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  • Indicus (Pony Version)

    Shadow Dancer
    • Age: 50 looks 35 (he aged slower than normal after twenty due to the strength of his magic)

      Gender: Male

      Species: Other Pony (Crystal, Bat, etc.)

      Appearance: <p> Wears a hooded steel and leather armor with a cowl to cover the face. </p> <p> Fur: dark grey-black </p> <p> <br /> Mane/Tail: dark grey </p> <p> Eyes:Brown </p> <p> pointed horn and possess fangs </p>

      Cutie Mark: <p> A dark Dagger through a Minotaur's skull<br />   </p>

      Personality: <p> Reserved,strait forward </p>

      Backstory: <p> Born in the small town of West Clairson, apart of the country Thalemn. Indicus never knew his father or mother but instead was later adopted at the age of three by a Griffin and pony that lived there. He was given the name Indicus, a Griffin name by his adopted parents. </p> <p> Through his childhood he was quiet and obsrved everythig around him, thus making only a few friends. He even accedently snuck up on his friends multiple times earning him the nickname Shadow Dancer. During that time he also learned how to use his magic. Later bcoming the Aprentice of a old unicorn that took notice of Indicus and taught him how to control and use shadow magic. </p> <p> He was eighteen, when he left his home to sign up for the Thalemn special forces more specificly the Marines. At Nineteen he compleated all his training and was officaly part of the Marines. He recived his Skill Mark (AKA cutie mark) during his second deployment, a stealth opteration and his first kill from stealth. </p> <p> At the age of thirty, he retired from the Marines, and returned home, hoping to relax after twelve years of seirvice during which he was a commander and lost some good friends. Now away from the conflicts and drawing his pention. </p> <p> At thirty-two, Equestria got its Lunar princess back, and she was looking to recruit for her branch of the military. He recived a letter saying that she recived his dossiar and was inviting him to be a squad leader. He refused for many years. </p> <p> Age thirty-five, his parents were robbed and killed. They were given a funeral the next day. A year later he joined the Lunar Special forces to help him forget. </p> <p> Age thirty-nine he resigns from the Lunar special forces after losing even more of those in his sq A month later he gets recruited into the Assassins guild, having nothing to live for he accepts. </p> <p> Age forty-five he achieved the rank of Master Assassin. </p> <p> two months later he splits from the guild and takes contacts himself as a lone Assassin. </p>

    Indicus (Pony Version)

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