Appearance: (Ya can't see his cutie mark in this picture, but it's there - just imagine it or something)
Cutie Mark: His cutie mark is the comedy and tragedy masks with a reddish-pink ribbon behind them, his special talent being acting. He got his cutie mark when he got the lead role in a school play when he was only in the third grade.
Personality: Actius is mostly a funny stallion who likes to keep ponies entertained. He's kind and generous. He may be nice normally, but he tends to get a little odd when he doesn't know what to do - if he ever says something like "What would ______ do?", it means he's going to assume a different personality temporarily. He follows the example of a pony he thinks would handle a situation best, but he sometimes chooses the wrong pony and ends up making things worse. Somewhat like Rainbow Dash but to a smaller extent, Actius thinks he's awesome, but it's partly just a joke. He's very fast, but doesn't often race or brag about his speed.
Backstory: Actius grew up in Manehattan, but not the upper or lower part - just sort of the middly bit. His best friend was a filly named Pictura, an artist. They're still best buds now, working in the same coffee shop, and they're actually roommates living in an apartment. Anyways, Actius grew up with loving and supporting parents who went to all his school plays when he was a kid, although it was embarrassing when they shouted stuff like, "That's my son!" He also has a younger sister named Sundae whos' special talent is making sweets, although she always complains about how her cotton candy never looks as much like cotton candy as Actius' hair. Actius was a bit of a class clown, but he somehow managed to get mostly B's and A's. As an adult, he went to a fancy acting college, but so far he hasn't earned the money to have acting as a job, and he has only gotten a few small job offers in the past. He works in a coffee shop to earn money for now.
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