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  • Cynthia Auburn


    • Age: 28

      Gender: Female

      Species: Unicorn

      Appearance: Cynthia has a light brown, almost peach colored coat with a vivid auburn mane. She also has vibrant green eyes.

      Cutie Mark: A book and a mug. Simple as that. Although, Cynthia doesn't mind. She's always had a fancy for books, and all the information she could learn from them.

      Personality: Though a very helpful and courteous, she is, at times, very cynical towards small talk and useless conversation. She doesn't put herself out all that much, not out of shyness, but rather out of boredom. She believes that books have a much better story to them than real life itself; therefore, she is always wrapping herself with information and the sweet stories of her novels. These views, don't stop her from helping anypony and everypony. Her motto is, "What's the usefulness of knowledge when you don't use it?"

      Backstory: Growing up in Canterlot, her father died when she was very young but Cynthia's mother always told her about how strong and brave he was for not only fighting cancer, but also how strong he was in his prime. Cynthia's mother, however, didn't compare to his strength in any way, shape, or form, leaving Cynthia to be strong for herself. Though in her last few years, her mother taught her some very valuable spells and tricks, she wasn't the pony that made Cynthia into the mare she is today

    Cynthia Auburn

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    Looks like a solid bios, good information, leaving a lot up to the imagination and what you can come up with whilst going on. And I like the caffeine angle. Small quirks like that often gives a character the charm they need to shine. :)


    And that picture... By the ancients it's nice. ^_^

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    I actually just recolored a pic I found of google with Krita. But thanks!


    I really hope I can get a solid feel for what this character is all about.


    I'm planning on having her represent my antisocialness, not the mean kind of way, but rather the disliking small talk kind. I'm not quite sure if that's exactly it, but I'll figure it out. :P

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