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  • Marion Ette


    • Age: 23

      Gender: Male

      Species: Unicorn

      Appearance: With the smooth, curved horn and dark gray coat of a shadow pony, it can be easy to confuse him with one of their kind. However, because he has a cutie mark of a puppeteer's control paddle with loose strings, he can be easily told apart from their kind. However, because of his Umbrum (Shadow Pony) heritage, the Crystal Faire, if he ever attended, would have an adverse effect on him, as it had on Sombra when HE was a colt. His light blue eyes and green magic might make some confuse him for a changeling, but that would be easily dashed, as the spell used by Twilight Sparkle in the Canterlot Wedding would have no effect. He seems to enjoy those he's around, as his positive demeanor would suggest to those meeting him for the first time. His eyes are warm, and his smile is pleasant. His royal purple cloak and pin-stripped vest adorn him, as his spectacles lay before his eyes. He'll occasionally adjust them, more frequently when he's nervous, or thinking about something. He can be often seen playing with a puppet, when he's not discussing topic that he finds interesting, or has his nose in a book. His ears are curved, and has freckles on upon his face.

      Cutie Mark: A puppeteer's control paddle, with loose strings. He's skilled at manipulation.

      Personality: When one gets to know him better, his pessimism and cynical views become apparent, as does his habit of seeing others struggle to overcome a difficult obstacle. He's studious, with a dark personality. Fortunately, he seems to idolize most versions of Twilight Sparkle, so that might be a route to redeem him.

      Backstory: From another dimension, with an Umbrum in his distant lineage, he was a fan of Discord. When he did some forbidden experiments in Dark Magic, he got his Umbrum heritage to become more overt. After awhile of studying Discord, he figured how to travel dimensions by opening up a temporary Rift.

    Marion Ette

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