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private Axis and allies. ALLIES IC 2.0


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The doctor found himself at the receiving end of the stair from Atlas, only for him to grunt and go back to his work on the tests. 


The nurse on the other hand stayed with Atlas and Hunter. "Im sorry about this... it's just that after a few wolf attacks near the edge of the Everfree, we needed some regulations... If I may ask, why did you bring you pet into combat? He seems strong, but you also seem quite close. Don't you worry about losing him?"

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"I see. It's fine. The Everfree can be a rough place" I'd know.


He'd only known Seth for about a day. Atlas hadn't owned a dog before either... What to say? He rubbed hie neck thinking.


"Well of course I worry about him. I just couldn't bare to see poor guy alone back at home. But he's a good dog. He's saved my life once. It was an a patrol. If he hadn't taken out the soldiers he did me and Hunter over there wouldn't have been able to hold them off" He sighed. "He's like any one of my squad mates. If he were to die because of an order I gave I don't know what'd I do" 



Hunter remained at the door silent as a guard on duty. His expression was dull and eyes lifeless. A monster...

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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Seth's eye twitched. It twitched again. Then it opened slightly. The suppressant was meant for non-sentient wolves, not the full breed he was. That, and he had trained to resist effects of drugs. When his mind registered that Atlas was in front of him, he whispered something softly.


"... r...restraints..." He said, his head slightly nodding to the tie-downs. "...Untie..."

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"Did he just say something?" The nurse looked at Seth in bewilderment.


"No, ma'am. You must have been hearing things" She gave a concerned look at Seth then shrugged. "Hey, ma'am?"




"Would you mind running to the mess to grab some water and maybe something to eat. I'd go myself but I won't leave Seth alone like this"


"I would too but I can't just-"


"Please, ma'am. It'll take just a second" Atlas asked almost pleading. 


She sighed. "Fine" She trotted out of the medical tent. Atlas leaned out to see how far she went. Annnd... Gone. Atlas darted to Seth's side and unstrapped the bands keeping him down.


"You alright? Sorry, about that. You're not leaving my side till we're out of here" He patted his side trying to wake him up a bit.

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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Seth slowly sat up, blinking his eyes to clear them. "God... That's a hell of a trank... Keep the belts on me, just not locked." He said, knowing they would be in deep trouble of he was found missing. "I.. I have a plan. When you go on your mission, I will sneak out of here and requisition a little transport from the motor pool. Grab a light tank, close the hatches, and we are home free." He stated, smiling. For being drugged, he was rather good at planning.

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"Got it" Atlas threw the straps back on. "I hope you can drive one of those. As soon was we're done here we need to talk" Just as Atlas finished the nurse returned with a canteen. 


"Here you go, sir"


"Thank you" Atlas took the it and drank some. He hadn't had anything to drink for a while now. The drink was refreshing. He was going to offer some to Seth but he was supposed to be sedated and not sentient. A non-com popped his head into the tent.


"Are the Captain from the plane?" He asked.




"Orders from High Command. Briefing has been pushed to 0400 hours" He left without another word. That was strange... He check his watch, the only thing he still had from his old uniform. It was 0345 hours now. They must really want that out soon. He'd have to head out soon.


"Nurse, will the doc be finished soon?"


"I don't know. It all depends on how fast he goes. Could be done now or a couple hours" Atlas nodded. So he waited.

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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The doctor had finished most of his tests, getting nominal results. It seemed the wolf would be free to go as long as the last couple of tests cleared out. Going back to the group, he cleared his throat. "Well, the tests are looking good. However, i will have to inform the base CO about the wolf on his turf." He said, nodding to the nurse as he walked for the door.

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Atlas frowned. Did it really matter if the CO knew? 

"Fine. We free to go?" He asked not expecting an answer by the doctors last statement of the tests looking good. Where was the Colonel? Shouldn't he be here.


"Come on, boy. We've got to get to that briefing" Atlas patted Seth on the stomach as the nurse began to take off the straps. She looked at them with concern.


"Did you mess with these? I could have swore I locked them"


"No, ma'am"


"Oh... I must have forgotten" She took the last one off giving Seth room to move.


"Come on, Seth. We've got to go" Atlas stomped on the ground playfully.

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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Lazily standing, the wolf moaned to himself. He then doubled back, his head spinning. "God damn... what the hell did you give me?" He asked in a slued tone to the med techs.


To their shock, the two ponies backed up. "Umm... did that wolf... just talk?"


Tilting his head to the side, the wolf finally put two and two together. "Um... no?" He said, doubting it would work.

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"Oh, Celestia damn it, Seth" Atlas muttered. The doctor and nurse looked at him then Seth again.


"He didn't say anything" Atlas said trying to put on a convincing face. "I don't know what you're going on about" They looked at him in disbelief. No fooling them after that stunt.



"Say anything about this and I'll end your lives slow and painfully" The low dangerous voice of Hunter came from behind Atlas. Everyone turned too look and saw instead of Hunter stood a large wolf. The once once size too big uniform was one size too small. 


"Not a fucking word"


That wasn't Hunter... Atlas knew it. Sure, it was the same body, voice, and face but that wasn't the Hunter he knew. That Hunter was cruel, mean, and ready to kill. Something wasn't right with him... Ever since the patrol he'd been acting like reserved and only talking when needed. Now, however, he was mean. He looked like he'd be glad to lop their heads off.

Edited by Firehearted

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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Seth looked over to the voices location with weak eyes. Seeing the large beast, he nearly fell over. "h-Hunter? Have you been working out?" He asked, still highly intoxicated. He felt like he was about to pass out, but he kept his ground.


The two medical ponies on the other had were another story. The nurse had fainted while the doctor was pail as snow. "W...We won't say a word... Just let us live! W-we are just civilians!" He mumbled the plea.

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"Fine" Hunter spat. Slowly he became a only again still looking angry.


"Hunter-" Atlas began.


"I don't want to fucking here it, Atlas" Atlas frowned worried. He was irritable and now wasn't the time. 


"Take Seth to some secluded place and wait for me. You'll know when I'm looking for you"


"Sure" Hunter was pissed. Not really at anything just mad. He went and grabbed Seth throwing him on his back hard.


"I've got to go see what's up at that briefing" Atlas ran out the door looking for Tent 3.



Grumbling Hunter took Seth out of the medical tent. He got a few looks leaving but nothing to be worried about. The "secluded" location he choose was the back of the base motor pool. It was almost exactly like one the Allies would have expect Lunar trucks and tanks. Hunter pushed Seth off of his back.

"Don't talk to me" He told the wolf angrily.



Atlas, after some asking around, found Tent 3 as the briefing began. There was a nice place in the back for him to stand but still able to hear. The tent was full of officers with not a single enlisted in sight. In the center was projector flickering on while a major fumbled to get it working. After a few more seconds and curses the words "Operation Griffon" flashed onto the bed sheet functioning as a screen.


"Ah... Finally got that working. Now then, sorry to get this all rushed but we needed to get this out as soon as possible" He flicked a switch on the projector. 




"This is top secret. This will not be talked about out of this tent. Understand?" A few murmurs of confirmation and nods were given. 

"Good" *Flick*


"This is our time table" A number of times and dates were displayed on the screen many scratched out with new ones on the side. "We move out tonight at 2000 hours. From there we move into enemy territory at 2400. The rest is up to you and your orders"




A map of the area as well as the Solar line. It gave in clear detail Solar troop movement and positions. How had they gotten this much intel? 


"This is the enemy line... It is heavily defended here, here, and here" He pointed at a number of spots int he line marked a dark red. "They will be our main targets. We will enter through this woodland area" He pointed at the woods. "We have reports of enemy patrols in the region and have lost a patrol to them in this area" 


A officer raised his hoof.

"Yes, captain?"


"How do you plan to take on half the Solar army? We only have about one hundred ponies"


"Ah, ha! That's why we choose the best of the best! Now you're probably thinking 'But even if we are the best we aren't big enough' Well that's where the special part begins!" The major despite his age was bouncing like a little colt.


"We are partaking in a False Flag operation!" A few shocked mumbling came from the crowd. "Everyone will be wearing enemy uniforms and equipped with enemy weapons. We are also taking along some captured armor" 


"Um, sir" A junior officer walked forward. "The enemy armor... We only have half of what we were promised. The rest is just painted over panzers"


"Oh, we will make due"


How had they gotten this much intelligence? The uniforms? This was big. If these unit got behind the lines it could throw the whole front into array.


The officer from before rasied his hoof. "How did we get these uniforms and guns?"


"A friend" The major told him ominously.


This wasn't good. 

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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Seth looked to the large wolf with a sad, drunken look. Sitting against the body of a semi-old tank, the wolf looked to his paws. "If you feel like you are alone in the world for being who you are... your not." He finally said, almost casually. "Hell... I've killed countless ponies. Some with bullets, knives, teeth... bear paws." He added, lying back, patting the dirt beside him as to invite the beast over. "You just have to accept that you did what you did... you know that you might have fucked up... but... for now... what are you going to do... This world is cruel, but it's life. So you killed ponies... in a way, you an't actual that bad off. You had no bad intention thought towards them. You didn't let them suffer. You just killed them quickly. You didn't have much of a choice." He said. The wolf was mostly repeating what he had been told when he returned from the wolven war, but it still held strong in him.

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"Alpha team will move east and swap road signs and stuff of the like. Just cause disorder in general" The major went on and on. Most was just assignments and maps of the area all of which Atlas knew.


"Now for officer assignments!' Atlas perked his ears. "Colonel Golden Blood wants a captain with a dog" The major looked at the note he had in question. 


"That would be me, sir" Atlas raised his hoof. 


"Ah, yes, Captain..."


"Lightfeather" Ow... Should have used a fake name.


"Captain Lightfeather. You get Thunder Team. The enlisted know who they are. Your team, gear, and other muck will be outside Moter Pool Three"


"Yes, sir"


"You should get going. We head out soon" 


"Of course, sir!" Atlas dismissed himself before the long tangent of assignments went any farther. Now he just had to find Hunter and Seth and hopefully get out before he was given control of Axis squad.




Hunter was ready to smack the wolf upside the head. He wasn't in the mood.

It's just the wolf talking... That's all...

He noticed he was still a wolf. How long had he been like that? It seemed okay though. No one had come looking for two wolves one in uniform. With a sigh we became a pony again once again having a uniform too big for him. He just looked at the spot Seth was patting. He wanted to go over there but he didn't. This wasn't a time to make pals.


"Your speech was nice and all but that isn't everything... You don't know what it feels like to be a Lycan. It's not just happening to be a pony that's a wolf ever so often. My... Killing a pony was one step. I'd never done that before. Sure I'd hunted elk and shit but never a pony. I had the thoughts a wolf on the hunt. I reserve those thoughts for only hunting animals... It's not okay... It's one damn step. One step. I've seen feral Lycan. I don't want to be that. They don't know right from wrong, pony from animal. I... I feel if I keep this up I'll go feral. Who knows what I'll do? Kill somepony? Kill Atlas?"


He sighed. "I fight myself everyday. Every night I want to run into those woods and hunt. I know every time I give I go a bit farther to going feral... I can't. Just... I don't want to talk about, it okay? Not killing ponies, not my werewolfism thing... We need to find Atlas"



"Seth, boy! Come here! I got a nice bone for you!" Atlas hollered around the camp.

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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The wolf perked his ears and looked in the direction of his commanding officer/owner. Not entirely wanting to be with Hunter, seeing as he (at least to the drugged wolf's mind) blew him off, he trotted off to find Atlas. It didn't take much as he was trying to make himself known. The wolf trotted up with a bit of a sway in his step, barking out to see him. Wagging his tail, he lead the pony back to where Hunter was sulking. "He said he wanted to talk to you." He muttered in a somewhat annoyed tone ans he left the two to talk. He was done offering advice to a want-to-be wolf. Wondering off to the motor pool, the wolf decided to relax in an unused jeep. No one would notice.

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"Hey, boy!" He saw the wolf who seemed to still be a bit intoxicated by the drugs the doc had him on. "Hunter? He seems a bit... Angry to say the least right now" Atlas watched as Seth walked off.


"Just get back here soon! I'd prefer to get out before he have to go on that operation!" He shouted. He probably heard Atlas...


"You wanted to talk to me?" Atlas asked keeping a few steps away from Hunter.


"Nah... We just need to get going" Atlas scanned Hunter up and down. 


"Something's up with you... You have that look"


"Nothing's wrong. Come on" Atlas put his hoof up. 


"Something is wrong"


"Nothing. Is. wrong!" Hunter barked at him. "Nothing... I'm fine" Atlas frowned but nodded. If he wanted to keep it to himself he'd let him. 



The Colonel checked his watch. Where was he? "Has anyone seen Captain Lightfeather?" No one in the squad spoke. The Colonel rubbed his chin. Strange... Maybe had was lost. He wasn't in the camp records so he had to have just been assigned. "I'll send some ponies to find him. Till then prep. Get on your uniforms and such" The Colonel trotted off in hunt of the supposed SS captain.

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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The wolf noticed the colonel and decided to try and help their cover a bit by leading him to his friends. If they were reported missing, the whole operation would go to hell. Walking from the car to the Axis pony, Seth gave a light bark.


"Oh, it's you!" The colonel said, a grin on his face. "Tell me, where are your masters. We have been looking for them for a while now." He said, scratching behind the wolf's ears. With a wag of his tail, Seth trotted to where the two were. Thankfully, Hunter was back to normal. He barked to gain their attention.


"Finally. I said motor pool three. This is one. Get your gear and get into uniform!" He yelled at the two.

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  • 3 months later...

"Yes, sir!" Altas shouted back. Hunter just nodded. "We got lost. My bad,sir"


"Yes, yes. Get along then"


"Hunter, get to the team and tell them I'll be there momentarily"


"Yes, sir" He ran off, still a bit sluggish, toward the team I'd been assigned. How'd I get myself stuck here again? Oh yeah. I got caught behind enemy lines, found a Axis supply plane and crate told me and my squad to suit up, and then got assigned to an Axis squad. Great. 


"Do you still want my dog, sir? I'd like to take him on the mission. The enemy is known to use guard dogs so he'd fit in" If they were going to get out of here they'd have to wait for the mission to begin...



Hunter found Atlas' team sitting around waiting.

"He'll be here in a sec" A few nodded understand what he meant. They went back to talking to each other.


"So who're you?" Asked a private who was a bit too friendly toward Hunter.


"Don't fuckin' talk to me"


"Gee don't be such a hardass" He backed off and went back to the others.

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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