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planning Cutie Mark Crusaders just trying to earn their cutie marks


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If you want to join my roleplay you can because it's open to anyone and it'll be lots of fun for those who like the Cutie Mark Crusaders even Apple Jack, Rainbow Dash and Sombra will be in it so just post message me who you would like to be and I will add you in. I need to do this to keep the role of Sweetie Belle.

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Well, if you want a Discord, I can do him. But, I'll do Applebloom, if you'd like!
If you could find a good way to put Discord in tell me it before I add you because I got to admit Discord is really random in a way and random is really good but why? 
  • Brohoof 1
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If you could find a good way to put Discord in tell me it before I add you because I got to admit Discord is really random in a way and random is really good but why?

Well, I don't know what exactly you're planning the storyline to be, but it could always just be him randomly popping in and warp reality to try and help them get their cutie marks. Have you read the Friends Forever comic with the CMC and Discord? They work quite well together really.


But I'm willing to do Applebloom as well! :D

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Could you unlock the thread for me? I can't post anything.
I can't I wasn't the one who locked it however you could always sign up to RP a character, it really sucks that this RP was locked it was going so great too. 
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