Appearance: Steampunk pirate. Stepampunk googles, boots and hat. The hat holds a fatal secret. Pirate leggings, shirt and jacket. On each arm is a gauntlet made of metal each with sheathes. 2 scimatars sheathed on his left side. 1 rapier sheathed on his right sleeve. 2 sai on his left arm.6 flintlocks in his jacket. 1 blunderbuast on his back. 2 winchester repeater rifles on his back. 2 daggers on each boot(can be thrown). 2 gold coin earings. Also carries a thunder gun and a lightning gun. When in combat he cobtrol his ship via a wristwatch dpecially made for the task that controls the ship's every movement and funtion.<br />
Cutie Mark: none
Personality: gruff, but willing to aid for a fee never targets a civilian ship
Backstory: Orphaned at birth due his mother's death and his father being lost at sea. He spent his childhood building a ship he called the Singibg Siren to search for him. He set sail at 14 and never given up his search. He wants the the gods hand to finally find his father.
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