
By Shift
Adult Mare
- Sonata's last name is Gloom.
- Sonata appeared in the fan work of 'Turnabout Storm' as an antagonist as Ace Swift's manager.
- She bears a strong resemblance to Mia Fey.
Sonata is a light grey mare [#676767], with a dusty brown mane [#493227]. Her horn is shorter than usual, and her mane is nice and neat, with it getting messy around her neck. Her tail is kept in a straight matter with bang-like strips hanging off. She has light red eyes [#b38777] with glasses due to her sore eyesight. She is of a smaller physique of others, and her magic aura is a soft grey [#b3b3b3]. Her neck is slightly longer than others, and her eyelashes are curled. Her mane is odd; it allows for her ears to be shown when most manes don't do that. Her mouth is slightly smaller then normal, and her eyes are bigger then normal. Her hooves are durable and she's able to run long distances without being tired.
female Unicorn Sonata's cutie mark is an Egyptian eye to represent her eye for detail. However, she misuses her talents, and often uses it to blackmail ponies for her own gain. is quite like a business-mare, always up and on the go, doing paperwork. She strongly believes in justice, and also due to her being a lawyer, she is ruthless and will do almost anything to get a guilty verdict.
She believes all ponies are lower then herself and expects ponies to treat her like she's something special. She'll do anything, and when I say anything I mean anything to get what she wants. Due to her eye for detail, she normally goes to blackmailing to get ponies into a position where they can't refuse her demands. She is skilled at getting ponies to keep their mouths shut. As such, she hasn't been caught yet, and if she does, she'll probably weedle her way out of it...
Sonata is calm, cool and collected. She doesn't get upset easily, and normally fights logic with logic. She is intelligent, but has no sense of humor and dislikes anything outside her comfort zone. She is always ready to voice her opinions. She loves books, but dislikes fiction. A couple of fiction stories she likes, however most of them she considers to be too childish and imaginary. She likes to live in the moment and stay realistic.
She strongly dislikes royalty of all kind, thinking of them to be 'unfit' to rule. If anything, she views herself as the one who should rule, but she knows society would never accept her as a ruler, so for the time being, she's stuck doing the Princess's paperwork.
Due to being a well-feared and well-paid lawyer, Sonata lives in one of the higher districts in Canterlot. in a deluxe suite. She likes being treated by royalty, however she is shunned by the Canterlot higher class for not being royal enough.
Her parents love and adore her, however, she rejected her parents, so currently, she left her parents heartbroken. Her parents are doing their jobs, and whenever they see Sonata, they beg her to come home. Sonata refuses and says that she formed a better life for herself then she could with their help. This pretty much makes her hated across the globe, but she doesn't care. As long as she can pay her rent, and live a life of being known, even if being known as a cruel and cold pony, she'll do it.
She strongly dislikes boasting. Yes, before you ask, she has met Trixie. She never has had any close contact with her, but she saw one of her magic shows. She has srtongly disliked her ever since.
Very often, stallions try to have a go at her due to being close with royalty (And being pretty ♥), but she disappoints them every time. If you upset Sonata...get prepared for what revenge she has. She says she thinks revenge is childish, but in fact, she likes revenge quite often...
Likes: Chaos, when ponies disagree with her opinions, parties in general, anything loud, her glasses, undone paperwork, Celestia
(Here until History is Moved)
Backstory: Sonata generally has a normal backstory. Born to two loving and rich parents in Canterlot, she was raised to be a proper unicorn (While still getting spoiled), and still does to this day. She was heavily focused on her studies in magic school, and was always, always at the top of her class. She didn't have and friends and didn't find a need for them...unlike Twilight Sparkle, however, she doesn't have any at the moment, and frankly, I doubt she ever will. Even if somepony warmed up to her, Sonata would find a way to work that pony like a puppet.
As she grew up, she hungered for power. She wanted to be that pony who sat in a mansion, doing paperwork, and being known as one of the richest mares ever. After looking over job choices, She started as a simple businessmare, but eventually rose to the top after much blackmailing and bribing. What did she rise to? She rose to the top as the most ruthless lawyer ever. She is cruel and famous for her unbeatable record. She also has very neat handwriting, and since she needs to write a lot, she can write about 100 words in two minutes. Talk about fast! She also strongly dislikes it when people diss the idea that she uses a quill when those new fangled inventions like pencils and pens are hanging around. She likes it classic. But enough of that, onto the backstory.
As a lawyer, she sometimes makes trips to other towns, but when she does, she always thinks those ponies are lower then herself. She strongly hates Ponyville with a passion due to ordinary little Twilight getting wings. If she ever got her hooves on would be messy. Luckily, there are royal guards everywhere, so you don't need to worry about little Twilight just yet.
Sonata is not adept in magic. She can only do levitation, but she can do it well. She can levitate fifteen objects at a time, max. Her other spell is a lie-detecting spell. This is good for when she wants to get nuggets of information out of certain ponies. Due to not being adept in magic, sometimes the spell will give the wrong results.
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Theme: Like Clockwork
NOTE: Sonata will, sometimes, blackmail in the roleplay. I can't help it; it's her character. However, it will never go into full out blackmailing, I will make sure her blackmailing is limited and as light as I can make it.
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