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private Axis and allies. ALLIES IC 2.0


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FOR ALL WHO WANT IT: http://mlpforums.com/topic/100273-axis-and-allies-ooc/


Two years ago, Ponyville was the site of the first, devastating battle that began the war. The town was completely ruined; what's left of it is derelict and falling apart, a maze of destroyed buildings, wrecked tanks, and sandbags, a testament to the destruction that the Eastern Axis and the Western Alliance caused in their battle for the area. Even now, it remains contested. Ponyville lies directly on the front line, as does Canterlot.

It also lies directly in the middle of the Central Theatre of Operations, which is under the jurisdiction of the Allied Army's forward operating base. They have ordered many of the troops under them, including the 101st airborne Division, to rally at several forward camps set up on their side of the Everfree forest, just across the river from Ponyville, in preparation to seize the Castle of the Two Sisters- rumour has it that it's an effort to capture Twilight Sparkle, the last element of harmony not yet in the hands of either faction, but the top brass has not explicitly confirmed this. The Axis have the same plan, and are gathering their forces in turn.

You, an allied soldier in this area of operations, you have been recently transferred to the embattled 501st Parachute Infantry regiment, a part of the 101st airborne Division, to offset recent casualties, a last minute addition to the attacking force. Your unit arrives at the busy Forward operating camp Corona after a long ride through the Everfree, just as the sun begins to set. It's time to go find the rest of your squad and get briefed on your mission. Sargent hope will be waiting for at the vehicle bay, make sure to have all your gear, cause the krauts have already packed, an advanced force has already left to secure us a foothold outside the castle, and we have confirmed sightings of the gray clad bastards, Remember Democracy is not negotiable, we'll give it to them even if we have to march all the way to manehattan.





Seth Eclipse hadn't said a word since boarding the truck with @Firehearted. He had just glared at the orders given to him, analyzing what he was here for. He didn't dare give any of them a whisper of a doubt of who he was; it would only be an exploitable weakness. Weaknesses were anything but needed now. Even though he was on the army of the Allies, he still didn't trust anypony. Trust was only given to those who deserved it. However, he didn't trust anypony here for a completely different reason: war. He had no loyalty devoted to the Allies. It just so happened he was in one of the Allied provinces when the war started. To be honest to himself, he rather be with the Axis serving under Luna's rightful hoof. Seth had served with her before the war and knew her pain the sun goddess inflicted upon her.


To be even more honest, he wouldn't be here at all if he had his way. He was supposed to be back in the Wolven Empire, with his fellow kin. Sadly, when the war started, he had no way of returning to his home nation. The empire was east of Equestria, which meant crossing through Axis soil branded as an Ally. 

Edited by arkman575
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Atlas sat quietly as the truck drove along. This was his squad. His team. His responsibility. Brilliant. He had gotten a crash course in basic (Which wasn't that hard) and now he was already in a truck going straight to war. But he signed up. He volunteered. He would do his part to end this war. He had his silver bar. He would have had a stick of butter but he was held back a bit longer than most. He had to... Talk to high command ponies about... problems. He signed. It had taken screaming and bucking to just get an audience with his garrison commander about Hunter.


Hunter held the rifle he barely knew how to use. The PFC too had gotten a crash course. he had never shot a gun before basic. His friend Atlas, sitting next to him,  had gotten him to sign up. He didn't know how. He found himself in a recruitment office with At;as and the next thing he knew he was crawling through the mud with a drill sergeant screaming bloody murder at him. He had given his barracks quite the scare when his "symptoms" showed up that morning. That was interesting. Also the first time a gun had been pointed at him. Besides that his training went off without a hitch.


Atlas wasn't looking forward to the idea of shooting at other ponies but what had to be done had to be done. They were traitors. If anypony was ruler it was Celestia. They may have had equal power but that gave her no right to rebel against the country. He shook of his thoughts. This was no time to get caught up in political zeal. He just needed to fight and keep his team from getting shot.


Hunter sat uneasily in his seat. He was terrified. He didn't want to get shot at nor shoot himself. Atlas had told him just to stick next to him and they'd be fine but he wasn't too sure. He would still be next to Atlas though cause he kinda had too. Atlas was his handler and the big wigs planned for him not to leave Atlas's sight. His pack felt a bit heavy but manageable. He had more supplies than everyone else with good reason. The second he had caught eye of the wolf though he was nervous. That wolf could sniff him out easy. "Just don't let him sniff your pack" He had told himself. It wasn't that easy.

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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As the truck drove along. Seth had lost all interest of the two ponies. He had two things on his mind. 1: staying alive. 2: getting back to his homeland. Both however, rested on his squad. That's where his hope was somewhat lost. He had some respect for the captain leading them, seeing as he was confident. However, he had no expectations for the other. He was scared, and he wasn't exactly hiding it. He seemed to fear the wolf's presence, but it was unsure why. It then somewhat became clear as he sniffed an odd aroma in the air. Traising it back to the coward's backpack, he glared to him.


"What is that smell, equine?"

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Hunter stared at the wolf. He knows. Atlas!

"It's um... Rations" 


"Yes. Rations" Atlas butted in. "That's all. You've got a good nose" Just don't let him get closer to it. "I'm Atlas. This is Hunter. I'm his handler. No need to call me 'sir' or anything" He tried to change the subject. "We knew each other before signing up. We're volunteers, not draftees. Follow me and we should get out of this war in one piece"


Hunter clearly biting his lip spoke up.

"Yes. Nice to meet you" He put out his hoof. He began to sniff the air out of habit. He's an alpha. Obviously male. Seasoned. Not a lick of fear on him from his scent. 

He logged his findings in his head. He pushed his pack away not letting the wolf get any closer.

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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Seth glared at the hoof for the time it was present. He had no intentions of shaking it, and the pony seemed to understand why soon after. "Seth Eclipse." He said, turning to the CO. "I was given the orders by Celestial command to be your second in command. I was not told about... him." He glared at the scared pony. He said nothing more, as to maintain his cold feel. This was only going to get worse....

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"Good to meet you then" Atlas frowned at them negative mention of Hunter. "Well sorry command didn't tell you about him. Command didn't tell me I'd be getting a wolf either. Like I said I'm Hunter's handler and he isn't leaving my side" He paused for a moment to think. Seth was giving the overall vibe that he didn't want to be here. No surprise. 

"You seem to not want to be here. Then again we are going into combat. At least be a bit cheerful"


Hunter put his hoof down a bit offended. This alpha was trying to either prove his superiority or he was just a jerk in general. He didn't like it. 

Show superiority, Hunter. Don't let him be alpha.

He showed his teeth a bit and growled lowly low enough so Atlas couldn't here it over the truck. So this Seth character didn't about know about him. He'd get the message.

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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Seth looked to hunter with a bit of supprise as he growled, however he payed it little mind. His attention was the captin he was fallowing. "I have no disrespect for you, or the loyalty you show by staying with your friend. If anything, I honor that. However, I would hope you respect my negativity towards war when I say it's not the first time I have killed a pony. This time... it's all the more pointless..." He trailed off as he looked down, a hint of a hint of sadness in his green eyes. The sadness vanished as he turned to look outside the truck trying to detrimen where they were.

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"Believe me. I don't like shooting at other ponies either but war is war" He probably could have phrased that better...


Hunter just frowned. He didn't like this Seth character. His gut told him he was trouble then again his gut had being alpha on its mind. Just stay out if trouble.

  • Brohoof 1

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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"War... this is a civil conflict. You ponies are lucky to have it so well." He muttered. It might have been cruel to call this horrific scene just a conflict, but when you have lost everything in a war prirer, you wished it would have taken one more thing: your own life.


For the next few moments, they drove in scilence. It was better than trying to act as if they liked each other. If anything, Seth was beginning to feel sorry for being so depressive, it was just the atmosphere of this brought back memories of his past. He rested his head on the chair as he tried to sleep it off.




The wolf found himself in a half destroyed wear house, shells dropping in the distance. He saw three or

Ther wolves with him; Dawn, Shadow, and Iris. Seeing as thought the cover was clear, they were searching crates for supplies. He himself was near a batch of crates, and found himself opening a few of them. to his utter horror, what he found in the crate was a primed explosive.


"BOMB BOMB BOMB!!!" He yelled, running from the box. As his team did the same, he heard a defining blast as the box erupted in flames and dibree. Seth was flung against the far side of the compound, his head pounding. As he slowly recovered, his ears ringing, he looked up to see what there was. His heart sank when his eyes fell upon a fallen body. Iris. He ran to her side, tears welling in his eyes. Leaning down he couldn't hear a pulse. She had died...



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Atlas thought in silence. Seth was right.

"You holding up? I think Seth's asleep"


"Yeah" Hunter sat uncomfortable. "Thanks for bailing me out there"


"It was nothing. Just watch him. We can't avoid that for long"


"I know. I'm surprised he hasn't smelled me yet"


"What do you mean? He just did"


"No, I mean me. You've said yourself I sometimes smell like wet dog"


"Ah. Just don't get wet"


Hunter rolled his eyes. Atlas chuckled. The two once again sat in silence waiting.

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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After several minutes of the tree in silence, Seth bolted up in his chair with a bark, his eyes bloodshot. Looking around panicking, he laid his eyes on the two. "Goddanm...." He softly cursed to himself as he regulated his breath. His heart rate settled as he began to relax again. "...Sorry..." he muttered to the two as he looked away, ashamed. His coldness was gone, replaced fear and sadness. "Not again..."

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"You okay?" Atlas gave Seth a weird look. "Feeling alright?" He gave a cautious smile. A bloodshot wolf almost jumping at you isn't exactly the most reassuring thing. 


Hunter almost jumped to the roof from Seth's bark. "Not again?" He readjusted in his seat uncomfortable.

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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Seth looked to the two, unsureness in his eyes. "I'm sorry..." He muttered, trying to seem cold, but just coming off stressed. "Just... when are we getting to the camp?" He asked, beginning to sound agitated. "And yes, I'm fine." He barked back. His anxiety was getting the better of him. This is why he feared war.

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Hunter could smell it on him. Seth harbored some fear. He kept his emotions in check though. Hunter just sat back waiting for the truck to stop.


"Hey now. I was just asking. No need to be so stressed" Truth be told he was starting to stress himself. For all he knew they could be driving into a warzone. "Hey! Driver, when we going to get here!" Atlas shouted through the panel of metal separating them.


"About now, sir!"


"Thanks!" The truck came to a slow stop and Atlas hopped out. 


(You write where we are exactly. I really didn't know what to expect)

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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Seth joined the CO as he himself bounded out of the truck. They were in a destroyed  part of of the city limits of Canterlot. This was the forward camp, supplying the front lines not far ahead. The occasional shell landed close to the camp, causing an audible explosion in the background.


"Well... just like old times..." Seth muttered to himself. He was trying to suppress his anxiety, but old habits die hard. They were lead to a tent for their squad. All it contained was a few military fold out beds, three foot lockers and a table in the middle.

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Atlas walked to the tent in silence. While his face read nothing inside he felt sadness. He had been in this city countless times and to see it fall to ruin like this hurt him. Just keep walking. They came to their modest tent.

"Could be worse. We could have been sleeping in a foxhole"


Hunter walked next to Atlas as they approached their tent. He hopped on a cot went around in a few circles and sat down. Atlas just gave him a look.

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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"Foxholes are a bit cramped." Seth commented, tossing his bag on one of the beds. He then began to take out some of his gear and arrange it in the foot locker. "So, your first times in combat?" He asked looking over his shoulder. He was getting calmer, trying to busy himself with the task at hand. 

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"The first time I've had to fight for my life? No. First time under a bunch of big wigs shouting at me? Yes" Atlas threw his gear on the last cot. "Ugh. My leg's hurting me again" He thought aloud. He dug in his bag for a moment and pulled out a bottle looking like it was made in the middle of the woods and pulled out a pill. He took a swig from his canteen and took it. 

"Is this he first time for you?"


Hunter lay on his cot thinking. He had acted a bit hostile toward Seth earlier. 

Come on, Hunter. Get ahold of yourself. He is not in control. You are.

"This is my first time for sure. And I'm happy about it. Then again who is"

Atlas leaned over to Hunter.

"Don't dig in your pack. We don't want Seth over there to sniff your meat" He whispered in his ear.


"Anyway, I'm going to go get some reports. Personally I want to know what we're up against out here" Atlas went to the door about to leave but waiting for Seth's responce.

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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"No..." Seth muttered, coming across a photo in his pack. "It's not the first time. I have served in a war before." Looking at the photo, it was of him and another wolf. A single tear fell from his eye as he staired at the picture. He closed his eyes, bowing his head slightly. "Dawn... I have failed you... I'm sorry." Hi whispered to himself. He sat there for several seconds, morning his fallen brother.

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Atlas left the tent failing to notice Seth. "I'll be back"


Hunter just sat on his cot. Something inside him told him this was a great chance to kick him when he's down. Get superiority.

No! You are in control, Hunter. The curse is not.

"I know loss too. For Atlas I can't say, but I know how you feel" He said trying his best to give Seth words of comfort.

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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Seth looked to the pony, seeing he was trying to comfort him. Giving a heavy sigh, he got up and walked over to Hunter. He sat next to him and showed him the picture of the two wolves. "My brother, Dawn." He said, pointing to the second wolf. "He and I were in war together. A war that nearly brought the end to our nation. He... he didn't die on the battlefield, but on a diplomatic mission to help resolve the age old conflict. It's ironic... he took life for war, yet gave his life for peace..." When Seth finished the story, he looked into Hunter's eyes. "Look, Im sorry for being a heartless ass on the ride here. I... I just can't afford to make attachments on the battlefield again. Last time, I was in an 8 wolf squad. All but me are dead. I knew them for years... I jsut can't form that kind of relationship out here... not now. I couldn't bare to lose another brother in arms..." He muttered, looking away.

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Hunter listened quietly. 

"I've got two brothers. Haven't heard from them for years..." He pulled out his own picture. It was a locket. He clicked it open to reveal a small photo of him and his family. It was notably of low quietly. "We were poor as as the rest of our village" He felt his own tear but didn't let it go. "This was my mother's... She's gone now. My father too. As for my brothers I might as well be dead... My father was mauled by wolves. They found his body with some other stallions from the village. They never found my mother's body. We were attacked by wolves... Feral monsters. I left a week later for... mixed reasons... For me though I'm afraid I already made relationships on the battlefield. That would be Atlas. He's the only real friend I have" He's the only one who knows about my lycanthropy. "I'm sorry... You didn't need to hear my sob story. You've been through a lot. Let's hope we all make it out of this"


Atlas wandered the camp. A good huber of the soldiers present looked ready for battle. They were just miles from a heated combat zone.

"Sir?" Atlas pushed open the tent flaps of the commander's tent. "Yes?" 

"Are you the mayor, sir?"

"Yes I am, captain. What brings you here?"

"Just looking for reports, sir. Me and my squad just showed"

"I'm sorry, captain but you can't see them. High Command doesn't want anypony looking at our plans. A new squad? Are you that one with the wolf?"

"Yes, sir"

"I see. When you need the wolf's meat ration just come to me"

"Yes, sir" 

Atlas left the command tent emtpyhoofed. He began to wander back his tent.

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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"Let's hope for a safe return... and I am sorry to hear of your loss. I wish I could make up for you loss caused by my devolved ancestors." He said, looking back to the pony. He didn't know what to say now that he knew his family was murdered by his kind, even thought they were not of the empire. He got up from the bed and walked over to his own, looking through the supplies. "Well... what do you think the first battle will be like?"

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"Don't fell bad about it. I don't hold your kind accounted for" I hold my own. "Our first fight? I really don't know. For all we know we may just drive onto landline or get our heads shot off by a sniper right out of the gate... But I'd rather not think about it. We could just have a few minute shootout then either die or come out as the victors..."


Atlas walked back in. 

"The commander isn't letting us onto anything. We just wait for a job"

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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Seth looked up to the CO as he entered. His expression turned to one of stone again. It was his 'go to' look. "Well, we will jsut have to find out later then." He stated, looking over to Hunter. He felt bad for the pony's life, knowing how he must feel. He felt worse that he was trying to cut himself off from the two of them. The more he thought about it, the cowardly it seemed that he was doing this to the two of them. He kept his cold self up as he thought about it.

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