Sterling Crimson

By Inactive01
, No,
Not Cast
Stallion (~Same age as Mane 6)
Sterling has a crimson body and a black mane that looks brown when the sun shines directly on it. He's pretty short compared to other stallions, and it's often the basis for the occasional joke directed at him from other stallions. He has a pointy horn to establish him as a unicorn as well.
male Unicorn He has a biological syringe as his cutie mark. It represents his love for medicine in general.Sterling can be quite the eccentric stallion. His outspoken nature when it comes to different issues and other ponies often leads him to ridicule and shame if misdirected. It's not so much as the spontaneity of his character as the way he he reacts to events that makes him eccentric. When something bad happens to him, he often thinks the world's on his shoulders and that he can barely hold on. If on the other hand, some wonderful news arises, he can get extremely excited with a jump, skip, and a hop. Ponies also have a hard time withstanding his cute face he makes when he's begging for somepony to do what he wants. Well, at least it worked with his parents...
Nevertheless, Sterling's a shy pony, especially towards mares. He's had bad experiences towards them (see backstory) that led him to scoff at any possibility of a crush towards a mare he likes. Deep down though, he's a hopeless romantic. He desires a mare by his side. He's seen all sorts of romantic comics and flicks that drove him to have a deep love towards the ideal mare. Attractive, caring, and understanding. That's what he wants in a mare. He tends to fall in love easily though and often can't discern between care and deception.
Likes: Bullies, sly mares, lust, DJ musicSterling Crimson. A stallion born into a low-middle class family. An only foal. Nonetheless, his parents, Front Page and Bubble Gum, loved him so. Front Page was a newspaper journalist for the sports sections in the Manehattan Gazette, while Bubble Gum worked as a housewife and an assistant editor to Front Page's work. They struggled to make ends meet, but blessings from ponies who enjoyed their journalistic efforts, especially from sports stars, helped them continue onward.
Front Page had given his all to building up his savings for Sterling to enter medical school. He could see it all in him. His attention to detail, his love for the microscopic, and especially his love of the pony body. Every day he would place just a little bit of money into his jars of bits just for medical school, and Sterling as a foal would marvel at the mount of bits that were accumulating in each successive jar.
His parents also imparted to him a love of music. They made Sterling practice on the piano and violin for an hour a day to see his musical talents and loves mature. As Sterling grew, he would attend piano competitions and wow crowds, leaving them wondering why Sterling wasn't going for a life in music. The amount of tips and prize money he gathered also boosted his chances to enter medical school.
The story of Sterling's cutie mark is quite an amazing one really. Sterling was urgently told to perform a brain surgery on a mare suffering from an epilepsy. Sterling was urged to perform the surgery after he completed his training at a local hospital. Sterling was worried. There was no way he could possibly perform the surgery, but he had no choice! The other surgeons were busy with other surgeries and Sterling was the only one left! With that, Sterling took to the task. He performed the surgery with such precision and care that the mare was feeling a lot better from her seizures! In fact, reports were later found that the mare was living really well and had regained many of her normal functions despite operating with only one side of her brain!
Alas, the story of his cutie mark was quickly forgotten. Throughout his whole life in Manehattan, he faced a lot of strife from classmates because he was just different. He was called "retarded" and "autistic" just because he was really smart and not as sociable.
The picture you see on the profile page has a mare with him. He's one of two official shippings I have for my OC. The mare he is with now is Evening Glory (Budding Night's OC). The other mare would be Blue Note (lincolnshirepony's OC). You can find her on my avatar pic, generously drawn by Zhooves.
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