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open Nopony gets tranquillity(THE ROLEPLAY)


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Hi, I wanted to do a roleplay based on my fanfiction. If you have already read it please skip to the bottom of the page, if not then please read it.


He felt his vision slowly fade, he was hardly able to breath from all the pain. Right when the pain peaked, he heard an evil cackle and then felt nothing.

  It was an average day in Ponyville, for everypony just shopping and trying to stay out of the burning heat. Roaring Fire was just flying around at his top speeds. He was much faster then he was last week, maybe he could finally catch up to the other ponies in Ponyville. When suddenly, duty calls and he gets a ringing in his ear from getting passed by a cart being pulled by two guards. In the back was Vexing Echo, she has been friends with him since he first moved here. Any time he needed help she was here for him, Vexing was let into a secret organization that stops crime in Equestria. Roaring liked Vexing's dark violet coat and he liked that she was different like him, she was a bat pony.

“Roaring, we need you to study something going on in the town, ponies mysteriously disappearing.” Vexing glared, with a demanding look about her.

“Okay, you told me that last week and the week before but it never happens.” Roaring stated, slightly confused on why Vexing would bother with him instead of a guard. He knew that Vexing usually tells the truth, he just couldn't believe that crime is happening in Ponyville. It has always been such a calm town, he just was confused.

"It was a statement." Vexing glared at him, no form of happiness about her. Roaring was confused because Vexing usually loved this kind of stuff. He just stared back for a couple of seconds and nodded in acceptance.

"I need you to go and interrogate Rainbow Dash, she has some form of connection to this" Vexing said, she looked a bit better now that Roaring wasn't being so oblivious to what was happening. Roaring was confused, he always looked at Rainbow Dash as some form of inspiration. She was always so much faster, and in flight school she was always more popular. Roaring flew off to Rainbow Dash's cloud house.

He trotted to the door and knocked loudly, no answer. He yet again knocked, but again no answer. He looked to the side to see a window, he opened it quietly and snuck in. He looked around, of course his stomach growled. He couldn't solve crimes on an empty stomach, he opens the fridge and took some hay fries. He looks at the nearby counter to see her To Do Schedule, he of course thought “Why would a pony so awesome have a To Do List?”. Like the stalker he is, he opened it and to his surprise it was written on recently. He see's a note telling her to visit with “AJ”, Roaring was new to ponyville so sadly he didn't know many names. It says R, FS and PP will be meeting with them. Roaring was getting more and more confused, he flew to the smartest pony he knew. He landed in front of the library and knocked on the door, a baby dragon opened the door. He looked puzzled at the dragon, he wondered if this was the right place.

“Uh, may I speak to Twilight Sparkle please?” Roaring asked confusedly.

“Twilight! You have a visitor, it's a stallion!” The little dragon yelled.

The lavender mare trotted down the stairs with her eyes glued to a book, Roaring had never noticed she had wings before. She sent the dragon away and let Roaring in, she signalled for him to sit down so he did.

“Roaring, what is it you would like to speak to me about?” Twilight asked, seeming a little grumpy.

“I was wondering if you could tell me who these ponies are, I was only given initials.” Roaring replied, a little nervous from her tone. She took the paper and examined the names, she looked back up at Roaring who was now behind her reading the page as well.

“I've come to conclude these ponies are: Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity and Pinkie Pie, what is this about?” Twilight questioned.

“Okay first promise you won't tell anypony Twilight, this is an important mission” Roaring said, meaningfully.

“I promise, now please tell me.” Twilight said, curiously.

“I've been sent on a secret mission, somepony has been killing everypony around ponyville.” Roaring whispered.

“How do my friends relate to this?” Twilight asked.

“They are meeting at the farm, I don't know why they wouldn't invite you.” Roaring said confused.

“Okay, you'd better be going if you want to make it there in time.” Twilight shooed him out the door and closed it.

Roaring flew as quickly as possible, he was going to be late! He saw a yellow mare trotting in, he recognized her from flight school a few years ago. He felt his fur go from it's regular orange to a slight red on his cheeks, he had a slight crush on Fluttershy in flight school. He liked the way she squeaked at every question asked to her, his memories were quickly interrupted by a blood curdling scream. How long had he had been day dreaming? He quickly leapt down, he didn't see anything. The ponies were gone, as he turned around he was knocked unconscious by a swift hoof to the face. He was suddenly home again, flying free in the skies. No pony to tell him what to do, no Vexing. He was completely free! To make it even better he heard Fluttershy's sweet voice calling out to him, what was she saying? Wake up? He wasn't asleep though was he? He opened his eyes and saw Fluttershy standing above him, he wasn't sure what happened. Did she maybe knock him out?

“What happened?!” Roaring jumped up but his mouth was quickly covered by Fluttershy.

“Shhh, just listen to me...if you want...we were having a meeting about who we thought was the killer and suddenly we were like this.” Fluttershy whispered in her sweet voice.

“Like what? You seem fine to me..” Roaring looked at Fluttershy, observing to see any changes.

Fluttershy helped Roaring up and he looks around, he couldn't believe his eyes. He was in the library, and everything grew around him. Or maybe he just shrunk. He looked over to see something that spiked his curiosity.

He looked at Fluttershy and saw behind her were the other 4 ponies who were meeting. He saw the familiar lavender mare, yelling at a bug. It couldn't be a bug could if she was yelling, maybe it was another pony. Roaring lept off the table and quickly glided down to a height where he wouldn't be noticed. The lavender mare was HUGE compared to him, her wing could fit 30 of him. He looked down to see a Grey pegasus on the ground, the target of Twilight's yelling. When suddenly, he was crushed under her house sized hoof. Roaring for the first time in his life was mortally terrified, Twilight was the pony behind the killings? She trotted past Roaring and looked at the 5 ponies, who were now awake.

“Trying to stop me are we girls? What happened to friendship, supporting a friend?!” She yelled at them.

“T-twi, we can't support you when you are killing off ponies...” A orange mare with a cowboy hat spoke out.

“Don't make accusations yet Applejack, I'm not killing ponies. Merely shrinking them down to this size and forcing them to sort my library and clean for all of eternity.” Twilight said, while she had a devilish grin on her face.

"That's not fun though Twilight, we should just do something else. Maybe a party? Yay, I'll get the cake!" A pink mare happily jumped about, Roaring remembered this mare.

"Pinkie Pie darling, I'm sure Twilight is too busy for a party. But she might let us go for free?" A white mare, probably the most elegant mare Roaring had laid eyes on spoke. She had a begging look in her eyes.

"There is no release, I didn't want to have to take you girls here. But you were getting so suspicious, I couldn't help myself." Twilight had less of a grin, but she still had that look about her.

“What happened to not telling anypony?!” Roaring realized he spoke out.

Twilight turned around and leaned down, her steaming breath was sending chills up his spine. She looked him directly in the eyes with her eye. Roaring noticed a familiar aura from her horn, it's black magic. He only knew one pony who could cast black magic, he couldn't remember who it was though.

“I didn't tell anypony, I just took the information to mind and used it to my advantage.” Twilight smiled at him.

“You won't get away with this, I'll-” Roaring was interrupted mid sentence.

“You'll what? Get squashed? Make threats you can actually keep.” Twilight snarled back to him.

“It's time for bed for me, try to escape overnight and I will kill you.” Twilight grinned and trotted upstairs.

(There is more, but it's not important at the moment)


In the roleplay, Roaring along with all of our OC's were shrunken! What happens? That's for you to decide!

Edited by TheAmazingPinkito


Signature and Avatar by: Yours Truly (I truly am an artiste now..) 

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Ecliptic Shade, or Eclipse, sat there on a shelf, shrunken down. She contemplated the past events that led her to this point. 




It was a warm summer day, and Eclipse had only moved out of her foster parents house 4 years ago. After living in the woods her whole life, she decided to try a larger settlement, and decided to move to Ponyville. At first, everything moved quick and was a blur, but things had slowed down after 3 years. Those years were a blur to her now, but she remembered how she got into this infernal place. She knew of Princess Twilight Sparkle long before she met her. But she certainly never expected to meet her on a dark street, and be ambushed. But she never expected herself to let her guard down, even for a second, But that's what happened. Twilight crept up on her, shrunk her down, and stuck her in a jar for the journey. It was not a pleasant one, bouncing around, but eventually landed in this library.




Now here she was, stuck on this shelf, surrounded by other shrunk ponies. Her training came to play, and a plan was in the midst of forming. To anyone else, she was lost in though, but to herself, she was coming up with a plan to get out of this dump.

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Tuned Shock felt his hooves get weak, he was waking up where exactly? He saw a bunch of ponies talking to eachother, they were on...a table. Tuned was following Roaring Fire, a pony who he was inspired by since he was a foal. Roaring was a pegasus though, Tuned was a unicorn. He was feeling uncomfortable because of the mare trotting upstairs who was the size of an apartment building. He had a bad feeling about this. He trotted over to the edge of the table and saw Roaring flying away, and the 5 mares all run off towards the door. Twilight noticed Roaring and the mares plotting an escape and used her magic to grow the size of Pinkie to the same as herself and turned her evil as well. Pinkie put her "friends" into a jar and looked over at Tuned and the other ponies on the table with a smile.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(This signals flashback)

Tuned Shock had followed Roaring into a barn and saw Twilight kick him in the face. She then used a spell to shrink Tuned Shock and as he tried to run away, she teleported to him and reached down. She then freaking ate him, not picked up. She had him fully in her mouth, he guessed it was so he couldn't struggle. He was being pressed under her tongue to her gums. He felt himself being spit out a couple minutes later, and he blacked out.


Signature and Avatar by: Yours Truly (I truly am an artiste now..) 

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