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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


  • , No, Not Cast Young Adult Mare

    Storm has a thick, scruffy brown coat and a sturdy, muscular build. She has a dark-leaf-green mane and tail. Her mane and tail are naturally short and are not often groomed. She is a bit shorter than average. She has golden eyes. She wears durable steel horseshoes to protect her hooves because she is always running. She wears no other accessories, as she sees them as impractical and does not care for them herself.

    female Earth Pony Stormhoof's cutie mark is a horseshoe with a golden lightning bolt over it. It represents her talent in long distance running, including jumping over any obstacles. The horseshoe represents power and the lightning bolt represents energy and passion. The lightning bolt, like Storm's eyes, are golden to represent her high goals. https://buffy.mlpforums.com/0b6ae7579e97ffc7c361bdffe6132df3.png

    Storm is a very goal-oriented pony. She takes pride in her audacity. She tends to stay apart from other ponies because of her social anxiety, but has made a few friends. Nevertheless, she is kind to everyone until given a reason not to be. She prefers running to walking, and when seen in town, she is almost always running. She enjoys the serenity of the forest. She has her own kind of intelligence, but others do not often notice. She is terrible at thinking quickly, but when given time, she discovers complex philosophical realizations about the world. When put on the spot, Storm acts on impulse. She is loyal to her morals. She is very trustworthy and always eager to be of help to others.


    Storm is very introverted when alone in a public setting. However, when she is with her few close friends, she is as hyperactive as she was when she was a young filly. Storm has always thought herself to be younger than her technical age. Although the regular scolding she received as a filly gradually damaged her self-confidence, Storm has refused to let go of her young spirit, as she has watched so many others do. Storm has a passion for adventure. She has never run away from any animal, no matter how dangerous. Storm is an exceptionally hard worker. This has both brought her pride and caused her to occasionally run herself into the ground. Storm lives by the philosophy that no goal is unachievable if enough effort is put toward it.

    Likes: Conformity, cities, large crowds, anxiety.

    Storm was raised in Canterlot. She went to a very prestigious school. She never fit in with the other kids who all strived towards same ideal and all acted fake. As a young filly, she was bouncy and full of energy, oblivious to the way that the others looked at her. Many teachers did not appreciate her energy and often scolded her. She developed a fight or flight response that what revealed whenever an authority figure raised his or her voice. As she grew older, slowly discovering the truth behind the school of fakes, she became more self-conscious and in turn developed severe social anxiety. She often escaped to the forest to distract her from her stress. Sometimes in the forest, she would just run. She soon became aware of her ability to jump over large barriers that stood in her way. She jumped higher than she thought was possible. Running and jumping through the forest brought excitement to her life.


    One spring, she joined her school track team. Storm threw all of the energy from her anger and frustration in her life into running harder. At first, she was the slowest kid on the team. However, she saw the speed of some of the other kids, and was inspired. She pushed herself harder and harder, running every season, and became an average speed middle and long distance runner. At one cross-country meet, she pushed herself harder than ever before. When she ran through the finish line, she got her cutie mark. Afraid of disappointing her parents and being scolded by her teachers, Storm spent many long nights trying to make her schoolwork perfect. However, unlike the rest of the students, Storm refused to cheat. Her grades dropped as she drowned in work. She grew accustomed to being tired. She finally managed to graduate.


    She disliked the city, and decided to find a home in the forest. However, she was reluctant to kill the trees to build a cabin. Storm wandered through the forest in search of shelter. After a long trek, she finally found the cave that would become her home. She knew of plenty of wild edible plants from her time spend in the forest. However, she still wanted paper and pencils for the drawing and writing that had become an important part of her life. She ran to the nearest town, Ponyville, in search of a job. After speaking with many ponies, she was hired as a messenger to deliver a package to another town. It could not be delivered by the mail service because the route was too dangerous and there was no efficient way around it. It was too far to fly. She completed the delivery without a problem was offered a few more jobs by other ponies. They paid well. Storm has become a well-known messenger pony. She has made a few friends in Ponyville and elsewhere.

    She speaks colloquially, but has a large vocabulary that is revealed in her writing.


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