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Strong Copper

Strong Copper
  • No Not Cast Young Adult

    Strong Copper is a rather tall and lanky, standing taller than average, yet lacking bulk - something smaller yet stronger ponies could take advantage of. A unicorn by birth, Strong Copper's coat is a pale yellow/orange color while his mane is a much darker copper. His eyes are a lovely shade of light blue. His cutie mark is that of a magnifying glass overlooking the footprint of a strange animal.


    He is almost always seen wearing a black hooded jumper with several pockets sewn into it, as well as a brown book bag that he wears around his middle.

    Male Unicorn A magnifying glass overlooking the footprint of some strange animal.

    Strong Copper can be considered an incredibly brave pony; despite whatever fears and doubts that he might have about a situation if lives are potentially at stake he will go forth and do everything he can to save lives and deal with the threat at hoof. He actually considers himself somewhat crazy because of his willingness to hunt down and if need be fight and deal with dangerous and/or supernatural monsters, but somepony has to do it and he is normally the only one that actually knows what the creature is, what it can do and if need be how to take it down as painlessly and as swiftly as possible.


    While he was once a social hermit, as of late he has started to come out of his shell. Still, it isn't that strange for Strong Copper to sit himself down in a library and binge read on the subjects of dangerous and/or supernatural creatures, the histories of various nations and on myths and legends. He has taken the time to write down some of the information about the monsters and beasts he has seen or has heard about... he has even considered writing down some of his hunts as stories but to date he hasn't done so.


    A romantic at heart, Strong Copper hasn't had the pleasure of meeting the mare of his dreams just yet. Maybe one day through...


    There is something that Strong Copper often finds himself conflicted about. The subject of payment for his services when it comes to dealing with dangerous beasts is something that he has often found himself debating with himself over; On the one hoof, he wants to do it because lives would be in danger if he didn't but on the other hoof he still needs to earn bits for a living in order to do what he does. The problem is made even worse if the local area had been made quite poor due to the beast in questions actions. It isn't strange for Strong Copper to take much less then he should rightfully be paid in such situations, even if it means he has to make up the short fall by doing some odd jobs here and there.

    Likes: Hindering those who are already down on their luck.<br /><br />Causing unnecessary pain.<br /><br />Missing small but often times important details.

    Born in Canterlot, Strong Copper was the youngest of four foals and the only colt in the family. Raised by loving parents who provided everything he needed to the best of their ability Strong Copper tried a number of things in his youth, ranging from working with machines to taking self defense classes of both a physical and magical nature. His passion seemed to lay in reading about history and mythology but no cutie mark graced his flank for his enthusiasm on the subjects.


    Strong Copper came into his mark a bit later on in life when he left the safety of Canterlot's walls and traveled to visit a cousin that lived in Appleloosa. The frontier town had been under siege by a strange force that had been terrorizing the town without being directly seen in return; Despite the constant unearthly howls at night that kept everypony awake and on edge and the implied threat that it was just waiting for somepony to step out of sight of everyone else for just a moment to strike, Strong Copper managed to keep a cool head and called upon his knowledge of mythological creatures to discover that the creature terrorizing the town was a creature of fear and terror known as a Taraxippus.


    Having exposed the creature's true nature, Strong Copper (With the help of his cousin) managed to convince several of the town's ponies to help him set up a trap for the Taraxippus after explaining to them in great detail what it was, what it did and how to stop it. While doubtful at first about using a plan that a blanked flank adolscent had come up with, the continued assistance of his cousin and the fact that they really were at their wits end and the young colt seemed to know what he was talking about managed to win over enough ponies to properly set up the trap. When the trap was sprung and the Taraxippus was safely contained within it, Strong Copper went into lecture mode as the town ponies gathered around to see what had been tormenting them during the night about what the creature was and helping to ease their fears of it by enlightening them to its true name and nature. It was sometime during this lecture that Strong Copper gained his cutie mark and his destiny as a monster hunter/researcher reveled itself.


    While he has been on several jobs over the course of his life so far (including one job that required him to defend a ship from a Nuckelavee while traveling by boat, an act that required him to fight it to stall for time while a team of pegasi worked together to create enough rain clouds to drive it away), the one that Strong Copper considers the most dangerous was a manticore that had contacted rabies. The poor thing was too far gone and completely rabid by the time anyone had known about it or its aliment... and after it mauled a pony whom was distracting it so that a small group of colts and fillies to escape from it unharmed there was only one solution left...


    The pony that was on the receiving end of the Manticore actually survived the encounter, receiving a number of scars and declared a hero by the rest of the town for his selfless act.

    Strong Copper has three elder sisters named Copper Nickle, Jade Star and Swift Iron. Swift Iron is actually the only pegasus in the family and the sister Strong Copper is closest too.


    His parents love and support him but it is quite clear that they do not exactly approve of his dangerous life style.


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We've looked over your character, and we like what we see!  There's a few small things to mention, but they'll HARDLY be an issue, I'm sure.


"standing taller then the average pony but quite clearly lacking the bulk needed to avoid being pushed over by somepony smaller but stronger then him if push came to shove"  That's kinda weirdly worded; might be better to say:  "standing taller than average, yet lacking bulk - something smaller yet stronger ponies could take advantage of".  Does that sound more like what you meant?


You state he writes 'fanfiction', but in the way it's written, is he writing fanfics about monsters?  That might be better classified as 'fiction' or maybe 'creative writing'.  The term 'fanfiction' is an Internet invention... and www.Luna.net isn't a reality - yet.


The last paragraph in his history is a tad dark... but that's just my own opinion.


Copper is well-written, and I am loving the detective vibe he's putting off; he has the potential to be quite an asset to EqE, once he's through the approval process.  When the things I've mentioned here have been fixed, we'll see about getting him into play as soon as possible!

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Updated it a bit. Fixed up what you pointed out...


As for the last paragraph, it was intended to be somewhat dark. Strong Copper does have a dangerous profession and he deals with highly dangerous creatures; Sometimes things go bad and when you're dealing with a creature that can quite easily kill several ponies rather quickly if it sets it mind to it... well, things can escalate pretty damn quick.


For what it's worth, Strong Copper considers lethal force a 'Do or Die' last resort; It is only warranted if someone is about to die if you don't take the thing down right this moment. It's only happened once with the manicore and the whole situation bothers him despite the fact that there really hadn't been another option at the time.

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Hi there! It looks like you have quite a strong application for us, hehe, he... I'll show myself out


Strong Copper is a great character though, and with a few little alterations in word choice in the backstory section I should be able to send him to second approval. First off, where you describe him as "the youngest of four children" you should replace the word "children" with "foals". Second, where you refer to him as a "blank-flanked teenager" you should replace "teenager" with "adolescent", as the word teenager refers to a specific age range in human years that might not correspond to that time in a pony's life. Lastly, because nearly all of the creatures we have seen in MLP thus far have either been real animals or mythological creatures, I feel I should ask you to not refer to "shark ponies" in your pony's backstory. However, if you're looking for more sea-dwelling mythical creatures to refer to, you might consider a kelpie or a nuckelavee :)

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Hi there! It looks like you have quite a strong application for us, hehe, he... I'll show myself out


Strong Copper is a great character though, and with a few little alterations in word choice in the backstory section I should be able to send him to second approval. First off, where you describe him as "the youngest of four children" you should replace the word "children" with "foals". Second, where you refer to him as a "blank-flanked teenager" you should replace "teenager" with "adolescent", as the word teenager refers to a specific age range in human years that might not correspond to that time in a pony's life. Lastly, because nearly all of the creatures we have seen in MLP thus far have either been real animals or mythological creatures, I feel I should ask you to not refer to "shark ponies" in your pony's backstory. However, if you're looking for more sea-dwelling mythical creatures to refer to, you might consider a kelpie or a nuckelavee :)


Done and Done. I hope it is now up to your standards.

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