis (and that he is only allowed up to three of them)

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Would you allow it to be based off of seeing the Tortoise fly around Cloudsdale,  or would you prefer he lose the harness,  and the armor entirely?  And why so few spells?   Also,  I can't edit. 

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Would you allow it to be based off of seeing the Tortoise fly around Cloudsdale,  or would you prefer he lose the harness,  and the armor entirely?  And why so few spells?


The propellor won't be allowed, but the armor could potentially work if you can give an explanation for it that really works. As for the spells, they're limited to ensure that characters don't load up on magic and make themselves extremely powerful, as well as being based on the fact that most unicorns on the show don't appear to know very many spells.


As for what you have here, I do have a few things to point out regarding the magic.


  • You talk about "magical light" and "absorbing magic from the environment", but these aren't really seen on the show, so what exactly they're supposed to be and whether they would theoretically exist in Equestria is pretty unclear. It would be better not to include these elements.
  • Weaponry is pretty rarely seen in Equestria, so an energy sword doesn't really fit into the world. An offensive beam would be better.
  • Having a shield that can bounce back spells is okay, but increasing their power threefold is a bit much. That should be dialed back some.
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I've edited his magic to be acceptable,  I do believe. 


His spells do look better, but I think that the weight reduction spell is both overly advanced and not particularly sensible, since telekinesis has been shown to be able to lift very heavy things when used by unicorns who have put a lot of effort into improving the spell such as Twilight.


I am also curious as to why Smoky's spells seem to be combat-oriented, when he is primarily an inventor


Outside of the spells, I also notice a couple of things to be cleaned up. There is still a description of the body armor in Smoky's appearance despite you having nixed that, and you still mention "magical light" regarding the device in the backstory despite changing it to run on magic-infused crystals.


Also, having a technology section isn't really necessary if you do not describe any tech. Perhaps you could put the device from the backstory there?

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I've added a piece of tech,  to fix that problem.  I believe I've corrected every issue.  And it's because of later plans I have for him that I'm not going to spoil. 

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I've added a piece of tech,  to fix that problem.  I believe I've corrected every issue.  And it's because of later plans I have for him that I'm not going to spoil. 


I think these should be the last few things for him


  • You don’t need to say that his clothes have “no special properties”, as they wouldn’t be expected to.

  • Where you refer to “magical light” you should just say “magic”, as we haven’t heard or seen “magical light” referred to on the show.

  • You say Smoky gets his cutie mark one day at school, and then say he gets it at night some time later. This should be fixed so that it does not say he gets his cutie mark at the science fair.

  • Does Smoky use the laser to demolish buildings before he decides it’s too dangerous and destroys it? This part should be a bit clearer.

  • I like the new spells you’ve added, those are good and fitting for your character. I’ve given the shield a lot of thought though, and I think that having a spell that can deflect other spells and send them back even stronger directly at the caster is too powerful for Smoky. I am fine with him having a shield that can deflect attacks (perhaps something he learned to protect against devices that go haywire), but it shouldn’t really go above that.

  • Just to check on what you want the horn cover to be able to do, is the device meant to act as a sort of magical battery?
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The edits you've wished me to complete are done. 


Smoky's looking great now, we're so close to having him just right to send on his way. I do still notice two things, however. One, I don't really see how an area of minimal light would affect the power of the "saddle blaster", and two, implying that Smoky knows or knew a "memory spell" that can remove memories is too powerful a spell for him in this section. I'd say he should just destroy the blueprints and leave it at that, using a memory spell seems a little drastic either way.

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