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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

private Axis and allies. ALLIES IC 2.0


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"You're right. We need to turn tail before they notice a patrol went dark. Come on. We're heading out back through the woods and double time it" Atlas began to make his way out of the combat zone. 

"Hunter, you coming?"


"Yeah... Just... Yeah" He got back up and began to move as well.

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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Seth Had already began to run, seeing as if they did get off a communication it was just a matter of time till reinforcements arrive. "Get a move on boy!" He called as he dashed past his partners. As he ran, he looked back to see hunter beginning to go distant. He needed to help the pony... but not now..

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Seth flew past him. He didn't mean that fast but the faster the better. Atlas flapped his wings and began to fly through the trees. In the distance the sound of artillery pieces firing off could be heard firing on an unknown target. 


Hunter caught up the pace and was running behind them. His face was almost blank. His mind was somewhere else with his body going through the motions.

A monster...


Back at the Base...

"Sir, the enemy will be here in minutes. We need to get to the fallback position" The lieutenant pleaded with the major while carrying as many documents and other intelligence he could.


"We've got patrols out here, damnit! We retreat when I damn well feel like it!" The ground shook as the tent next to them exploded in a fireball from a direct hit. 

"On second thought let's get out" 

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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As they approached the forward base, Seth could already see the bare polls of the tents. The base had bugged out without them. They were behind enemy lines. With a fearful face, he looked back to his CO.


"Atlas! They bugged out!" He called, looking at the mortar impacts. "The place is deserted! We... We are alone!"

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"Celestia, damn it!" Atlas threw his gun on the ground. He was bout to cream in anger but took a deep breath.

now is no the time, Atlas. Act first, curse command later. I'm responsible for these two.

The base was cleaned out. Mostly. It could easily be seen they left in a hurry but let some things behind. Jeeps were still parked near the tents and a few machines guns lie set up with barricades. Why was that still here? They were behind the lines. Axis troops would have taken off all of this to use themselves. Atlas gave a confused look at the camp. That just doesn't make sense. Unless the soldiers had kept moving to keep up momentum which means more soldiers would be heading this way to clean out the camp.

"We've got to get out of here" But where? The woods weren't safe. Going back toward their line would be suicide while half watching it.


"We're going deeper into the enemies lines. This is a long shot but there might be less personal with most fighting on the front. We're MIA from here on out. Drop anything that we don't need" Atlas bit his lip at his command. This could be a life saver or them all killed.


Hunter just listened. He felt numb. "Got it" He said dully. 

Edited by Firehearted

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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Seeing the US jeeps, Seth ran imminently over to one of them and tossed his gear into it. Looking to the marking of the celestia's flag, he began to scratch it out. "I could use a little help here. If we really want to move, we need a jeep. Frankly, I rather not show off your countries side in enemy turf." He called as he ripped off some of the coverings to get rid of the flag. Taking some left over supplies that was lying around, he jumped in the jeep.


"Now get in! we don't have much time!"

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"So much for traveling light" Atlas muttered. He threw his pack into the jeep with a thud. "Come on, Hunter. We don't have all day" Atlas called to his friend as he sat in the passenger seat oblivious to his condition. 


"Right" Hunter threw himself into the back of the Jeep. 


"Get us anywhere but here" Atlas ordered to the wolf at the wheel. "Next chance we get we're taking an enemy car. Even without insignia a Jeep looks pretty strange in Axis territory" 

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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Flooring the gas peddle, the wolf and ponies sped off towards the axis controled land. He hoped that the charging troops would head state towards the abandoned base and not for some of the backstreets. They were headed for canterlot. "Keep your eyes sharp, guys. If you see a pair of germane wheels, we could use them." He called as he sped on. Going into the allies, he kept their speed down as to not attract any unwanted attention.

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  • 1 month later...

They had been driving for at least an hour. Not a Germane unit in sight. Or a Germane car either. Atlas felt vulnerable. They were in the middle of a field. Scattered about the field were wrecks of airplanes both bombers and fighter planes. Must have been one of the teams on the way to bomb Manehatten. 


"Anything from you guys?"


"Nothing" Responded Hunter still flat and in thought.

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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"Nothing but flaming wrecks." The wolf barked, looking out for anything. Anything. As they sped down however, the wolf noticed something. In the distance, there was a large skid mark cut into a wide street. It seemed odd for a plain as most just crashed instantly. Driving a little closer to it, he saw something that made his day. A near intact large plain. An Arado Ar 232 from the looks of it.




Pulling up by it, he smiled as he saw that the only real damage was the wings and engines. The cargo section was untouched. "Guys... We got ourself a free plane to salvage." He announced. Where there was a plane, there was a long range radio.

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((I see you're using mobile))


"I'll be... That's great! Who knows what those Krauts have" A break. About damn time. But why was a plane like that, a cargo aircraft, flying this close to the front? It didn't matter though. This would be great! 


"Hopefully it's for logistics. If it is we'll have food, clothes, and anything else we need to pass as Axis troops till the Allies show up to get us out"


The Jeep came to a halt next to the large aircraft. Atlas hopped out throwing caution to the wind. He opened the door to find it free of personal and full of boxes with a large moon stamped on each side.


"Bingo!" He popped open the first crate. "What?" Allied uniforms. Allied guns. Allied flags. This made no sense. "Seth! Get a load of this!" Atlas kicked open the next crate. Axis uniforms, guns, and flags. "What?" Atlas repeated. Next. More Allied items. All the other boxes Atlas opened had allied gear besides two.


"This is... strange..." Axis with so much Allied gear? Why?


Hunter sniffed the air. 

"The pilots made it out. They went west... They've been gone for... a few minutes"


"Then let's get what we can and go"

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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Hopping out of the jeep, the wolf walked to the plane and looked inside at the gear. The boxes were all Luna's, but most were Celesta's troop gear. Taking a look at it all, two thoughts came to the wolf. Both were horrifying if one was true. First off, it could be that the troops were being supplied with. Allied gear as to fuck with who was who.


The other ideas... That these boxes were not all meant for Luna's forces. Could some of them actually have been for Celestia? That would mean that someone or something was supplying the war effort from both sides. Who on Equestria would do that though? It didn't make sense.


"Grab some axis cloths and gear. We'll need it as we go." He suggested, trying to find a set that could fit his form.

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"Woah, now. I doubt any Axis units have a wolf on record" Atlas called seeing Seth begin to try sizes. "From what I know they only take certain ponies for service and anyone else gets thrown into the Volksstorm. But that's just propaganda. Still you can't walk around like that" Atlas threw his bag off his back. After a moment of digging he produced a collar and leash.


"I was keeping this for Hunter if we needed it but..." He looked at Seth. "You have to be a Lunar guard dog for a bit. Unless you want to run the risk that is. I'm not ordering you"



Hunter sat outside in Axis fatigues one size too big for him. He had killed... It was war... No excuse! He had killed...


What's that? Hunter focused. A low droning noise... From the east... He looked in the general direction. A small dot was on the distance slowly approaching.


"Get those clothes on! A truck's coming!"

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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Finding some that were somewhat close, the wolf looked to the pony's idea. At the sight of the collar, he gave him the claw. "Do you know how incredibly racist that is? This is why it took a thousand years for the wolves to ever consider talking to ponies..." He muttered in anger. However, at the sight of the truck in the distance, Seth glared at Atlas. "I really fucking hate you..." He grumbled as he tossed on the collar, making sure he wasn't going to be choked.


The truck came up to the plain, some armed guards hopping out and looking to the pony sitting in the jeep. "Well, where did you find that solar trash?" One asked, referring to the car. "Good thing you came here. The crew of the plain were killed in the crash. The solar idiots would love to capture one of these hulks."

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Atlas threw on the uniform on top not checking it. Thank Celestia it fit. 

"Be thankful I didn't get a choke collar" He snapped back snickering.


Hunter chose not to answer the two soldiers bout the Jeep and just keep his mouth shut.


"Kapitän, Sir!" The two saluted as Atlas stepped from the plane Seth at his side. Atlas gave a lazy salute back. He would had grabbed the only officer's uniform. It had a nice hat though. The truck that had pulled up as an Opel Blitz. Those damn things had been all over the country when the Blitz first hit. In the front seat Atlas noticed the passenger shake the driver and point at him. That wasn't good. The driver shouted something into the back of the truck. A few moments later an officer came out from the back of the truck.


"Colonel, sir!" Atlas shouted saluting. Hunter from the Jeep gave one as well.


"As you were, Kapitän" He looked at the plane and Jeep they had. "I must congratulate you, Kapitän. If this plane had fallen into Solar hands we would have been in real trouble... Once again the SS doesn't fail to disappoint"


The SS? Atlas looked at the uniform he was wearing. On the jacket pocket a large black and white SS emblem sat. Note to self: Don't run into any friendlies wearing this.


"Do tell, Kapitän, how did you come into this possession of this... Jeep?" 


"Er... We got separated from the squad during a patrol. We found this and took it. 


"I see..." The Colonel looked down at Seth on Atlas's leash. He smiled at Seth "I wish I could have brought my dog. How I miss her. He seems fit. What breed is he?"


"Um... I don't know, sir. I... found him back home. We just kept him"


"Ah. Well I'm sure he's a good working dog"


"Yes, Herr Colonel. He's well obeyed and a good companion. Sit, Seth" Atlas ordered.


"Hello, pouch" The aging officer went to scratch behind Seth's ears.



Hunter looked from the Jeep. He could use a scratch behind the ears right now... War... A terrible, terrible thing.

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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When he was ordered to sit, he didn't hesitate. He didn't wish to get shot on site for being a wolf. However, when the pony began to scratch behind his ear, the wolf had to suppress a growl. It... did feel nice though. He wasnt going to admit it of course... but his tail was already giving away his feelings regarding the comfort. 


"Seeing as you don't have any respectable ride back to base, you, your dog, and your grunt can take our engineers' position on the drive back. They are staying to make sure the plain is destroyed before and Solars get out this far." The colonel said, waving a few ponies towards the crash site. He then took the leash of Seth. "If you would be so kind, I would love to borrow your dog to scare some new recruits at the base. Give them the fear needed to push forward!" He explained, going to the truck, the wolf being forced to join.

Edited by arkman575
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can take out engineers' position

((Our or out? This may be a stupid question to ask but what would be the engineers' positions?))


Atlas did nothing as the Colonel took Seth. What could he do?

"Of course, Herr Colonel. I just need him back by sundown"


"Don't worry, captain. He will be fine with me" 


"I trust you, Colonel" With a nod the officer took Seth with him to the back of the truck. From the road two more Opal Blitzs arrived. A few soldiers jumped out along with some explosives. A few began to drag crates with the other planted the explosives. Why did they want those uniforms?


"Herr Colonel! May I ask why we have those uniforms?" He frowned. 


"I see you looked in them... You are SS... Are in the team for Operation Griffon?"


"No, sir" He frowned a bit more.


"It's classified information, captain. Unless you've been assigned to one of the battalions I can't say a word. I've said too much than I should have already"


"Sorry, Colonel"


"It's fine, captain. Just don't say a word of it"

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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((Sorry for my pour wording. I was saying that you two would take their seats while the engineer ponies dot out and messed with the plane))


As the truck drove deeper into enemy territory, the wolf watched as other trucks began to load up the uniforms. It wasn't long till they began to leave. After about fifteen seconds after their departure, the plane burst into flames.


The colonel smiled at the sight, petting the wolf behind the ears and patting his head. For Seth, it was humiliating... but still felt somewhat good. For once... he was starting to not mind being considered a lower dog. It got him out of the way of being shot.



It wasn't long till the transport finally arrived at an Axis forwards HQ. As soon as the truck came to a halt, the colonel stood. "I must thank you gentle ponies. Your survive to Luna's army is much appreciated." He declared before lightly tugging on Seth's leash and began to walk towards the main tent. Giving a worried look to his comrades, Seth obeyed and fallowed. When they entered the tent, the two were greeted by a tall, grey-haired stallion in a generals uniform. "Sir!" The lesser pony saluted.


"At ease, I am to assume the mission was a success?" The elder stallion asked, sitting at his desk. He was looking over a document. From what the wolf could determine, it had something to do with Operation Griffon.


"Yes sir. The contents of the cargo plane were secured by SS officers and then recovered by my men. The cargo will be here within the hour."


"Very good. And the dog?"


"A lone from one of the SS officers. I plan to keep him for a while and taunt the local greens."


"Fine. But have it sent over to med tent to be checked out. I don't want a rabid mutt running around the camp." 


"Yes sir!" The pony saluted again and then departed for the medical tents. Seth groaned silently, beginning to hate the 'dog' plan again.

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Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Atlas hopped out of the truck along with the ever silent Hunter. Once the Colonel had left the tent he entered.


"General, sir!"


The general looked over the two. "At ease" The two relaxed. "Are you two SS who recovered the uniforms?"


"Yes, sir"


"I must thank both of you. Those uniforms are extremely important to the upcoming fight" He looked them up and down again. He rubbed his chin in thought.


"You two desire a reward... We also need some more good ponies on this job too and the SS officer is good for it... Where are you from, soldier?"


"Cloudsdale, sir"


"Excellent. That city is behind enemy lines right now. Are you familiar with the area on the ground?"


"Y-Yes, sir" What was he getting into?


"I want to put you two in the three battalions on Operation Griffon"


"What?" Atlas broke into a cold sweet. He had to get out before this started. Hunter just looked on coolly.


"I want you on the mission. You show you at least know what's important and you already know about the uniforms... I'm putting you and your grunt on the team. Briefings it in tent three tonight at 2100 hours. Dismissed, captain"


"Yes, sir" Atlas gave another salute and left the tent. That wasn't good. Not good at all. He need to find Seth and get out of here.



"Hunter" The werepony looked at Atlas eyebrow raised. "Sniff out Seth. We need to get to him" He nodded, sniffed the air, and began to walk.

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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Seth was taken to a medical tent, where we was placed on a table. His handler had explained what needed to be done, and then saluted as he left to Celestia knows where. The main doc walked over with a clip board. 


"So, doggy, giving you the entire medical rundown. It shouldn't take too long. And I will try not to be too rough." The doctor assured, placing the clip board down and wheeling over a cart. On it were a few needles and veils. He then took out a raiser and approached the wolf. By instinct, Seth nearly backed off the table.


"It's ok, buddy. Just need to shave a bit of hair off one leg to get some blood." He said in a calm voice, nodding to a nurse. Without warning, Seth found himself restrained to the table, unable to move. He dared not bark out, but he did try to resist. "Im sorry... just be a nice dog and we can see if you are sick or not."


The doc clipped some fur off of Seth's right foreleg, then proceeded to draw some blood. Seth only whined a bit, but only for dramatic effect. After filling three veils, the doctor walked to another room and began to run the tests. While he was away, the nurse came back in and sat on a chair near Seth. 


"There there, boy. You will be out of this soon." He cooed, rubbing the wolf's belly from next to him. "I raided the mess hall and got ya something. A piece of pie." She then levitated a plate of apple pie in front of the wolf, close enough for him to eat at it. "Go ahead. You could use something to eat. You will be here for a while if the docs have their way. Word around here is they might just keep ya here for moral. Dogs can really bring up spirits for the troops."


Seth ate the pie, only because he hadn't eaten much lately. At the mention of his staying permanently at an Axis base, he nearly choked on it. He couldn't stay here, not forever.

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After a small run around the camp Hunter lead Atlas to the medical bay.


"Hello?" Atlas called in peeking his head in.


"Yes?" Asked the nurse. "Can I help you?"


"Yes, ma'am. I'm looking for my dog. Pretty big, black fur, fierce lookin'. Seen him?"


"This dog?" She moved a bit revealing Seth eating a pie.


"Yes, ma'am... What are you doing to him?" Atlas asked stepping in. 


"We had to run a few tests. Nothing major"


"Well thank you ma'am but I'm sure he's fine. I had test run already"


"Unless you show records he has to get them again. Doctor's orders, sorry" She was sweet about it. Clearly not military either. Probably a small-time nurse from the local populace. 


"Of course, ma'am" Atlas walked to Seth still lying on the table. Hunter just waited at the door in deep thought. "Hey, boy. We just got an assignment from the general. We're going on some big operation" His voice was happy and cheerful but his eyes said "Holy shit we're screwed! If we don't get outa here we're all dead!" more or less.


"As soon as you're done here we can go play a nice game of fetch and talk" He said with a smile.

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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Seth smiled at the sight of Atlas and Hunter, although he couldn't do much to show it besides wag his tail. As Atlas spoke, Seth could tell that there was danger afoot. Silently cursing, he looked to the nurse and gave her the best puppy dog eyes he could. 


"There there puppy, you can join your master soon. It's just slandered regulation." The mare said, still stroking Seth. 


The doctor walked in, carrying a clipboard. "Well, one test down... and I am a bit concerned with the results..." He said, eyeing the pony near Seth. "You are the owner, correct. We took a blood sample from him and I just got a test done on it to determine his species for future tests... and it came back inconclusive... for dogs. I ran another, to see if I could get a wider variety of animals... and that thing is  100% wolf." The doc finished, looking to Seth, then Atlas.

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"And is there a problem with that?"


"Well, yes" The doctor cocked his head a bit. "It's a wolf. Not a domesticated dog"


"Whoop de do! He ain't aggressive" 


"He may not be but he is still a wolf"


"I don't care..." Atlas scanned his outfit. "Lieutenant. He's my dog and he's fine by my book"


"But, sir-"


"Tell me when your done with those tests" The doctor, defeated, frowned and went back to finish his tests. "You just stay put, boy. He'll be done in a jiffy" Atlas rubbed Seth's belly as he spoke keeping up the act.

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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Seth sighed, knowing that him being a wolf would only add to the list of suspicions. This would not be easy to pull off now. give a little bark of kindness to Atlas, he then turned to the doc. To his surprise he was holding a needle rather close to Seth's side. Without eve having time to react, he was injected. He barked out in anger, but then slowly lost his energy to. After a few seconds, he was out cold.


"Sorry about that, but the regulations prohibit carnivores of his level to be treated without being suppressed." The doctor announced, pulling the trank needle out. "Now if you excuse me, I have lab reports to check."

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Atlas was fuming. That doctor...


Hunter could sense the anger in Atlas.


"If you will excuse me I need to ask the doctor something" Atlas began to follow the doctor. 


"Atlas" Atlas turned around to the only work Hunter had said since arriving. He just shook his head. Atlas nodded. Now wasn't the time. With a grunt and frown Atlas went back to Seth's side. In the mean time he check his uniform fully. Atlas took of his hat. Standard for Axis officers captain and above. His had a silver skull and crossbones on the front. Cheery. The rest of his uniform looked like any other Axis soldier's except a few more patches. The large SS on side, a couple unit designations, and other things that could identify him as an SS officer. 


Operation Griffon... What was that all about? Whatever it was they were now part of it. It involved experienced soldiers, Solar gear, and possible intel on area in Solar hands... It didn't add up... A counter-attack? Maybe. By why Solar gear? It's not like they could use it. Something didn't add up. Something was missing in this equation.

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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